one's door

Chapter 988

Chapter 988
Zhang Yan stayed in Haoxuemen for a full month before leaving.When they left, the defensive formations of Guishicheng and other three families that had already evacuated outside Haoxue's gate had all returned quickly.

Now even if Zhang Yan leaves, the whole Haoxuemen doesn't worry about their own safety anymore.

As for whether Qingshan Wonderland will come to revenge?Impossible in the short term.Zhang Yan was very sure of this, and Xue E of Haoxuemen was equally sure.Because the only Daluo Jinxian left in Qingshan Wonderland is the suzerain Lin Xiao.If he came here to retaliate or try to rescue him, it would be absolutely impossible to do it by himself, and he would never dare to do so without some helpers.Otherwise, what if Zhang Yan reproduced the method of dealing with Chen Jiuren and was also suppressed?
And can Qingshan Wonderland find the helper of Daluo Jinxian's strength now?
able!But it must be difficult.

At present, three of the five top forces in the Pastoral School are standing on the opposite side of Qingshan Wonderland.Not to mention Guishicheng, it has a deep enmity with Qingshan Wonderland.At the beginning, Yunlanyu and Qingxitian may have been speculating on the inheritance secret method of the Great Desolate World, but now that the strength of Qingshan Wonderland has plummeted, it is completely no problem to change the direction of speculation.

The only thing left is Feng Leitian's attitude.When Gui Shicheng's three families flirted with Haoxuemen before, Feng Leitian just waited and watched calmly.Still watching.It is also the only ally that Qingshan Wonderland can win over if it wants to support the current situation.

It's just that if you want to win Feng Lei Tian Qingshan Wonderland at this time, you may have to pay a huge price.It may even lose its dominance.

Therefore, even if Qingshan Wonderland is eager to rescue Chen Jiuren immediately, it has no choice but to wait, wait until the time is right, and wait until the strength is at the end.

After Li Qing and the others went back, Guishicheng's three families had already started to take action.It's just that they didn't come forward directly, but let out the wind, saying that Qingshan Fairyland was unfair to Hao Xuemen's affairs, and they did not hesitate to persecute their loyal subordinates for the sake of gain. etc.At the same time, it provokes those resentful forces or scattered refugees in Qingshan Wonderland.

The first wave of exploration began.

It's just that these are not things that Zhang Yan needs to relate to and worry about.He stayed in Haoxuemen for a month only because of the gold leaf business.

After more than 700 years, the gold leaf in Haoxuemen's hands is not small.It is even said that Guishicheng, Yunlanyu, and Qingxitian have gathered a large amount of gold leaf.Zhang Yan's appearance this time, coupled with the terrifying change in strength, made the three families directly move the gold leaf over without Zhang Yan's reminder.

Zhang Yan is very satisfied, because counting the gold leaf that he took from Haoxuemen before, this time a large wave of benefits has come, and the total amount is almost the same as the amount of gold leaf that he has collected in Chaos Sect for so many years.

In this way, Zhang Yan's goal was achieved at once, and there was no need to stay in Hao Xuemen.

After leaving Haoxuemen, Zhang Yan immediately closed the upper half of the mountain when he returned to Huangtianyu.Previously, the Chaos Sect had rebuilt more than half of the body of Zhu Xian's Four Swords.Now facing a large amount of newly collected gold leaf, Zhang Yan had a premonition that the long-awaited thing should have arrived.

Pour out all the gold foil and pay attention to check.In order not to omit any special information that may exist.But no results.On the gold foil is still the star map of the chaotic domain, and all of them have been repeated in Zhang Yan's hand.The only function can only be used as a Lingbao-level material to reshape the body of Zhu Xian's Four Swords.

After confirming that there was no other type of information on it, Zhang Yan gathered all these gold foils together and handed them over to the four killing swords in Yuanshen to devour and absorb them.The whole process is hardly any different than before.The only difference was that after the gold leaf was devoured, the killing intent on the four killing swords became stronger and stronger, so strong that Zhang Yan's soul couldn't hold them anymore, so he could only release them all and hang them around.

For the first time, Zhang Yan witnessed that a simple killing intent can directly interfere with the rules of space, causing abnormal distortions in the surrounding space.You must know that killing intent and rules are two completely different levels of power.It stands to reason that they shouldn't interfere with each other, but what happened in front of them broke Zhang Yan's perception.

"Is this done?"

Even before all the gold leaf in his hand was used up, the four killing swords had stopped devouring, and changed to sorting out the details inside the sword body.Just like a sculpture, the first thing to do is to outline the general structure of the outside, and the rest is to polish the details.Even the polishing of details is far more abrasive than the general structure.

Zhang Yan put away the extra gold leaf again.Concentrated observation comes from the subtle changes on the four swords.

The change of Immortal Sword is the fastest.In this regard, Zhang Yan judged that it should be because the Immortal Killing Sword is guided by the soul of the sword, so it will be more natural and brisk if it has enough internal details.And because the other four handles do not have the guidance of the sword spirit, the progress will be much slower.

The focus of Zhang Yan's observation was on the other three killing swords without sword soul besides the Immortal Killing Sword.

The slower you go, the clearer you can see naturally.

Zhang Yan's curiosity is not just a matter of watching the excitement. His curiosity is to hope that he can discover and comprehend the key context of refining Lingbao-level magic weapons from the outline of these details.And these things are not in the inheritance content of Wanxiangzhu.Presumably it should belong to the top knowledge beyond Jinxian and Da Luo.

This observation lasted for several years, and the last four killing swords first shot up with killing intent, directly piercing through the world barrier of the Desolate Heaven Territory, and then retracted for a moment, completely restrained to the point of not revealing anything.The whole process was abrupt and completed in the blink of an eye.The last four killing swords hovered around Zhang Yan's body, who was still cross-legged and closed his eyes, undulating slightly as if he was breathing in and out.

More than half a month later, Zhang Yan opened his eyes from the enlightenment.

There must be gains.But he was not so optimistic if he wanted to refine Lingbao directly by relying on these gains.It can still be used to fill the high-end knowledge of refining equipment in the cliff mountain.Think about it slowly in the future and try it slowly.After all, he still has a lot of gold leaf in his hand.These things can theoretically be used to reshape the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, so they should also be used to refine other spirit treasures.The reason why there is no solution for the time being should be that a symptomatic method has not been found yet.

Stand up and record everything you have learned this time in a jade slip.Then cast his eyes on the four killing swords, a smile from the heart appeared on Zhang Yan's face.

The four swords have been completely reshaped. Even if it is not enough to use the Immortal Execution Sword Formation now, the power of the Immortal Killing Sword Domain alone is definitely not the same as when he trapped Chen Jiuren before. It would definitely not be more than doubled.

More importantly, now Zhang Yan can wait for the next opening of the Sword Tomb Ruins with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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