one's door

Chapter 990 Chaos

Chapter 990 Chaos
While Zhang Yan was studying the refining method of spirit treasures and the newly remodeled four swords in the desolate world in peace and tranquility, the jade swords from the Muge Sect came one after another.

But none of these can affect Zhang Yan.Whether the Muge faction is chaotic or not has nothing to do with him.Even if it is completely messed up, it will be good for gathering the gold leaf.After all, it consumes magic weapons and resources, relying on means and cultivation. These things can be exchanged from Haoxuemen with gold leaf.

So in the face of the chaotic Pastoral School, Haoxuemen, who was supposed to be the center of the storm, was suddenly marginalized strangely.It has become an "isolated island" that everyone can avoid without thinking about it.

The beginning of the chaos was caused by all kinds of strange actions in Qingshan Wonderland.They first let out the news that their great elder, Chen Jiuren, was suppressed, and they took the initiative to expose their weakness.Then he issued a notice to the various forces under his command, saying that the current strength of Qingshan Fairyland is greatly weakened, and it cannot take on the important task of ruling the worlds. Immediately, each world can decide where to go by itself, and Qingshan Wonderland will not block or interfere.

When this news came out, the whole pastoral group was thrown into chaos.

The first one who lost his composure was Feng Leitian.The suzerain thunderstorm even came to Qingshan Wonderland in person aggressively, and asked Lin Xiao why he said one thing and did another?They were still telling Feng Leitian that they wanted to unite, but they immediately let go of nearly [-]% of the forces under their command.Is it true that double-faced and three-faced swordsmen are not trustworthy?
But I don't know what Lin Xiao said to Thunderstorm in the end. I only know that after Thunderstorm left Qingshan Wonderland angrily, his subordinates began to unscrupulously gather the forces that originally belonged to Qingshan Wonderland.The action is fast, and there is a sense of first-come, first-served, for fear of slow hands.

Naturally, Feng Leitian's actions will not be unique, and the huge network of power in Qingshan Wonderland is not something that Feng Leitian can gather quickly if he wants to.It was almost just the front and rear feet, and Gui Shicheng, Yun Lanyu, and Qing Xitian also started the same movement.

For a moment, it was as if there was a lot of unwanted fresh and tender meat on the grassland, which naturally attracted a large group of wild animals to fight for it.There are vultures, hyenas, lions, and even rats.

When there are rules, everyone can share their own things, so that there will be no chaos.But the problem is that there are no rules at this time.Even if vultures and hyenas want to make a rule, lions won't.Or lions have their own rules, but they are opposed by vultures and hyenas.In the end, it cost a lot of rats and insects under the tugging, which caused more conflicts.

In fact, when Zhang Yan saw these jade swords passed back by Bu Zhongxun and Xue E, he guessed that the plan of Qingshan Wonderland might be the source of the growing chaos of the Pastoral School.

"If you want to admit your love but get rejected, you just cut your flesh and set the table to create chaos? The suzerain of this green mountain fairyland is indeed not easy! But it's a pity that the wrist is just a trivial detail, and it still has no meaning in front of absolute power." Zhang Yan thought so in his heart .

And as the tearing in the pastoral faction intensifies, a chaos that has gotten out of control has begun to stir every force in the pastoral faction.You have to choose sides.Except for the special strength of Da Hongtian.

Optional side will not be too flat.The contradictions that everyone could hold back in the past are now burning like fuel to the fire and cannot be stopped.

Quarreling becomes friction, friction becomes collision, collision becomes killing.The blood starts to flow from the forces at the bottom, and spreads to the middle of the center as it flows, and then the upper half.

The speed of these changes exceeded everyone's expectations, and it was much faster than Zhang Yan expected.Just when he had just mastered the Immortal Killing Sword Domain almost completely, that is, it was only two years since he suppressed Chen Jiuren, Zhang Yan could already feel the changes intuitively.It even brought the gold foil business to the point where Zhang Yan had expected, but he didn't expect it to be derived so quickly.

That is, the gold leaf was quickly exchanged.There are very few survivors in the Pastoral School.However, Haoxuemen's special status did not change because of the slipping of the gold leaf, on the contrary, it became more and more important.

The fundamental reason is that Dahongtian, where Haoxuemen is located, is the only one that doesn't need to stand in line.Anyone can associate with them.And he holds unique resources that can be called "timely combat power" in today's chaotic situation: talisman and elixir.

There are two types of talismans being opened today.One is the cultivator-level talismans produced by Tiandaomen, that is, Bu Zhongxun's side, mainly in the fit state and below.The second type is the fairyland talisman produced by the cliff mountain and handed over to Haoxuemen for sale.There are more of the former and less of the latter.But it can also be called a scarce commodity that is in short supply at this time.

And the elixir mainly has the effect of healing and impacting the realm.And the amount is huge.The inventory in Cliff Mountain has almost been evacuated in just two years.Even if the Cliff Mountain Alchemy Hall has a large number of disciples, it is difficult to keep up with the demand for all-out refining.And Haoxuemen is now the only place where you can get pills simply by trading.So that caused the price to skyrocket.

On the contrary, the secret method that was considered the most popular before now needs to be left behind.

Those who have gold leaf will naturally exchange it for gold leaf, and those who do not have gold leaf can exchange it with the basic resources in their respective worlds.Such as various ores, medicinal materials, spirit stones and so on.As long as it is on the list published by Haoxuemen, it can be exchanged.And even if it is not on the list, as long as it is unique enough, it can be exchanged.

In Xue E's words, even if he is facing Jin Xian, he can sit on an equal footing with him now.Because with the backing of Zhang Yan, Haoxuemen's shipments sometimes determine whether a force can survive at a critical moment.The meaning is naturally very different from before.

In contrast to Cliff Mountain.In the past two years, Wang Nian was the one who laughed the most.I ran to the upper half of the mountain to find Zhang Yan's proud credit three times.Because a large amount of resources flowed into the pocket of the cliff mountain, many thresholds that blocked the alchemy hall before finally had the opportunity to practice their hands.If you can practice your hands, you can increase your proficiency, and you can practice various methods.In just over two years, the alchemy level of the disciples in the alchemy hall has been changing day by day like bamboo shoots after a spring rain.

Although the supply of talismans and elixir is still in short supply, the shipments of various popular products in Duanya Mountain are also rising, and the situation is still in short supply.

Zhang Yan is happy with this situation.The more powerful the Pastoral faction is fighting, the more resources they will need.Basic resources cannot be turned into timely combat power immediately, and can only be exchanged from other places at high prices.Going to Cliff Mountain once and twice can make a lot of money, which once again opens up the overall strength within the own world.

Just one month ago, Duanyashan was already collecting the magic weapon in the hands of the disciples.Take the old one away and replace it with a new one.But the old ones were directly thrown to Haoxuemen for them to sell on their behalf, and it turned out to be more sought-after than pills.

"If this continues, Duanyashan may have the confidence to walk in the void world." Zhang Yan foresees this in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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