one's door

Chapter 968 Suspicion

Chapter 968 Suspicion
The display on the Tianji Pillar is obscure and secretive, let alone understand it, it is impossible for ordinary people to see clearly the complicated changes on it.

The only people in the entire Mingyue Valley who have come into contact with the Tianji Pillar are these three people gathered today.

Xie Wei, Song Shiyu, Feng Yuhe.

The Tianji Pillar is an important auxiliary magic weapon of the Diffraction Technique, which can expand the depth and scope of the Diffraction Technique to the limit.Guided by the jade slips that Song Shiyu obtained from the ruins, with the help of Xie Wei, the two worked hard to refine it.Handed over to Feng Yuhe, who is the most talented in Yanshu in Mingyue Valley.

So Feng Yuhe called Xie Wei and Song Shiyu over, and he briefly explained the reason. Later, Song Shiyu and Xie Wei themselves could see the clue from the Tianji Pillar.

"Although Zhang Yan disappeared again for hundreds of years, just like the previous time, the veins representing his luck are still expressed in the Tianji column, and will be strengthened at an extremely fast speed. Especially after he came back last time, he has reached a Regarding the terrifying stage of luck, it is almost equivalent to more than half of the total amount of luck in the entire Chaos faction.

This time too.Although he hasn't shown up for hundreds of years, Zhang Yan's luck is still rising, and the speed is no worse than last time.Just some time ago, it has exceeded the sum of the considerable luck in the Chaos faction.And the momentum is unabated.

But just now, Zhang Yan's veins suddenly rose into mist, and quickly disappeared on the pillar of Tianji.Even the horrible luck reaction disappeared. "

After Feng Yuhe finished speaking, the scene fell into silence.Neither Song Shiyu nor Xie Wei said a word, and each used their own techniques to search on the Tianji Pillar. Following the obvious vein of Li Dianchuan, one can indeed see a directionality of luck.It stands to reason that in this direction, there must be a key person at the next node of luck to take over this vein of luck.But now it is like a rope that gradually dives from the surface of the sea to the bottom of the sea, slowly disappearing into the complex light spots of the Tianji Pillar, making it impossible to distinguish.

"Once a person's luck veins are discovered and displayed on the Tianji Pillar, they shouldn't disappear, but will become clearer as the evolution progresses. Is there a precedent?" Song Shiyu frowned, his evolution The technical level is not as good as Feng Yuhe, but the general basic logic is still very clear.That's why it's just as weird.

Song Shiyu nodded, which was the same as what he understood.But this made the matter even more weird and anxious.

The situation in the Chaos faction today is different from that of 700 years ago.

Before, Xie Wei took the opportunity to fight against Mu Tong secretly, and it was much worse than expected, he was not Mu Tong's opponent.Although both sides did not come up with many means to fight.But the power relationship can also be figured out clearly.This is also the main reason why Mingyue Valley is slowly declining.In fact, Shishizong and Heiyuan are in the same situation internally, and they both have difficulties with Mu Tong's strength.

Xie Wei, who had been observing Tianji Pillar, spoke at this time.Following the conversation between Song Shiyu and Feng Yuhe just now, he said: "I'm afraid it will be useless to find Li Dianchuan again. Although the hidden origin veins are not really disappearing, at least it is not true with our current method of extension in Mingyue Valley." It may be observed."

Xie Wei's words were firm, as if he had thought of something, which attracted Song Shiyu and Feng Yuhe to listen attentively.

The one who broke the balance was naturally Mu Tong, the returning ancient immortal from Linglong Immortal Realm.

But at such a juncture, Zhang Yan's luck veins disappeared!It's like turning off the lights suddenly when you're about to eat, how can you eat so much if you can't see your fingers?How can people not be in a hurry?

Therefore, the biggest treasure of Mingyue Valley now is to press on the general change of the void world represented by Zhang Yan.

This is not certain.After all, both Yanshu and Tianjizhu are methods from the Great Desolate World.Zhang Yan is also the inheritor of the prehistoric world, so it is not unreasonable to block the method of extension.But in that case, it would be really difficult to resolve the impasse.Xie Wei was at the side again, so I dare not say such things lightly.

In other words, the power structure of the Chaos faction, which has stabilized more than a dozen Huiyuan, has undergone considerable changes in the past 700 years.Although they are all changing in the dark, there are already signs of shifting towards the bright side after accumulating.

The situation of Mingyue Valley in Chaos faction is not good now.Even Shizong is the same as Heiyuan.

Feng Yuhe shook his head and said: "Great Elder, luck is connected to fate, fate is always there, and so are the rest. It's okay to avoid the observation of Tianji Pillar and Yanshu, but it has already been observed To hide it again, this is not in line with the principle of Yanshu. At least as far as I know, there has never been such a precedent."

Song Shiyu and Feng Yuhe fell into the helpless and somewhat at a loss as to how to solve the emotions, each frowning, thinking hard and hoping to find a solution.It would be best to re-display Zhang Yan's luck veins on the Tianji Pillar.

"Why don't we think of a solution on Li Dianchuan?" Song Shiyu put forward his own guess.

It was good at first, so it gave the top management of Mingyue Valley a reason to persevere.The general trend has indeed begun, and it originated from the pastoral faction as calculated by Feng Yuhe before, and now the pastoral faction can get news, and sporadic wars have already started, and the growing trend is difficult to restrain .

"That's the only way to go. I hope that this time I can capture Zhang Yan's origin from Li Dianchuan again like before. Otherwise, the details of the subsequent process of the extraction process will be troublesome." Feng Yuhe can think of There is only this method, and I feel anxious and inexplicable for a while.The most important thing is that until now, it is still unknown when Zhang Yan, who has disappeared for a long time, will show up.

What's more, both Song Shiyu and Feng Yuhe may have thought of it but didn't say it.That is, the sudden disappearance of Zhang Yan's luck veins on the Tianji Pillar this time, could it be caused by some means of Zhang Yan?

As long as the fire on the Pastoral Sect's side burns, the Chaos Sect will follow, and Zhang Yan will also show his skills, and Mingyue Valley will be able to follow the weather and take advantage of the wind.

Xie Wei went on to say: "Just now you also said that the veins of luck are actually connected to the numbers of fate. Fate is always there, and the veins of luck should always be there. But what if the number of luck is not always there?"

Xie Wei threw out such an argument, which immediately stunned Song Shiyu and Feng Yuhe.It took a while before he said: "Master Gu, you don't mean that Zhang Yan has the ability to hide his own fate, do you? How is this possible?"

"Yes, Master Gu, Zhang Yan is only in the Golden Immortal Realm. Although he is the strongest in the Golden Immortal Realm category, it is not easy to hide his fate? It takes time to accumulate slowly, and the combination of talent and chance is indispensable. Even if Zhang Yan can do it in the future, it is definitely not now."

Xie Wei smiled, and asked back: "Why can't it be now? Don't you think that the identity of a Daluo Jinxian is worthy of stirring up the vicissitudes of the void world at this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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