Chapter 23

"Yuqingmen, why do you come to make things difficult for me?" Sun Wudao showed dissatisfaction.

He asked himself that he had never offended the members of the Yuqing sect, he treated everyone with courtesy and thoughtfulness, and he never showed the slightest arrogance.

"Brother, do you still remember Daozi Yuqing?"

Su Ling said softly: "When listening to the Dao, Daoist Yuqing also belittled me and other demon cultivators."

"The Yuqing sect has always looked down on us demon cultivators."

Zhu Ganglie continued: "I think that we, who are born with horns in our coats and born from wet eggs, are inferior and lowly creatures, not worthy of cultivating Taoism."

"Hey, my master has never disliked me, why do Yuqingmen dislike me and other demon cultivators?"

Sun Wudao became more and more dissatisfied.

He practiced with Jiang Yun since he was a child, and this was the first time he encountered such a thing of being looked down upon.

It has nothing to do with cultivation, but with background.

In Jiang Yun's Journey to the West, he was born with a stone monkey. Although the stone monkey is a chess piece, it is born with a stone fetus and has deep heels and feet, which is incomparable to ordinary gods.

He thinks he is not as good as Sun Wukong, but he is also transformed from a stone womb, raised by nature, and is also a strange species, and he is often complacent.

Unexpectedly, self-satisfaction became the root cause of being despised by others.

"The teachings of the Yuqing sect state that everything in the universe is divided into three, six, and nine grades.

In the Shangqing sect, there is no distinction between teaching and learning, and all living things and living beings can seek the Tao if they have the heart of Taoism. "

An old man came over with an eagle's beak: "Taishang Daozong, the way of doing nothing."

"I have seen Master Ying." The group of demons saluted and introduced: "This is Master Ying. He was instructed by an expert from the Taishang Dao Sect in the early years, and he has already cultivated the Yuanshi Orb."

"I've seen Master Ying." Sun Wudao and Su Ling also bowed to each other.

"You shouldn't address the two fellow daoists like that." Master Ying hurriedly returned the salute: "The two of you and the old man can only be called fellow daoists."

Su Ling asked curiously: "How old is Master Ying now?"

"It's been a hundred years, don't think about it for three hundred years, it's more than four hundred years old." Master Ying replied.

"Such a long life, worthy of the title of Eagle Lord."

Sun Wudao was polite and polite: "Since the Yuqing faction doesn't like us, then we should walk around them from now on."

The group of monsters were stunned for a moment, and sighed in their hearts. It seems that the forces behind Sun Wudao can't afford to provoke the Yuqing faction.

But think about it, the Yuqing faction is also a top-level faction.

Those who can provoke the Yuqing faction are the big forces such as Taishang, Shangqing, and Buddhism.

"We should go around by ourselves. We are pure-hearted and hardworking, but we must fight fiercely."

Master Ying nodded and said: "The two of you, Lao Shiguan, are disciples of the great sect. Although I don't know where the two masters come from, the Taishang Dharma Assembly should not attract too much attention."

"Thank you, Lord Ying, for reminding me that my brother and sister just want to discuss with you and have no other ideas." Sun Wudao thanked.

"The arrival of the Yuqing sect, obviously you have attracted their attention, and the Buddhist sect has also been watching you for a long time."

Master Ying shook his head and said: "Thank you for your kind guidance, and please don't cause trouble for you."

The faces of the group of monsters changed slightly, and they all bowed to each other and said, "Brother Dao pointed out, we have benefited a lot, please take care of Brother Dao."

Sun Wudao's face was ugly. He didn't expect that discussing and communicating here would attract prying eyes.

"Buddhism, what should we do? They can't see the demon's cultivation?" Sun Wudao asked with a frown.

"It's not that I can't see it." Master Ying sighed softly: "I am a demon cultivator without a big background. If I have achieved something, my luck will be good. If I take a mount, but my luck is not good, I will take pills and pearls and enter the alchemy furnace." Inside, it turns into ashes."

Zhu Ganglie said: "Hey, if you can become the mount of the Supreme Dao Sect Immortal Elder, that would be great."

"Yes, it's a pity that I don't have such a blessing." The group of demons sighed.

