Chapter 24
Su Ling could feel that Sun Wudao was upset.

Pity the difficulty of demon cultivation, anger at Yuqing's belittling and contempt, and anger at Buddhism's secret peeping.

The demon cultivator is miserable, and can only rely on the Taishang Daozong to survive.

If you go far away to find the demon king, if you are not careful, it will become a transport mount, and if it is serious, it will enter the pill furnace, become part of the pill, and turn into ashes.

"How did you gain from discussing Dao?" Wen Gu Yanyu said softly.

"The harvest is great, please arrange a secret room for us to retreat." Su Ling bowed.

"Okay." Wen Gu Yanyu nodded slightly, and led them to the secret room for retreat.

Walking for a while, there was no one around, Sun Wudao couldn't help but said: "Sister, Yuqing's lineage, the teaching is to divide all things into three, six, and nine grades? Do you despise demon cultivators?"

Wen Gu Yanyu frowned slightly after hearing the words: "Have you seen the members of the Yuqing sect? They are indeed like this, but you don't have to take it to heart, I'll go and reprimand them."

"Sister, don't bother me." Sun Wudao said hastily: "I just heard that Yaoxiu is hard by chance, and my heart is hard to calm down."

"Enlightenment, you have been in the world of mortals since you were young, and practiced with your master, and you don't know all schools and schools."

Wen Gu Yanyu pondered and said: "Listening to what you said, my mind is already in chaos, and the retreat is not peaceful."

"Please teach me, sister." Sun Wudao bowed.

"Come with me."

Wen Gu Yanyu groaned for a moment, then waved his hand, the clouds and fog rose, and he led Sun Wudao and Su Ling away from Taishang Qingyun Peak.

He didn't leave Taishang Daozong, but came to a mountain halfway up.

There are people climbing the mountain, the young ones are eleven or twelve years old, and the old ones have gray hair and are already sixty years old.

"They are?" Sun Wudao asked in confusion.

"They are asking for immortality."

Wen Gu Yanyu said indifferently: "They heard that the Supreme Dao Sect is here, and they wanted to join the Dao Sect, so they asked about it."

"That old man also wants to join the Taoist sect?" Sun Wudao pointed at the white-haired old man.

"Yes, he has been here since he was 15 years old, he never gave up, and his heart to seek the Tao is firm." Wen Gu Yanyu nodded.

"At such an age, my hands and feet are inconvenient, and I am determined to seek the Tao." Sun Wudao couldn't bear it, and asked, "Why didn't the Taoist sect accept him?"

"His talent is too poor. Even if he enters the Taoist sect, his whole life will be nothing but refinement and transformation."

Wen Gu Yanyu sighed softly: "And he is in the world of mortals, he already has children and family members, and he has children and grandchildren, so he can take care of him for the rest of his life, wouldn't he be comfortable?"

"What about those young people?" Sun Wudao asked again.

"Most of the aptitude is similar to that of the old man, and it will be difficult to enter the immortal way after all." Wen Gu Yanyu said calmly.

Sun Wudao was silent.

"At this moment, do you know that seeking the way is difficult?" Wen Gu Yanyu asked.

"Understood." Sun Wudao sighed: "Not only is it difficult for demon cultivation, but human cultivation is also difficult."

"This is just a seeker of the Tao. Those who have entered the Taoist sect may not be as comfortable as outsiders say."

Wen Gu Yanyu took them to meet the disciples of the Supreme Dao Sect.

Doing homework diligently, chopping firewood and carrying water, although you have obtained the method of practice, your progress is still weak, and practice is difficult.

"Seeking the Tao is difficult, not only the monster race is difficult."

Wen Guyanyu continued: "You were in the Taishang Dao Sect, and you saw the difficulty of cultivating demons. If you go to the land of the demon king, you will see the difficulty of cultivating people."

"The land of the demon king, how difficult is it for people to cultivate?" Sun Wudao asked.

"Humans use demon pills as medicine to supplement their own self-elixirs, and the same is true for monster races."

Wen Gu Yanyu said indifferently: "Mortals in the world live hard, practice the world, seek the Tao with difficulty, the road is obstructed and dangerous, if you are a little careless, you will die and the Tao will disappear."

"You have sympathy for demon cultivators, but don't be biased. You feel that human cultivators are comfortable and superior, because what you have come into contact with is no longer ordinary people's cultivators."

