one's door

Chapter 982 Calculation

Chapter 982 Calculation
Zhang Yan folded his hands behind his back, and curiously looked at the man in the golden robe standing in front of him on the car pavilion.

It is very strange, with three eyes and a vertical eye on the forehead.This reminded Zhang Yan of the three-eyed clan who almost wiped out all the creatures in the barren sky.

Gold robe and jade crown, white hair and childlike face, there is a kind of domineering that has not yet been expressed on the body.

In terms of external aura alone, this Da Luo Jinxian from Qingshan Fairyland is much more bluffing than those Da Luo Jinxians in the Chaos School.It should also be closer to the definition of "strong" in the general sense.This is not to say that the Da Luo of the Pastoral School is stronger than the Da Luo of the Chaos School. This difference in momentum and style is mainly due to the different cultivation contexts and behavior preferences of the two schools.

Chaos is more casual.The pastoral school pays more attention to etiquette.

In other words, the immortals of the Chaos School are more like idle clouds and wild cranes, while the immortals of the Pastoral School are more like the high and low dignitaries in the fairyland.

As for strength.The corners of Zhang Yan's mouth rose slightly.The Great Elder of Qingshan Wonderland should be a bit weaker than the Great Elder Song Shiyu of Mingyue Valley.Not to mention comparing with Da Luo Jinxian or Gu Xianren at the suzerain level.

But this is exactly what Zhang Yan wants to see the most.Although he has stepped into the realm of Da Luo now, his foundation has not yet been solidified, and he has no actual experience of the various changes that have occurred in himself after Da Luo.After all, unless he entered the state of pseudo-unity in the wild world, he would not dare to try more means.And the pseudo-Hedao is not your true state, so you can't talk about experiencing your own changes.

This time "fishing", Zhang Yan just hoped that a fish that was not that big would take the bait, so as to try his current actual combat power.

"Who are you?"

Chen Jiuren who was in the car did not dare to be careless at all, he was already ready to do something before he came.

In the pastoral school, the big Luo Jinxians are the same as in the chaos school, and they will be involved with each other.When Qingshan Fairyland received the message for help, it immediately ruled out the possibility that the three Guishicheng families secretly sent Da Luo to set up an ambush through this involvement.So there is only one situation left: the inheritor of the Great Desolate World appeared.

Although Qingshan Wonderland lags behind the news from the Chaos faction, some major events will still come one after another.As early as hundreds of years ago, they learned of the big event that was raging in the Chaos faction.Knowing that Zhang Yan is the strongest in Jinxian, and he can fight Da Luo a few tricks.The strength is extremely outrageous.

Now that he has not shown his face for hundreds of years, will his strength become stronger again?
This concern made Qingshan Fairyland directly send one of the only two Da Luo Jinxians in its sect.Moreover, Chen Jiuren still has the magic weapon "Qingshan Staff" of Qingshan Wonderland in his hand, and he is worried that if he gets rid of the opponent this time, he will have endless troubles.So I made up my mind to beat this inkstone to death with a stick.

But when they got here, they found that those disciples and elders who were trapped were not in danger of their lives.Just can't get out for a while.But just when Chen Jiuren was about to break through the formation, a qi mechanism locked him in the distance.

Being able to lock the Da Luo Jinxian with the air machine means that the other party is also a Da Luo Jinxian.

As a result, Chen Jiuren's heart suddenly became agitated.At the same time, he understood that the Da Luo Jinxian who came here was definitely not from the pastoral school, because the big Luo Jinxians in the pastoral school were all aware of their respective positions while restraining them.But at this moment, the one who locked him with the air mechanism was not among them.

If it's not the Da Luo from the Pastoral School, then it's from the Chaos School?But it is almost impossible for Da Luo of the Chaos faction to hide from the magic circle barrier on the border.How did the other party do it?Who is it?