"I used to have a few friends, but now they are either mounts or Buddhist beasts, guarding the incense and not being free."

Master Ying shook his head, turned and left: "That's all for now, I'll take a step first."

Sun Wudao's complexion changed, his expression was complicated, and the demon cultivation was difficult.

After hearing these words, I realized what a blessing it is to be able to practice with Jiang Yun.

Su Ling looked around, looked at the attic, and his eyes happened to meet with Zen Mind Buddha.

Fozi smiled, and Su Ling grinned fiercely.

"Amitabha." Zen Heart Buddha said a Buddha's name, turned and left.

"Sure enough, Buddhism has already watched us." Seeing this scene, the group of monsters sighed bitterly.

"Hey, if you were born in the holy place of the demon clan, it would be a pleasure to worship a demon king." Zhu Ganglie sighed.

"The demon king?" Sun Wudao's heart moved. In the past, Sun Wukong gathered the monkey grandsons, and he also named the demon king.

"That's right, in the mountains and mountains in the distance, in the area of ​​the demon tribe, there is a big demon, known as the demon king, guarding one side."

Zhu Ganglie's eyes showed longing: "The demon king is the last one, and he is also in the realm of the yin god. The big demon king has already obtained the way of the yang god, and started to collect the five qi, gather the three flowers on the top, and the big faction dare not easily set foot in the demon world." King area."

"Then why don't you go find those demon kings?" Sun Wudao asked curiously.

"The mountain is high and the road is far away. It is tens of thousands of miles away from the Taishang Daozong. I am a small monster, I am afraid that I will be killed and eaten on the way." The wolf demon continued.

"In the Taishang Taoist sect, although there is no great fortune, you can practice with peace of mind, safe and comfortable." The group of demons replied.

"Brother, let's go." Su Ling shook his head lightly, and said, "It's been half a month since we communicated, and everyone has gained a lot. It's time to go back and practice with peace of mind."

"Thank you two brothers."

The group of demons bowed and saluted again, and Zhu Gang said: "My cave is thirty miles east of Taishang Daozong Mountain. If you don't mind, you can come and sit."

"Zhu Ganglie and I are not far away. If the Taoist brother comes, we will welcome him piously." Another monster said.

"I am..."

The group of monsters introduced the location of their cave one after another, and welcomed them to visit.

Sun Wudao bowed and returned the salute: "Before leaving, the master has explained that you can't rely on the master's family to show off your prestige, and you must not reveal it. Therefore, I can't invite fellow Taoists. I hope you will forgive me."

"Fellow Daoist Master, it must be the Daoist Daoist, we understand." The group of monsters respectfully said.

Sun Wudao and Su Ling left.

It's just that after leaving, Sun Wudao was not in high spirits and completely lost color.

"Brother, what are you thinking?" Su Ling whispered.

Sun Wudao sighed: "It's difficult for the demon cultivator to come to this point."

"Monster cultivation is inherently difficult, and my brother and I have a good fate. I have learned the truth from my master, so I don't know the dangers of cultivating."

Su Ling walked gracefully and said, "Brother, don't think too much about causing trouble for Master."

"I don't dare to cause trouble." Sun Wudao hurriedly said: "During this time, I also keep a low profile and try to avoid trouble."

"Walking outside, I have let Yuqing and the Buddhist sect watch, and I have obtained the method of cultivation, so let Sister Yanyu arrange for us to retreat." Su Ling said.

"Their management is really lenient." Sun Wudao curled his lips and said, "Not only the Buddhism is lenient, but Yuqing is also lenient."

"You're upset." Su Ling said calmly.

Sun Wudao was silent for a moment, and said: "It's a mess, have mercy on my difficulty in cultivating demons."

Su Ling was silent.

"Junior Sister, tell me, we will always be like this, practicing with Master?" Sun Wudao asked suddenly.

Su Ling paused, looked at Sun Wu with a gloomy gaze, and said, "Monkey, don't mention this again, otherwise, I will scratch your mouth."

Sun Wudao was agitated, and quickly said: "Don't mention it, don't mention it, don't be angry, junior sister."

(End of this chapter)

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