"Wu Dao understands." Sun Wudao bowed and saluted: "The Immortal Elder is also a human cultivator. If you understand the Dao, you must never dare to have a grudge against human cultivators."

"Each sect has different teachings, and each has a different temperament. People have good and evil, and so do demons."

Wen Gu Yanyu smiled indifferently: "Your heart should understand good and evil, and realize the way of inaction."

"Dare to ask my sister, how do you realize the way of inaction?" Sun Wudao saluted again: "Like the elders, sitting and watching the changes of the world, the vicissitudes of the sea, the heart like a rock, unmoving like a mountain?"

"That's not the case."

Wen Gu Yanyu shook his head and said: "The old man's preaching should only be on the first level, where he can see the heaven and the earth, and there should be a second level in the follow-up. Those who do nothing should follow nature and the way of heaven."

"We are all part of nature, and everything we do is natural, and those who do nothing do something, which is what we should do."

"Then why do something?" Sun Wudao asked again.

"If you discuss the Dao with demon cultivators and point them out, you will do something."

Wen Guyanyu said slowly: "You guide them, instead of forcibly teaching them, interfering with them, you are doing something."

"Sister, Wu Dao understands." Sun Wudao bowed to thank him, and said again: "Sister, is the fairy too tall?"

"I don't know." Wen Gu Yanyu shook his head and said: "For ordinary people, we restrain ourselves, do nothing but do everything, and we are the Supreme. To us, sir, he is also the Supreme."

"Whether it's really too high or not, we can't say, only too high."

"My sister has profound principles, and I think Yangshen is not far away." Su Ling continued.

Wen Gu Yanyu smiled slightly, and led them back to Qingyun Peak: "You also work hard to cultivate, and you will be able to cultivate Yinshen as soon as possible."

Back at Qingyun Peak, Sun Wudao and Su Ling retreated with peace of mind and sorted out the practice methods.

Wen Guyanyu went to look for Aoyu.

Sun Wudao and Su Ling were being targeted, and Ao Yu's side couldn't cause any more trouble.

If a Taishang Dharma meeting disturbs the minds of the three little guys, it will be hard to explain after they go back.

As soon as I arrived at the land where the mountain gods and the rivers and waters communicated, I heard the words of the monks.

"Why don't fellow Taoists follow the poor monk to the bliss of the Western Paradise, cultivate the body of a celestial dragon, and prove the fruit of the celestial dragon?"

A young monk said: "I am a Buddha, a heavenly dragon, and I am the master of the water king, who helps all living beings and benefits all peoples."

Ao Yu frowned and said, "I cultivate Xuanmen Shuijun, follow the way of gods, and benefit all people."

"I, Buddha Tathagata, save all sentient beings. Fellow Taoists have the heart of a bodhisattva. You should focus on all living beings and all peoples, not the countryside of one place." The monk said.

"Buddhist scriptures say that one flower is one world, one tree is one floating life, one grass is one heaven, one leaf is one Tathagata, one sand is one bliss, one side is one pure land, one smile is one world, one thought is one tranquility."

Ao Yu calmly said: "My gaze has its own world. Among the living beings, what I see are all living beings in the world, and what I do is beneficial to all living beings and people. How can there be a distinction between the countryside and the world?"

"This..." The monk fell silent for a while.

"Yu'er." Wen Gu Yanyu walked over.

"Sister Yanyu." Ao Yu hurriedly stood up and bowed.

"I've seen the saint." The land and mountain gods, the river and water lords all stood up to salute.

The monk is already saluting: "My little monk has seen the saint."

Wen Gu Yanyu's eyes were cold, and he stared at the monk: "Dig the wall and come to my side? Zen heart is so fat?!"

"Holy lady, calm down, I just see that this Taoist friend has deep roots of wisdom, and he came here to talk about Buddhism and Taoism, and has no other meaning." The monk's complexion paled, and he quickly explained.

"Every time a Dharma meeting is held, I will see Buddhist monks, looking for people with wisdom roots. If there are other people, I will not interfere."

Wen Gu Yanyu said coldly: "Go back and tell Zen Xin that there will be a next time, and I will send you back to Buddhism with my own hands."

"Let's leave, little monk." The monk's face was pale, his body trembling like chaff, and he left quickly.

Wen Gu Yanyu was really angry. If she was really expelled from the Supreme Fa Conference and became a laughing stock, it would be a big trouble if she provoked the saint to do it herself.

(End of this chapter)

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