one's door

Chapter 975 Out of Control

Following Zhang Yan's announcement, his voice resounded throughout the Chaos Sect area.Among them, all the immortals with a cultivation level of celestial and above could hear it clearly, the sound even seemed to explode behind them, and they were so frightened that they couldn't speak, and a horrific chill came up from their backs.

In the Void World, Da Luo is the most respected, but so many Da Luo have never heard of any one who used such an outrageous way to declare his existence when he achieved the position of Da Luo.

Arrogant and arrogant, but also outrageously tyrannical.

And with this move, those celestial beings were frightened into a cold sweat, not knowing the mystery of it.However, the top powerhouses whose strength reached Jinxian and Daluo knew that at this moment, Zhang Yan crossed the boundless vast space of the Chaos faction, and his strength and soul fluctuations were even more immediate.The power of rules involved in this method, as well as the insight into the texture of the void, simply exceeded their cognition.

In other words, you can reach every corner of the Chaos faction with a single sentence.That would also be able to throw out a spell or rule method, and it would also be able to catch up to the extreme in an instant.

Only then did he step into the realm of the Great Luo Jinxian, and he had such a shocking means, this strength.
In fact, what everyone thinks in their hearts is not accurate.Because at this moment Zhang Yan has officially stepped into the ranks of Da Luo Jinxian, it does not mean that he has completed all the steps of advancement at this moment.Even the most critical part has not yet begun.

That is a godsend!
Heavenly Tribulation is a test.If you can't resist it, you will be wiped out, and if you resist it, the sea and the sky will be brighter.Moreover, the strength of the Heavenly Tribulation will not affect the subsequent Heavensend link.Every monk who successfully crosses the tribulation can enjoy the same advanced gifts.This is the fairest reward given by Tao.

It's just that this catastrophe seemed abnormal from the very beginning.Up to now, it seems that Zhang Yan's survival has paid off the original intention of "this catastrophe".Therefore, the eye of the void with tight spiral pattern hanging above the head in the void has not dissipated and has not been bestowed by God for a long time.It seems a little "outraged", which is why he is so reluctant.

pity.In Zhang Yan's cognition, even the great ancestors who are compatible with the Tao are "approximate to the Tao" in a certain sense, but not completely equal to the "Tao", and they still cannot change the fundamental rules of the "Tao".What's more, those who are far inferior to Hongzu, even if a hundred of them are reluctant now, it's just delaying time.Xiaojiazi was very angry.

Sure enough, in Zhang Yan's "indifferent" eyes, the emotion in the eyes of the void quickly became irritable, but at this time, the number of catastrophes had been exhausted, and no matter how irritable it was, it would not help.In the end, even if you are stubborn, you can't beat the rules of "Tao".You can use it, or even make some small tricks, but you can't erase or subvert the rules set by these "Tao".This is completely different from the power of rules.

As a result, the spiral pattern on the Eye of the Void suddenly disappeared, returning to the familiar look Zhang Yan was familiar with before, and then the eyes opened, and golden light poured in from the top of Zhang Yan's celestial spirit cover. And down.


Zhang Yan clearly felt the huge transformation in his body at this time.Immortal body and primordial spirit are the most important.Almost every inch has been broken up and reconstructed from the inside out.And this refactoring is once again out of the previous rules.It is no longer based on "condensing the strength of the physical body" or "strengthening the primordial spirit", but introduces a new force that is mixed into the physical body and the primordial spirit.

And this new power is the power of thousands of rules in the void.

Five elements rules, space rules, time rules and some special derived rules.

These rules were pulled out of the dark together with the golden light, and then mixed into the immortal body and primordial spirit being restructured by the golden light structure at an extremely fast speed.Let every celestial body be full of the power of rules, forming a brand new basic structure of celestial body and primordial spirit.It has completely widened the gap with the essence of Golden Immortal Time.

But the golden fairy's appearance was still preserved, even Zhang Yan said his dark golden body was a little darker.

And Zhang Yan realized carefully that the regular power mixed into his body was not blind, but had obvious regularity.All the power of rules that was mixed in was comprehended and comprehended by himself. From top to bottom, the more thorough the comprehension and comprehension, the more power of rules that was mixed into the body.vice versa.

It's just that when Zhang Yan was a little surprised, the three "brand new" galaxies in his body were not included in the changes made by Da Luo Tianci this time.Just according to their own rules, they appear as strips in three scattering directions, and rivers generally flow through all corners of Zhang Yan's body.Only one central point where they intersect is fixed.

The galaxy rotates, and the surging vitality that spills out does not recognize life. Whether it is the golden light from heaven or the power of rules mixed in, it does not exclude it, and it also nourishes Zhang Yan's fairy body as always.

I do not know how long it has been.

The Eye of Void above Zhang Yan's head completely disappeared.This scene also made the people around watching relax slightly frown a few times.

Is there such a long time after the ordinary catastrophe?

The Eye of the Void disappeared, and the coercion of the Heavenly Tribulation disappeared completely.But the turbulent flow of the void that had been stirred up before could hardly return to its previous state.He was completely pierced by Jie Lei's power.Now it looks like a tattered piece of dough that is falling apart.

"Congratulations to Your Excellency Zhang Yan for achieving the position of the Great Luo of All Phases! From now on, Your Excellency will be in every position!" Although Xie Wei's mood is complicated, he is still mostly happy.He was also the first to lead a group of Golden Immortals under his command and Great Elder Song Shiyu to come over to congratulate him.

Following Mingyue Valley are Yishizong and Heiyuan.Just front and rear feet.At this time, no matter what psychology the three families started from, it was a good thing for them that Zhang Yan could become a Da Luo Jinxian.At least the problem that has been entangled for a long time is now solved instantly.It should be someone else who should be troubled.

"Thank you all for coming to watch the ceremony. Zhang Yan thanked you first. I will come to the door to thank you later. But at this time, I have nothing to do with myself, so I can't chat with you. Please forgive me!" Zhang Yan waved his hand and changed into a robe , Smiling and bowed his hands in return.

"Hehe, Your Excellency Zhang Yan's cultivation base is not stable, so naturally he should repair it more, and we will naturally wait for the future!"

"Then thank you all for your understanding. Zhang Yan bid farewell, goodbye!" After Zhang Yan finished speaking, he bowed his hands again, and immediately disappeared, and moved away directly, without any confusion.

As for those big Luos in the distance who are hesitant and still thinking about coming over, what should they say when they come over, Zhang Yan is not interested in contacting them.

This straightforwardness also made Xie Wei and the others smile.Zhang Yan was still the person in their impression, straight-forward and shameless.

But those people headed by Mu Tong had a gloomy or incomprehensible complexion.I don't know what they are thinking in their hearts.

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