one's door

Chapter 974

A mouthful of golden blood spewed out from Zhang Yan's mouth, and at the same time, fairy blood was slowly oozing from the corners of his eyes and nasal cavity.

The situation in the body is very bad, which also means that the situation at this time can be described as taking a sharp turn for the worse.

No. 60 and No. 60 did not fall separately, but almost at the same time, and the succession was only an instant.Two consecutive blows can be described as lightning.Zhang Yan's mind fell to the bottom in an instant.

"Is it still not possible?"

The heavy damage to the immortal body is not what Zhang Yan cares about the most.These injuries were taken for granted, he never thought that he would be unscathed during the transition.

What really made Zhang Yan feel down was the three nebulae in his body that fell into dead silence.

You must know that Zhang Yan has been relying on these three nebulae before, and he has been able to stand up smoothly from fifty thunderbolts until now.At least [-]% of Jielei's power was absorbed by the three nebulae.

But now the three nebulae fell into dead silence.Zhang Yan had no idea if there was any possibility of using them in the future.

But there was no time for Zhang Yan to think about the scene, the successive thunderclaps continued, and the No.60 two and No.60 three thunderbolts smashed down immediately after.Zhang Yan even raised his head to look at the Void Eye, and could clearly see the playfulness and ruthlessness in the eyes, as if he had been sentenced to death.

Even Mu Tong was dumbfounded by this scene.

The extreme number of tribulation thunders is at least half of the power of all the previous tribulation thunders combined, and the penultimate one is almost equal to [-]% of the total power of the previous tribulation thunders.Although the addition of two cannot be directly counted as a superposition, but two fatal blows are definitely worthy of the name.There was not even a single breath of time between them.

In an instant, the turbulent flow in the void that Zhang Yan was in was like a pile of sand and dust blown by a hurricane. Countless chaotic streams were overturned and splashed, and the huge silent area in the center was instantly squeezed out.The turbulent flow of the entire void is considered a disaster, and I am afraid that it will only slowly dissipate in the future, and it will not become a climate anymore.

There were two muffled sounds, but the terrifying aftermath that splashed out suddenly stagnated, like a huge wave suddenly frozen into an ice sculpture.It was so abrupt that people couldn't react at all.

Only a few big Luos could easily withstand the spreading aftermath of thunder and the terrifying and chaotic stream that swept over them. From the beginning to the end, they cast their eyes across an extremely long distance to the dead silence, and suddenly there was no thunder, but they didn't know the result. In the blank area of ​​the room, there was a figure who was wearing only a broken inner armor and was still standing motionless, not knowing whether it was life or death.

The most direct criterion for judging whether a living body is dead is to see whether it still has lifeless existence.At this time, the human body standing in the middle of the dead silence area has no life in it, like a dark golden statue, not life.

It looked like he was supposed to be dead.It is only natural that he died under the terrifying tribulation thunder just now.

But if the person crossing the catastrophe dies, the eye of the void that represents Jieyun should dissipate! ?But why is it still hanging on the top and refusing to leave?
What's more, if the golden immortal body dies and Taoism disappears, the golden body should also be scattered with the wind, losing the characteristics of the golden body.How can it stand still?

In the end, 63 thunderbolts have been destroyed in seven or nine days.The catastrophe is also over.But the might of the Heavenly Tribulation lingers on.

All kinds of contradictions are intertwined together, which is extremely strange.It also made everyone around not dare to say with certainty whether the person died or became a success under this catastrophe?

After all, the terrifying means and strength displayed by that person when he crossed the tribulation had already surpassed the scope of Jinxian.With countless mysteries in the Great Desolate World, who dares to say that there is no way to help him cross the catastrophe?This vitality seems to be extinct, but the eye of the void is still there, so what if the death is an illusion?

As a matter of fact, the guesses in the hearts of those who waited around and still dared not approach were indeed correct.But not quite right.Zhang Yan didn't die, but it wasn't because he deliberately hid his life force to create a false appearance, nor was he killed by the last two fatal blows.Instead, it was passively ripped away from all the normal vital reactions in the immortal body.

Not dead, this is already the greatest luck for Zhang Yan.But he was too late to be happy just yet.Because he obviously felt that his "tribulation" was not completely completed after the tribulation thunder was smashed, but there was a weird continuation behind the scenes.In other words, although he doesn't have to worry about the Tribulation Thunder continuing to smash down at this time, the Tribulation doesn't mean it's over, but has turned from the outside to the inside, and he still needs to carry the last part to be considered a success in crossing the Tribulation .

With this internal and external calamity alone, Zhang Yan is sure that he is the only one in the world.And he couldn't intervene in the final tail at all, he could only maintain a dead silence and wait for the final result.

All the keys were once again gathered in the three nebulae in Zhang Yan's body.

I thought Nebula was dead before.But the facts tell Zhang Yan that the magic of Xingyun is beyond his simple guesswork.Although this thing was born in his body and belonged to him, he was far from grasping the mystery of it.

The last two tribulation thunders were still absorbed by the three nebulae that Zhang Yan thought were dead at that time, and the total amount was even much larger than before.It is precisely because of this that Zhang Yan's immortal body was not directly melted under the bombardment and spread of terrifying energy.At the same time, because of the terrifying power of the last two tribulation thunders, the three nebulas underwent a wonderful change that broke through the critical point.

Gathering all the vitality, but keeping Zhang Yan's consciousness active, the primordial spirit and immortal body fell into a stagnant state again.

The drastic changes are not at the level of the immortal body and the primordial spirit, but in the three nebulae.Those light particles that had disappeared before lit up again, and even those particles that had no light before suddenly burst out with violent brilliance!
Intense changes from the inside to the outside, the three nebulae are expanding and shrinking like breathing, and the magnitude is getting bigger and bigger!

"They look like they're going to explode?!"

That is, as soon as Zhang Yan had this idea in his mind, the three nebulae suddenly began to collapse, quickly collapsing to the extreme like three eggs.After stagnating for a while, it expanded rapidly, and the roaring explosion sound spread out along with the surging vitality. In a short while, it spread like pieces of stars all over Zhang Yan's entire fairy body, even Yuanshen didn't let it go.Even Zhang Yan could clearly feel that although the three nebulae had dispersed into three galaxies, there was an additional intersecting point. With this point as the core, the three galaxies seemed to be forming a new spiral.

The spiral of life.
"The Trinity is still there, but the whole structure of this fairy body is becoming more and more incomprehensible." Zhang Yan seemed to have returned to the stage when he was a human being.Your body belongs to you, and you can direct it yourself.But the mysteries in the body are ignorant.

But to the outside world, Zhang Yan regained the control of his body, got used to it a little bit, opened his eyes, and looked at the complex-looking Void Eye on his head, slightly raised the corners of his mouth.
"From then on, my title is "Wan Xiang", Wan Xiang Da Luo!"

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