When Chen Jiuren saw the appearance of the visitor clearly, he felt inexplicable in his heart, he didn't know him! ?Is it the newly promoted Da Luo Jinxian?
Immediately afterwards, the appearance of the other party seemed to evoke a memory in him, which came from a portrait that had been circulated in the door.However, Chen Jiuren has always had difficulty connecting the Da Luo Jinxian with the person in the portrait.Because that's just outrageous.

"I am Zhang Yan, does Elder Chen not know him?"

Chen Jiuren's pupils shrank immediately with just this sentence from the other party.The shock in my heart was almost unbearable.

Zhang Yan? !Isn't it Golden Wonderland?It's only been a few hundred years, how could it be possible to directly become a Da Luo Jinxian? !

But no matter how outrageous it is, Chen Jiuren still has to face the reality.That is how to solve the situation with Zhang Yan, the newly promoted Daluo Jinxian, in charge.

"So it was you! No wonder you dared to show your face. It turned out that you stepped into Da Luo by yourself. You don't think that you can fight against us in Qingshan Wonderland after you have achieved Da Luo's realm, right? Just one person is not enough to watch."

"Oh? There are a lot of people in the Qingshan Wonderland, but what's the use?" Zhang Yan said with a smile, while a thought moved in his mind, the magic circle that trapped nearly a thousand immortals in the Qingshan Wonderland not far away finally started Make an effort to kill.Sword intents appeared out of nowhere, and began to sieve through the formation from outside to inside like a sieve.

Those who could bear these sword intents were fine, but those who couldn't bear it were the majority. They were either injured and vomited blood and looked sluggish, or they just screamed and died before they could utter a word.

The same is the sword array.The power displayed by Zhang Yan of Jinxian in the past has changed greatly from the power displayed by Zhang Yan of Da Luo Realm now.

It's not that there is any change in the sword formation itself, but the power that Zhang Yan added to the sword formation belongs to him.For example, the erosive force of the void, such as the new comprehension of sword intent and intent, and the structure and reconstruction of rules, etc.

The sword formation is still the same sword formation, but its power has more than doubled!
Therefore, regardless of whether it is a human immortal or a golden immortal, it is a delusion to escape from birth.The casualties are not serious now, it's just because Zhang Yan has other plans.

"What are you doing!? Stop it!" Chen Jiuren yelled angrily, and at the same time, a coercion from the car came towards Zhang Yan, and the entire space around Zhang Yan trembled slightly.These are the precursors to action.

Can you bear this?Zhang Yan thought to himself.At the same time, I also understand the caution of the other party.But he is prepared for these.

Zhang Yan really stopped when he heard this.Then he looked at Chen Jiuren with a smile on his face and said: "Haoxuemen is protected by me. Naturally, if your people want to destroy Haoxuemen, I can't just sit idly by. Elder Chen won't understand the truth of murderers. Bar?"

"Zhang Yan, the Chaos faction said that you are cruel and vicious, but they didn't say that you talk so much nonsense. What exactly do you want to do!" Chen Jiuren was convinced that Zhang Yan must have a plan to lure him here before he even started.He didn't want to act rashly until he saw the situation clearly.

You must know that the newly promoted Da Luo is also a Da Luo!What's more, it was rumored that the No. [-] Golden Immortal was promoted.It is impossible to say in my heart that I have no worries.

Sure enough, under Chen Jiuren's questioning, I heard Zhang Yan say: "My newly promoted Da Luo is blunt, and I want to challenge my opponent. Help me. If Elder Chen is willing to help me, then everyone in this formation will I let everyone go. How?"

"Really?" Chen Jiuren frowned deeply.He vaguely sensed the other party's purpose in leading him over.Is there some insidious trick to come up with?

"Of course. But most of my methods are in the sword formation. If Elder Chen agrees, then please come to the formation to learn one or two later." Zhang Yan said while pointing to the immortal in the trapped formation.After speaking, wait for the other party to answer.Da Luo Jinxian, who is a top-notch force, doesn't even have the guts to help nearly a thousand disciples under his command to succeed?
(End of this chapter)

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