Chapter 25 Seeing All Beings

The monk only felt a sudden shock in his heart, and the trembling from the depths of his soul made his heart tighten.

At this moment, all Buddhist supernatural powers seemed powerless and pale.

The power of Yin God!

Not daring to stay longer, he took his leave and left in a hurry.

The monk staggered and entered an attic with a sluggish expression.

"Zhiyun, are you injured?" Chanxin Buddha was discussing Buddhism with the monks, and frowned when he saw this scene.

The monk sat down cross-legged, with a frightened look on his face: "The little monk communicated with Ao Yu about the way of the Lord of Water, and wanted to invite Ao Yu to enter the Buddhist gate, which angered the saint."

"The saintess defends that demon cultivator so much?" the group of monks asked in amazement.

"How do you view Aoyu?" Chan Xin asked.

"A mere monk is not as good at understanding the truth." Zhiyun said.

"These three demon cultivators are all spiritual creatures and strange species, and they have a profound comprehension of the truth."

The Zen-minded Buddhist thought: "The members of the Yuqing family were also defeated by Sun Wudao. Behind these three people, there should be true cultivation of Taoism."

"Buddha, shall we still guide them into Buddhism?" A monk asked.

"Wait for the fate." Chanxin Buddha said indifferently: "If there is no fate, don't force it."

"Amitabha." The group of monks proclaimed the Buddha's name and stopped talking about this matter.

In the past, in various dharma conferences, Buddhist sects would look for all kinds of practitioners, especially demon cultivators, to enter the Buddhist sect.

Some demon cultivators may not be strong, but it is possible to do some gatekeepers and mounts for transportation.

The three little guys, Sun Wudao, have profound principles, and the strongest can return pills with gold liquid, so it is a good time to start.

I thought it would be easy to catch, but I didn't expect that members of Yuqing sect and monk Zhiyun all failed and returned.

Now it has made Wen Gu Yanyu even more angry, so naturally she can't do this anymore.

They were really expelled from the Taishang Fa Conference, and they had no face to go back.

"Buddha, Daoist Yuqing is visiting." A monk walked in.

"Amitabha, please come in Taoist." Chanxin Buddha got up and said: "Everyone, follow this Buddha and welcome Taoist."

The group of monks smiled and proclaimed the Buddha's name loudly.

Yuqing Daozi entered the attic with a gloomy expression, not knowing what he was talking about.

It was not until the next day that Yuqing Daozi left the attic.

When he came out, his face was full of red, and Zen Heart Buddha also sent him off enthusiastically, apparently reaching an agreement that both parties were satisfied with.

Taixuanzi, the Daoist of the Shangqing Dynasty, visited Wen Guyanyu and talked about Taoism for a day, and then he proposed his intention.

"Senior sister has profound Taoism, and Taixuanzi admires it."

Taixuanzi was polite and polite, and turned to say: "Before going to the meeting, my master once said that there may be evil disasters in this Dharma meeting."

"Evil disaster?" Wen Gu Yanyu frowned and said: "Is it speculated that the Supreme Heavenly Demon will come to make trouble?"

"I'm afraid it's not just too high a demon."

Taixuanzi sighed softly, and said: "Since cultivating Taoism, there have been demons born in both sects and Buddhist sects, there are Taishang demons in Taishang, and Yuanshi demons in Yuqing, and Buddhism has also been born in Zizai demons."

Wen Gu Yanyu sighed softly: "Only the lineage of Shangqing has never been born with any demons, but this time the rest of the demons have come?"

"According to Master's speculation, it should be the Taishang Heavenly Demon united with the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon."

Taixuanzi's expression was slightly concentrated, and he said: "It's just that these two lineages of heavenly demons have big tricks, and Master can't guess it."

"Now that the elder has already left the customs, unless the Hedao Heavenly Demon comes, there will be no trouble."

Wen Gu Yanyu thought about it: "And if He Dao Heavenly Demon comes here, he shouldn't be able to hide it from me, Tai Shang Dao Sect."

"I'm afraid they came here for this sermon, and they don't know when the demon will come."

Taixuanzi's expression was slightly concentrated: "Senior sister should be prepared in case of accidents, and there are three friends around senior sister."

