one's door

Chapter 989 Haze

Chapter 989 Haze
The peaceful and peaceful Qingshan Wonderland in the past is now like a dark cloud, and the haze is clearly revealed from the faces of every disciple.

And the place where the haze gathers is the Great Hall on the top of Qingshan Mountain.The suzerain Lin Xiao inside has had no practice homework for several months in a row.There was an almost infinite number of things one after another, and unlike in the past, they all had to pass through his hands.Firstly, it is difficult, and secondly, there is no suitable person to help him directly make up his mind.

"How to say?"

"Sovereign Lord, there are Guishicheng, Qingxitian and Yunlanyu who have responded but clearly rejected our invitation to visit the mountain and meet. Only Fengleitian remained calm and neither refused nor accepted."

Lin Xiao rubbed his forehead.He has experienced countless difficulties since he stepped into the realm of Daluo Jinxian, but he has rarely felt as entangled as before.Even now he can't make a convincing prediction about the road ahead, he can only see the tricks.But in this way, it means that he is at a disadvantage and can only follow the other party's actions.What Qingshan Wonderland needs now is not to "stabilize the situation" but to break the situation as soon as possible, otherwise the longer the delay, the more troublesome it will be.

So after knowing that Chen Jiuren was suppressed, Lin Xiao didn't rush to rescue him at the first time, but immediately ordered martial law to all the worlds under his command.At the same time, they sent invitations to meet all the top forces in the pastoral faction, with sincere words, saying that they can talk about anything.

But the results so far look unsatisfactory.Those three families in Guishicheng who were engaged in affairs had been flirting with the Duanyashan side represented by Haoxuemen for a long time.The accidental suppression of Chen Jiuren this time must have made their minds more active. The thoughts they had before would not disappear but would only increase, and the thoughts that they had not before were probably also taking the opportunity to breed.Otherwise, it would never be so straightforward to reject the invitation to meet and greet in front of Qingshan Wonderland in the past.

Although the result was not very good, Lin Xiao had already prepared the reaction of Gui Shicheng's three families, and it was not unexpected.

On the contrary, Feng Leitian's silent reaction really made people tangled and anxious.

The three Guishicheng families were not friendly to Qingshan Wonderland, so it was obviously difficult to rely on them at this time.Only Fengleitian, Qingshan Wonderland has to go all out, and it is really not to be missed.

"Who are you seeing?" Lin Xiao knew in his heart that the focus was on Feng Leitian.

"I saw Great Elder Yu Qingning, and the location is also Yu Qingning's side hall. She said that Lei Feng is in retreat and it is not convenient to see guests. However, her attitude is very polite, and she has been mentioning the past friendship between Lei Feng and you. It looks like I want to see it again."

Lin Xiao frowned.He knew exactly what Feng Leitian's plan was.Compared to Guishicheng's side, although that side seems to be stronger, but Fengleitian is a late player, so it is difficult to take advantage of it.Moreover, it is not certain whether Guishicheng, who already has an advantage, wants Fengleitian or not.And if Feng Leitian wanted to maximize his income, he still had to get close to Qingshan Wonderland.As long as Qingshan Wonderland and Fengleitian are together, even if there is still a gap, it will not be that big, and there is a lot of room for maneuver.

"It seems that I still want to sell it. You go again and say that the main purpose of Qingshan Wonderland is to rescue Chen Jiuren, and the rest can be decided by Feng Leitian. Just say what I mean." Lin Xiao said Without much hesitation, he made a decisive decision directly.

"This? Sovereign, wouldn't Feng Leitian be able to handle it at will? This is the price"

Lin Xiao waved his hand and interrupted: "The price must be paid enough, otherwise Thunderstorm will not show up to talk to us. He can wait, but we can't wait now. You know the following situation best now, some people have disappeared for many years The remnants of the old enemy reappeared again, and the lower-level forces below also showed obvious signs of being infiltrated. This must be the three Guishicheng families who were instigated and covered up the truth behind. We are sure that we have no confidence to tear them apart.

In this way, the longer it drags on, the more our Qingshan Wonderland lineage will be eroded.And the further they go, the more they will push forward.So it's better to cut the flesh yourself, as long as Feng Leitian wants, he can give them!To be encroached on is also to lose, and to Feng Leitian, who takes advantage of the fire, is also to be robbed. "

Speaking of this, the elder Xiashou could only nod his head yes, and then left in a hurry.

Lin Xiao sat on the chair and did not move. After a while, another person signed up from outside.A deputy head of the foreign affairs hall.Under normal circumstances, the deputy hall master would not be summoned directly by Lin Xiao.

"See Sect Master."

"How? Did you get in touch?" Lin Xiao sat down, leaned on the chair and asked with his eyes closed.

"I got in touch with the suzerain, but Bu Zhongxun refused to see me. Moreover, even the jade slips I brought back were returned without moving.

Lin Xiao waved his hand, and stopped talking, signaling the deputy hall master to back down.

Who is Bu Zhongxun?Before that, Lin Xiao didn't even bother to remember.But now it was a rare attempt for him to lose face.The dignified Luo Jinxian named the person he wanted to find, but was directly rejected by the other party without even showing his face.This was simply impossible in the past.

The reason for finding Bu Zhongxun is nothing else, but because the other party is another point of contact with Zhang Yan on the Muge School that is likely to be directly related.Bypassing Hao Xuemen who had been pushed to the front and the situation was very stiff, he went directly to Bu Zhongxun, hoping to have a direct dialogue with Zhang Yan instead of being tied down by the situation like now.

What does the dialogue say?Of course, it is to admit cowardly and subdue, and then ask for the redemption of the suppressed Chen Jiuren.After all, judging from Lin Xiao's willingness to win Feng Leitian at any cost just now, in the same way, why not give the same price to Zhang Yan?In this way, he can directly extract Qingshan Wonderland from the current predicament.

The basis is that in Lin Xiao's view, Zhang Yan in the Liangzi of Qingshan Wonderland and Zhang Yan was at most just a little frightened at the beginning.The real disadvantage has always been the Castle Peak Wonderland.It stands to reason that this kind of beam is definitely not a deadlock.Why doesn't it work if you admit that you are cowardly and submissive?

It's a pity that although the idea was good, Zhang Yan simply ignored it.There is no room for contact and dialogue with Qingshan Wonderland.

"Now it seems that we can only give it a go."

Lin Xiao stood up from the chair.All the contingencies he is doing today cannot solve the fundamental problem.Even if Feng Leitian agreed to Qingshan Wonderland's proposal in the end, it would only stabilize the situation in Qingshan Wonderland, not improve it at all.Even according to Lin Xiao's judgment, the power structure of the entire Pastoral Sect has completely changed.And Qingshan Wonderland became a victim in this change of pattern.

"If you want to change, then you can't let this situation continue, you need to completely mess it up! None of you want to be comfortable!"

(End of this chapter)

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