one's door

Chapter 967 Different

Chapter 967 Different
With a feeling of apprehension, Zhang Yan put his fate into the original core of Huangtianyu, and then his fate drifted into the depths in Zhang Yan's perception.

It's as if a part of my body has been separated, and I can still feel the existence of that part, but there is clearly a distance partition in the middle.
Especially when fate and the "curious" majestic purple energy came into contact, Zhang Yan even had an inexplicable feeling of "I can do it too".In a trance, he suddenly understood that the source of this feeling should be that he also had the primordial purple energy in his body, and even in terms of quality and quantity, it was far above the Desolate Heaven Territory.

"Then can I hide my own destiny?" Zhang Yan had such an absurd thought.But it was quickly rejected by himself.

Because the key to hiding fate is not actually the majestic purple energy.Zhang Yan felt that the familiarity was just an illusion after Fate entered the core of the world.And the most important thing is not what is inside the core of the world, but the shell outside the core of the world.It is that layer of "shell" that blocks the rules of life and death, so that his fate can be hidden without being discovered.

I want to hide my fate in myself.This layer of similar "shell" is necessary.Maybe in the future Zhang Yan will forge a phylactery by himself?Or another way?can't tell now
The whole process is actually not complicated.Excluding the time it took Zhang Yan to comprehend the fate, the peeling and hiding of the fortune-telling was completed in less than half an hour.

"How?" Naturally, Huang Tianyu would not feel any discomfort in having an extra piece of fate in his core.It cares about the success or failure of the transaction.Before, I was envious that Zhang Yan learned the ability to devour the original power of the world, and swallowed such a large amount of the original power of the world in one go.This is much better than Huang Tianyu's sneaky, digging and searching around to try his luck in the autumn wind.

Therefore, Huang Tianyu actually hopes that this transaction can be successful.Utilizing its own "no special use" core, once it reaches Zhang Yan's vision, even if the deal is concluded, it can harvest a lot of the world's original power, which can at least save it from traveling for thousands of years or even more. long time.Pull up your own evolutionary process.

"It seems. I can't tell. Now I feel very strange. It is something I have never experienced before. I can feel that the catastrophe is approaching me. Should it be considered a success?"

Zhang Yan also wanted to share his feelings at this moment with Huang Tianyu.But he couldn't express that feeling in words.It's like not knowing how to describe colors to a blind person.Words are poor, but also very uncomfortable.

Of course, success or failure is the best yardstick.The catastrophe is a test and a warning.He has been accompanying Zhang Yan through one hurdle after another.With danger comes opportunity.

Not reconciled in his heart, Zhang Yan set up his own practice method, and began to breathe out the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to transform the immortal essence normally.He even actively urged the trinity self-cultivation system in his body to speed up the gain of the primordial spirit and immortal body, and at the same time urged the three nebulas to generate more vitality and the original power of the world produced by himself.

While Zhang Yan was repeatedly sorting out and thinking about the many novel changes that occurred after he hid his fate now, in the Chaos Sect, Feng Yuhe of Mingyue Valley was shocked by the changes in the Tianji Pillar in front of him and directly put his hands in his hands. Tea cups fell to the ground.

At that time, Zhang Yan thought that it was some kind of unique ability of Da Luo Jinxian.Didn't realize it was here now.


It wasn't until Zhang Yan finished his training and stood up to use techniques and rules that he felt "it seemed different from before".And this feeling is not the technique and the rules themselves, but the "differentness" of the process.

Perhaps this time, it will take after the catastrophe to truly understand the difference between stepping into the realm of Daluo after hiding fate and the Golden Immortal at this time.

"It just seems that my state at this time is more straightforward than theirs? Is it my own illusion?" Zhang Yan found the reason, but at the same time he was a little confused.Because he felt that he seemed to be more thorough in these aspects unique to the Da Luo Jinxian than Mu Dong.

Zhang Yan closed his eyes again and carefully felt the situation in his body.There is no obvious change trend every time the cultivation level jumps up as in the past.For example, at the beginning, the primordial spirit, the immortal body, the golden body, and so on.

Such changes are foreseeable and absolutely unpredictable and difficult to avoid.Even if it is used in an attack, it will be absolutely sudden and sharp.Because ordinary defense methods or ordinary means and structures are simply unable to resist this sudden result of "no trace" or "no warning".

But at this time, it is still the last great realm under the saint.But there was no obvious change.If it weren't for the lingering sense of urgency of the catastrophe, Zhang Yan couldn't be sure that he just did a major event that other immortals might not be able to do even after countless years.

And Zhang Yan also smiled, knowing that Huang Tianyu was reminding himself not to turn the boat over and blind the present good situation for nothing.

"I'm afraid the catastrophe this time will be difficult, so you should take care of yourself. Don't die, and break my deal." After Huang Tianyu said the last sentence, he disappeared and did not make a sound.

But even though Zhang Yan tried almost all the practice-related things, he still didn't feel the slightest "different".

Compared with the past, Zhang Yan found that now he has become "untraceable" no matter the means of technique or rules.It seemed to appear out of nowhere and end out of nowhere.

This reminded Zhang Yan of his fight with the two Da Luo Jinxians from Linglong Immortal Realm in Mingyue Valley.Whether it's Wang Fu who was overwhelmed by Zhang Yanyue's great realm, or the ancient immortal Mu Tong who suddenly appeared behind.In fact, their methods all have a similar feeling, that is, "no trace to be found".In particular, the knife that Mu Tong broke through the Immortal-killing Sword Realm was the most vivid expression of this feature, and it was also the reason why the Immortal-killing Sword Realm was destroyed by the opponent and Zhang Yan had no way to stop it.

Without even thinking about it, Feng Yuhe opened up his spiritual sense and shouted at Xie Wei in Zhengtian Yuezhuang, who was considered a bit of a forbidden man. Even Song Shiyu, who was in meditation at the other side of the villa, was also greeted by her.And she herself stood in front of the Tianji Pillar every step of the way, her eyes fixed on it without moving.

In less than five breaths, there was a wave of movement around Feng Yuhe, and Xie Wei and Song Shiyu, one in front of the other, arrived.Feng Yuhe's imprisonment circle was also opened early, and it will be opened and closed after they come in.

"What happened?"

"Master Gu! I can't find Zhang Yan's vein again!?"

(End of this chapter)

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