Chapter 73
In an instant, because of the appearance of this golden dragon, all the horses neighed in fright and were no longer calm, and the rest of the soldiers were also frightened.

Commander Li and the others also shrank their pupils, and couldn't help but retreat, and everyone stood up in battle in an instant, extremely nervous.

dragon! ?

There is no totem in the Dali Dynasty. The first emperor Hongde believed that people should strive for self-improvement and believe in themselves is the greatest truth.

Since the dragon clan has declined since ancient times, there are no more dragons in this world, but now that a golden dragon appears in front of you, how can people not be surprised.

Princess Anning was also shocked, she stretched out her head, and when she saw the golden dragon, her pupils shrank: "Xiao Guizi, this is a dragon!?"

Xu Huaixiu frowned, is there really a dragon in this real dragon village?

He killed the other party's three subordinates by himself, but now he has been found.

Creatures like dragons are born with a strong body, even if a master of ghosts and immortals comes, they may not be able to match them.

In the sky, a golden dragon circled, majestic and domineering. On the dragon's head stood a handsome young man with a vague face, and many mysterious scriptures circulated.

"But if you hurt the people of Zhenlongzhai, I am more powerful than others. The people of Zhenlongzhai who hurt me stand up and follow me back to Zhenlongzhai to commit suicide. I will spare your life!" When you spoke, your voice was so loud that it deafened your ears.

Jiang Yuandao's face turned slightly pale. How did he provoke such long-disappeared creatures?

He stood up and cupped his hands: "This True Monarch..."

"I am Dawei True Dragon True Monarch!"

"Hey, this majestic, real dragon and real king, I'm just a citizen of Dali. I've been busy traveling these days, and I haven't met the people of the real king, let alone hurt the people of the real king. Please Zhenjun clearly observe the details."

"Hmph, I've checked. Are you the only one in this area for dozens of miles? Oh, yes, there are still a few men who have died. They must have been killed by one of you. If no one admits, I will I can only kill you all to end this karma." Zhen Jun said coldly, instantly frightening the entire convoy, his face turned pale for a while.

Jiang Yuandao looked back at the crowd: "Some of you have hurt the people of the real king, stand up quickly, don't hurt the innocent, and I, Jiang Yuandao, will handle it properly and take good care of your family."

Everyone looked at each other.

"My lord, we have been traveling all day, but we have never met the people of the real king."

"Yes, my lord, we have never left this journey, my lord knows it."

The rest of the soldiers immediately said one by one.

Suddenly, Commander Wang looked at Xu Huaixiu who was behind, and suddenly remembered: "Speaking of which, Eunuch Gui went hunting yesterday, and he came back very late..."

In an instant, everyone looked at Xu Huaixiu in unison.

Princess Anning stretched out her head to look at the latter, she remembered that Xiao Guizi did go out last night, and she even mocked him.

"Xiao Guizi, you..." Princess Anning said.

At this moment, Jiang Yuandao and others looked at An Ning, only to realize that the so-called nobleman was actually Princess Dali, but at this moment, they had no time to take care of it.

Jiang Yuandao said: "Eunuch Gui, did you go out last night and meet the people of the real king? We all have the duty of escorting food and grass, and shoulder heavy responsibilities. If this is really what Eunuch Gui did, I hope Father-in-law can take the initiative, don't harm Chi Yu!"

Xu Huaixiu frowned, she didn't admit it, all of them would die.

If you admit it, you will definitely die.

However, there are indeed many innocent people among these people, and Xu Huaixiu does not want to hurt them.

He thought about it for a while, and then looked at Jiang Yuandao. The group of people last night had something to do with Jiang Yuandao, and they wanted to take the blame for themselves, and even killed themselves.

Since they're all going to die, it's not bad to pull a bottom one?
Xu Huaixiu stood up directly: "A man does something, and he doesn't do something. Dare to ask this true king, if your people do things that are harmful to nature and reason, you will take sides!?"

Zhenjun opened his mouth with a righteous face: "Ben Zhenjun naturally has clear rewards and punishments. If my people do things that are harmful to nature, I will punish them, but if you kill them, Ben Zhenjun will naturally not let them go. Desire, I will let you die without pain."

Xu Huaixiu shook his head: "It seems that Zhenjun is determined to protect your people, so I have nothing to say. In the middle of last night, Master Jiang and I went out together for convenience, and met Zhenjun's people, but If they want to eat us, I will naturally fight back,

Jiang Yuan said: "????"

He turned to look at Xu Huaixiu with astonishment.

"Eunuch Gui, what... are you talking about!?"

Xu Huaixiu sighed: "Master Jiang, at this point, for the sake of everyone, you and I have no choice but to admit it."

Jiang Yuandao's face turned pale: "Eunuch Gui, don't talk nonsense, when did I go out with you last night, Commander Li and Commander Wang, you all need to testify for me."

Commander Wang and Commander Li looked at each other: "Last night last night!?"

Xu Huaixiu nodded: "Yes, Mr. Jiang and I happened to meet in the middle of the night last night."

Commander Wang frowned immediately: "Master Jiang, I don't know about this. We all fell asleep in the middle of the night."

Jiang Yuandao vomited blood: "Eunuch Gui, how can you speak so nonsense, I didn't provoke you."

Xu Huaixiu had no choice but to say, "Master Jiang, why bother? It's a good deal to sacrifice you and me to save everyone."

Cost-effective, cost-effective fart, I have never been there.

Jiang Yuandao slandered in his heart, and looked anxious: "By the way, who was the watchman last night, he should know and can testify for me!"

Among the soldiers, a thin man had an ugly face, and he hesitated: "My lord... this subordinate is guilty, last night, I was also hazy last night, and I don't remember very well."

Jiang Yuandao vomited blood in his heart: "You you you you you..."

"Haha, that's very good. Ben Zhenjun will naturally reward and punish you. If that's the case, you two will follow Ben Zhenjun back to Zhenlong Village. Ben Zhenjun will kill you in front of the people!"

That Zhenjun opened his mouth, and immediately galloped over. Two dragon claws grabbed Xu Huaixiu and Jiang Yuandao, and galloped away.

Princess Anning said anxiously, "Xiao Guizi!"

She didn't dare to fight this real dragon at all, for fear of falling here.

"I am wronged...don't!"

In the air, only Jiang Yuandao's screams remained.

The rest of the people looked at each other in dismay.



Xu Huaixiu, who was caught by the dragon's claw, was puzzled at this moment.

This real dragon looks powerful and invincible, but now it is caught by this real dragon at close range.

Xu Huaixiu had a different feeling.

Not as powerful as I imagined.

Facing the wind, he raised his head to look at the young man on the dragon's head, and now he frowned even more, just now he was far away, his body surface was hazy, and he couldn't see clearly at all, but looking at it now, Xu Huaixiu saw the clue.

Soul! ?
And it seems that this spirit is not very powerful, even Zhao Zhaozhao's can't match it.

But why does the real dragon obey this order?
He observed carefully, only to find that although the real dragon was lifelike, its eyes were dull, as if it was being manipulated.

Thinking of this, Xu Huaixiu smiled.

He thought it was really a real dragon and real monarch, and he might have been deceived.

But he was not in a hurry, since this Zhenjun was the owner of Zhenlong Village, it meant that this village was not enough to prove it, he had the power to fight, let alone Zhao Zhaozhao, so he could go and have a look first.

"Zhenjun, I was wronged. This eunuch is the one who lied. I beg Zhenjun to let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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