"They?" Wen Gu Yanyu frowned.

"These three people are still shallow in Taoism. Although they have profound comprehension of principles, they don't understand the world's affairs and people's hearts. They are afraid that they will be taken advantage of by the demons." Taixuanzi said.

"I will take good care of them." Wen Gu Yanyu nodded and said.

"I won't disturb Senior Sister." Taixuanzi got up and left.

Wen Gu Yanyu groaned for a while, then kneaded the magic formula, and passed on the matter of the demon to the sect.

The three little guys, Sun Wudao, really need to be reminded, in case they are really bewitched by the devil and fall into the devil's way.

When they came to the closed room, Sun Wudao, Ao Yu, and Su Ling were gathering to study the practice method.

"Sister Yanyu is here." The three stood up at the same time.

"Just now Daozi Shangqing came and said that there might be demons infiltrating the ceremony." Wen Gu Yanyu didn't hide anything and told the story.

"Taishang, Yuanshi, Zizai Heavenly Demon?"

Su Ling blinked: "There are so many demons?"

"The Taishang Heavenly Demon is ruthless, and the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon is passionate, lustful, and extremely evil.

The Demon of Freedom seeks to be at ease, free and unrestrained, to follow one's mind about good and evil, and to act by unscrupulous means. "

Wen Gu Yanyu said.

"It sounds like the Heavenly Demon can do whatever he wants, not like the Heavenly Demon." Sun Wudao wondered.

"Do whatever you want, without restraint, without moral standards, without rules and rules, you will naturally become a demon."

Wen Gu Yanyu sighed softly: "The freedom of the Zizai Heavenly Demon is not true freedom, but the freedom based on the pain of others."

"I see, then Zizai Tianmo is really hateful." The three little guys said in a deep voice.

"You should also be careful, don't be taken advantage of by the demon." Wen Gu Yanyu said with a serious expression: "I promised sir, I will not let you have any accidents."

Ao Yu said: "Sister, don't worry, before coming to the Dharma conference, the master has already protected us with Taoism."

"With the protection of the elder fairy, it is impossible for the demon to shake us." Sun Wudao also answered.

Hearing this, Wen Gu Yanyu heaved a sigh of relief: "Even though Mr. has great supernatural powers, he should not be careless."

After instructing the three little guys, Wen Gu Yanyu got up and left.

Sun Wudao and the others have already obtained the practice method and benefited a lot from the exchange, but they don't want to go out and concentrate on studying the practice method.

Practitioners from various sects outside, land and mountain gods, river and water lords, and demon cultivators have also entered the state of retreat.

In the blink of an eye, the second sermon came.

The three little guys, following Wen Guyanyu, rode a crane to the Wangqing Peak on the Taishang.

Many practitioners took their seats, still in their original positions.

After they were seated, the sky was full of rays of light, and the elder Li Wei reappeared.

It is still the Tao Te Ching, the heaven and the earth reappear, and everyone sees the heaven and the earth.

In this sermon, the practitioners once again immersed themselves in it, spying on the world.

The years have changed, the sea has changed, the world has been barren, and creatures have been born.

From the very beginning of reptiles and beasts, to demon cultivators, the birth of human beings.

They looked at these reptiles and beasts, demon cultivators and humans, but they still could only look at them and couldn't blend in.

"Sister Yanyu is right, the second sermon is to see all sentient beings."

Sun Wudao looked at those demon cultivators and human beings. Some mortals could not get it if they asked for immortality, and some practitioners killed and robbed them, and they did everything they could.

Some demon cultivators were reduced to mounts and turned into part of pills, and there were also demon cultivators who hunted and killed human practitioners.

Cultivation is cruel, scheming, love and hatred, gains and losses in honor and disgrace are all pursued by these practitioners.

For a single elixir, they fought violently, killing sun, moon and lightless people everywhere.

And there are quite a few people who draw their swords and kill people in a fit of anger.

People with kind hearts often lose even more and let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Sun Wudao looked at the practitioners, from being ignorant and kind-hearted at the beginning, to indifferent and ruthless at the end, putting away his kindness.

Could it be that practitioners just want to erase their emotions?
No, wouldn't this be too ruthless?
(End of this chapter)

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