one's door

Chapter 981 Fishing

In fact, most of Da Hongtian's disciples were as surprised as the people in the green mountains and fairyland outside the defensive circle. They were originally determined to die and were unwilling to let go, and were ready to fight to the death.They only retreated to the third line of defense after receiving an order not to blindly resist on the first and second lines of defense.

Who knew that the third line of defense was actually a trick!In an instant, Da Hongtian, who seemed to have fallen into a desperate situation, was pulled up directly.

This kind of magic circle defense line that can resist Jinxian must not be the handwriting of Da Hongtian.Everyone knows this.But it wasn't arranged by Da Hongtian, so who did it?

At this time, in the main hall of Haoxuemen, Xue E, the head of the gate, swept away the haze on his face for many years, and his eyes even showed excitement and expectation again, and it was even better than before.

"Master Zhang, why did you let that jade sword out?" Xue E asked curiously while pouring tea with his own hands.It's not that I can't think of the reason, but I just hope to get a firm answer to see if it is the same as what he guessed.

The person sitting on the chair to receive Xue E's tea was naturally none other than Zhang Yan who rushed to Haoxuemen after sorting out his new strength.

Don't come, hurry up!Although it is not easy for the news in the void to spread from the Chaos faction to the Pastoral faction, it is not impossible to spread it.Once the news of his achievement in the Chaos faction reaches the Pastoral faction, there will be one less subtle opportunity for him.

"Master Xue has caught fish, right? Now Haoxuemen is the bait, and the power of Qingshan Wonderland is the fish. The jade sword released is the fragrance that attracts the fish. When the smell floats, the fish will smell it. When the smell comes, it will come naturally." Zhang Yan took a sip of tea with a smile, and found that it was actually not bad, with a cold feeling.

Xue E smiled and said: "Sect Master Zhang said that Xue will naturally understand. It's just that this time the three golden immortals, counting the ones who died last time, if Qingshan Fairyland takes the bait, they must be the biggest big fish. Zhang Sect Master still needs to be careful."

Xue E understood that saying this would appear a little abrupt.But it was about the life and death of Haoxuemen, he could only ponder over his words and try not to ask so bluntly.

Zhang Yan put down his teacup, waved his hands, and said, "Master Xue, don't worry. Fishing is to catch big fish. There are only two big fish in the Qingshan Wonderland, and it is impossible for them all to come out. If one comes over, I will just try it out." Is it strong enough to prepare a net for him? Just catch one. What do you think will happen to the remaining one in Qingshan Wonderland?"

"Master Zhang, don't you already have a breakthrough?!" How could Xue E fail to understand the meaning of Zhang Yan's words?But the more I understood it, the more I was shocked.It even feels a little unreal like a fantasy.

When I saw Zhang Yan last time, Xue E was shocked by Zhang Yan's ability to kill Jinxian.You must know that Zhang Yan was only in the early stage of Earth Immortal when he escaped from Dahongtian.One to go and one to come is the achievement of two great realms, which is less than ten thousand years.

But now, even Jinxian is not worthy of the word "big fish".Instead, he directly focused on the only two big Luos in the Castle Peak Wonderland!
In other words, the fishing that Zhang Yan mentioned this time was specially prepared for Da Luo.Could it be that Zhang Yan made another breakthrough after disappearing for more than 700 years this time, changing from a golden fairy to the most powerful realm in the void?Have you achieved the position of Daluo?

Zhang Yan smiled and nodded.Said: "I just made a breakthrough not long ago, and I call myself "Wanxiang". Otherwise, I wouldn't have disappeared for more than seven hundred years. I almost put Master Xue in a desperate situation. I hope Master Xue will forgive me."

How could Xue E dare to answer these words in shock?Quickly stood up from the chair and bowed, respectfully said: "Wan Xiang Da Luo is too polite, how dare Haoxuemen work on the important matters of Da Luo's cultivation with such a mere grievance? Now that Da Luo is here in person, Haoxuemen is supreme. Glory!"

Zhang Yan smiled and continued to drink tea, ignoring Xue E's flattery.He has long seen Xue E's shrewdness and ruthlessness.Back then, he was willing to swallow his anger and acted as a shield under the "Yuhao Great World Alliance" and "has no regrets". It can be seen that he is a person who can bend and stretch.

Now that he is even stronger, and a strong man who is too strong for Xue E to resist is in front of him, he can understand why Xue E is so soft.

There are advantages and no disadvantages.It can also save lives steadily.And in a short period of time, there is no thought of resistance at all.The combination of these reasons is the truest portrayal of Xue E's heart.

Follow the trend, too.

"Before I was busy setting up the magic circle, I haven't had time to communicate with you. What do you think of the situation of Guishicheng's three families now? After I help you deal with the Qingshan Wonderland this time, how are you going to start a new situation?" Zhang Yan didn't like it. I hope that the pastoral school will have him to arrange every hand and foot.So I want to hear Xue E's thoughts.Especially "New Situation" Xue E's plan.It's also the topic he gave.

Otherwise, there are so many minor influences in the Pastoral School, so Haoxuemen might not be the only ones.No matter how bad it is, isn't there a Heavenly Sword Sect as an alternate?

"With Wanxiang Daluo in charge, this wave of offensive in Qingshan Wonderland will be disintegrated again. The power in the pastoral faction will be completely broken. Even if Daluo no longer shows up in the future, we Haoxuemen will replace Daluo as pastoral An emerging top force on the side of the faction. And it has a special status.

As Da Luo said, there must be a new approach to a new situation.In that way, it will be easier to do more gold leaf trading, and you can make some changes.”

Xue E talked eloquently, although he didn't involve details, but he had great insights in the general direction.Zhang Yan nodded from time to time, which was much better than he expected.

Suddenly, Zhang Yan interrupted Xue E with a wave of his hand, and said with a smile: "Huh? It seems to be coming much sooner than I imagined. Master Xue, let's go and meet the great elder in Qingshan Wonderland."

"Okay, with the backing of Wan Xiang Da Luo, I can show my face." Xue E slightly bowed his body and put his posture to the lowest position.But words and demeanor will not appear humble or lose identity.The proportion is just right.

The two walked out of the hall, and then moved out of this world together in a flash.And the emotions in the void are also the same as those perceived by Zhang Yan's divine sense.

None of the immortals in the fairyland of nearly a thousand green mountains died, and all of them lived well.It's just that he was trapped in the formation arranged by Zhang Yan and couldn't advance or retreat.And outside the formation, there was a huge car driving over.The person who came was Chen Jiuren, the Great Elder of Qingshan Wonderland!

"You don't need to come out behind this magic circle." Zhang Yan left the last magic circle defense line on Da Hongtian's side, and at the same time gave instructions to Xue E who was about to continue to follow him.

Xue E hastily stopped his movements, bowed in response, and watched Zhang Yan continue to move away. A moment later, he showed his figure at a very long distance from Shennian, and stopped just in front of the huge car representing the Great Elder of Qingshan Wonderland.

"I didn't expect to be lucky enough to witness the fight between Da Luo." Xue E was so excited beyond words at this time, his spiritual sense was at its peak, and he didn't want to miss any point of Zhang Yan and Chen Jiuren's next move in the far distance.

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