one's door

Chapter 969

"Guzhu, do you mean that Zhang Yan has become a Daluo Jinxian at this time?!"

Feng Yuhe swallowed a mouthful of saliva, the shock in his heart could not be added.I think Xie Wei's inference is absurd, but I also think it doesn't make sense to put it on Zhang Yan.After all, he is the key person who set off a great change in the void world, and he is also the inheritor of the Great Desolate World, no matter how weird things may happen to him.

What's more, if the previous news is correct, then Zhang Yan is only a few thousand years younger from human immortal to golden immortal.It is extremely outrageous in itself.What's wrong with being even more outrageous now?
Xie Wei shook his head, and said: "The Da Luo Jinxian is extraordinary, and not everyone can hide the seven or nine heavenly calamities quietly. But there have been no signs of the seven or nine heavenly calamities for hundreds of years. So that Zhang Yan should still be there. It's not Daluo Jinxian. But it is very likely that fate has been hidden, and the catastrophe is imminent."

Song Shiyu couldn't help sighing: "Master Gu, if it's as you expected, then the relationship between us and Zhang Yan will need to be re-established. However, if he can really enter the realm of Da Luo, it would be a good thing for us. It’s just that it’s impossible to judge his behavior with Yanshu.”

"Hehe, it seems that it is indeed difficult to grasp the trend of the general trend. But it also proves that our direction of Mingyue Valley is not wrong. The general trend of Zhang Yan is definitely the key to the great transformation of the void world. Although there is a situation now, we Those foreshadowings that have been buried before will always work. Wait until."

Xie Wei only spoke half of what he said, and then was stopped by Feng Yuhe.Then Feng Yuhe opened a hole in the defensive circle of the secret room, and then a jade sword slipped in from the outside and fell into her hand.

"Gu Master, it's Zhang Yan's jade sword!"

The content of Yujian is very simple, it is to tell Feng Yuhe to tell Xie Wei that he has left the customs.I will contact Mingyue Valley again after I have packed up the chores in my hands.At the same time, let Feng Yuhe tell Heiyuan's Shi Yong on his behalf, saying that the second transaction can continue, and you can make an appointment first.

"This inkstone is still very up-to-date. Heiyuan's matter did not leave us alone, and we used us as the message instead of directly contacting Shi Yong. The way to go here is clear."

"However, judging from the words in this jade sword, Zhang Yan may indeed have hidden his fate as Gu Zhu said. His so-called "miscellaneous tasks" should be to find a place to break through the tribulation, right? I really hope that the entire Chaos Sect will The day when he was shocked by the Seven or Nine Heavenly Tribulations he set off. At that time, his whereabouts should not be hidden, right?"

Feng Yuhe also laughed when he heard this.The change in the situation on the Tianji Pillar was also relieved by these words.

As Xie Wei said, the general trend, how can you clearly grasp every minute and every inch?Some twists and turns are normal.All the preparations made by Mingyue Valley before were not in vain.Even though there will be less convenience in the beginning, compared to other forces, they are already on the side of the general trend, waiting for the wind to come.

It was the same as Xie Wei's guess.The key to Zhang Yan's failure to show up at this time is that the catastrophe hanging above his head is getting closer and closer.

Different from the previous realm of cultivation, one can intuitively use the evolution degree of one's own fairy body and so on to guess the timing of the coming of the catastrophe.And prepare.Seventy-Nine Heavenly Tribulations didn't seem to give Zhang Yan any time to prepare. From the time when he showed his head slightly, it was improving every day. After only a few days, Zhang Yan felt that he might need to find a place to cross the tribulation quickly.

Huang Tianyu is still not qualified to evolve the Heavenly Tribulation required by Zhang Yan's level.It is necessary for Zhang Yan to go out of the world barrier to the void to deal with the catastrophe.

Zhang Yan didn't pay much attention to it at first, planning to choose a turbulent void just like the previous Six or Nine Heavens Tribulation.There, the movement that can avoid the catastrophe is too big to be known.

But half a month later, when Zhang Yan saw such a huge Void Eye in the turbulent flow of the void, he realized that he might not be able to use the turbulent flow of the void to hide his battle of catastrophe this time. .

Because the eye of the void this time is more than three times larger than any previous one, and it is not as deep as a black hole before, but there is a spiral texture spinning out of it, which makes people feel uncomfortable. See what it looks like inside.

In addition to the appearance, there is also the terrifying power of this Void Eye from the moment it appeared.Even the turbulent energy streams in the surrounding void were lifted by these invisible forces, forming a large "silent" area in the turbulent flow.

This is the first time Zhang Yan has seen the turbulent flow of the void being forced to give way by other forces.Moreover, the power of forcing the turbulent flow of the void to give up a large "quiet" area is not the same as the power of the catastrophe that Zhang Yan has experienced many times in the past. It's murderous.

It's as if the catastrophe was supposed to be a narrow escape, but this time it turned into a posture of ten deaths and no life.

It is impossible to say that I am not afraid.Void Heavenly Tribulation itself is far stronger than ordinary Heavenly Tribulation.Coupled with the extremely dangerous eyes of the void revealed in this weirdness, even though Zhang Yan boasted that he is now the most powerful golden immortal in the world, he still dare not say that he is sure to survive this calamity safely.

"Compared with the one in front of me, the Seven or Nine Tribulations mentioned in Taoist scriptures are like two different things." Standing in the "quiet area" driven out by the turbulent flow of the void, Zhang Yan looked up at the person obliquely in front of him. In the eyes of the void, two words suddenly popped up in my heart for no reason: punishment.


Zhang Yan frowned deeply when such a thought came out of his heart out of nowhere.He didn't think his sense of the absurd was unfounded.

If so, where would the punishment come from?Zhang Yan seemed to understand his situation in his heart.Even the feeling of looking at the Eye of the Void has changed.He no longer felt that the texture of the spiral pattern looked inexplicable, but a kind of emotion similar to a living being was released in those spiral patterns, as if he was looking at a Cyclops.And the other party's eyes were full of anger to punish and kill.

"Is this the retribution after I made my own choice and succeeded this time? Hehe, that's all for a dignified saint." A sneer appeared on Zhang Yan's face, and he guessed the reason in his heart.

And just at the stall where Tianjie was accumulating power, a series of huge moving waves broke through the void space and appeared near the void turbulent flow chosen by Zhang Yan.After a while, nearly [-] vehicles, large and small, gathered around this turbulent void.Da Luo from the six major forces of the Chaos Sect all came, and behind them each brought the main elder Jinxian of the sect.

Xie Wei got off the car with a smile on his face, turned his head and asked the person who was also getting off the car beside him, "Mu Tong Ancient Immortal, I didn't expect you to come too?"

"Thank you, Master Gu, how many years has it been since the Chaos Sect had a new Da Luo born? Of course I want to come and see it. But I don't know which family's disciple it is, why did you choose such a place to cross the tribulation?"

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