Xiao Guizi, are you a eunuch Xiuyang God?

Chapter 74 Dao Technique Attack

Chapter 74 Dao Technique Attack
In the cold wind, Jiang Yuandao's face was pale with fright, trembling, crying and begging for mercy, his crotch was vaguely wet.

"Hmph, this true gentleman should be clear about things, he will not kill a good person by mistake, and he will not let a bad person go." Zhenjun said.

Xu Huaixiu suddenly felt weird when he saw the True Monarch say this.

"You dead eunuch, it was all your fault, why do you wrong me, I am different from you!" Jiang Yuandao saw that begging for mercy would not work, and he was about to die, so he immediately turned his head and cursed at Xu Huaixiu!

Xu Huaixiu said quietly: "Master Jiang, last night I met a group of people who wanted to kill me, and they also said they wanted to join you. Could it be that the matter of food and grass has nothing to do with you?"

"You!" Jiang Yuandao was stunned, then cursed and sneered, "Hmph, so what if you have nothing to do with this official, you are just a lifeless eunuch, you dare to fight against this official, you are looking for death, I knew it earlier I should have killed you sooner, but now I am troubled by you, I really regret it."

Xu Huaixiu said, "Master Jiang, it's still too late for you to apologize to me."

"Apologize? You bitch, eunuch, I wish I could get rid of you right now, and even apologize to you, let's make your spring and autumn dream come true!" Jiang Yuandao sneered again and again.

Xu Huaixiu nodded: "It's very good, so I don't have any psychological burden!"

"Hmph!" Jiang Yuandao snorted coldly.

A moment later, the golden dragon landed, and the two were directly thrown into the courtyard of Zhenlong Village.

Xu Huaixiu was fine, he was in martial arts, and his body was strong, so he was fine. This Jiang Yuandao was just an ordinary person, and when he was thrown down, he fell with a bruised nose and a swollen face, screaming again and again.

When he opened his eyes, he saw many monsters in the courtyard looking at him fiercely, and his heart trembled.

There are so many... monsters here.

And these monsters also spit out human words, which is even more terrifying.

"Are they the ones who killed Miss Fox?"

"Since Zhenjun has been captured, it should be them!"

"True Monarch, kill them, kill them, avenge Fox Lady and the others!"

"Kill them!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of howling in the whole courtyard.
Jiang Yuandao kept backing away in fright.

Xu Huaixiu was also a little surprised, there are so many monsters here, and each of them has practiced the Yangshen method, can concentrate and get out of the body, and the larynx has been refined, so they can directly speak human words and make human voices.

The real dragon hovered, and the real monarch above said: "Silence!"

"These two are the ones who killed Fox Lady and the others. I have already captured them. To end this karma, let us people watch. My majestic True Dragon and True Monarch must protect the True Lord." The people of Longzhai who offend the people of Zhenlongzhai will surely die!"

"Majestic, True Dragon and True Monarch are mighty!"

"Majestic, True Dragon and True Monarch are mighty!"

In the courtyard, many monsters waved their flags and shouted, and the atmosphere was warm.

The holy king stared directly at Xu Huaixiu and the others with cold eyes: "You two don't want to kill yourself quickly, do you want me to do it myself?"

Jiang Yuandao was completely frightened. He knelt down on the ground, kowtowed continuously, his forehead was covered with blood, and wept bitterly: "The real king is wronged. I didn't go out at all last night. I didn't kill the people of the real king. It's this eunuch, please forgive me!"

"Zhenjun, I am the censor of Hanzhou Dao. If Zhenjun needs it, I can capture the people of Hanzhou Dao and offer sacrifices to the people of Zhenjun. Zhenjun can eat whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't kill him. Me, offerings can be endless!"

"I beg Zhenjun to let me go, I have been wronged, Zhenjun only needs to disinfect this little eunuch and let me go back, I will arrest the people to sacrifice to Zhenjun!"

Xu Huaixiu frowned when he heard that, Jiang Yuandao really deserved to die, for wanting to sacrifice his own life to the people of Hanzhou.

"Human beings are indeed cunning, True Monarch, kill him quickly!"

"Zhenjun killed him!"

When the monsters below heard the words, they immediately spoke one after another.

The True Monarch on the golden dragon also snorted coldly: "Humans are really cunning. In order to survive, they betrayed their fellow countrymen. Not only did they plant all of them on the people around them, but they also sacrificed to the people of the human race. Such cunning and vicious people must be the real murderers. Even now, you still dare to speak falsehoods, Zhenjun can’t tolerate sand in his eyes, you two should kill yourself as soon as possible, so as not to hurt the hands of Zhenjun.”

Hearing this, Jiang Yuandao sat down completely: "It's over, it's over, my life is over!"

Unexpectedly, at this time, Xu Huaixiu suddenly smiled and said, "Is there only such a master as Zhenjun in Zhenlong Village?"

The True Lord on the Golden Dragon frowned immediately: "Human, are you looking down on the True King? That's fine, I will do it myself, Xu Mijian will let you die without pain!"

"So, I'm relieved!" Xu Huaixiu said.

"Huh?" That Zhenjun frowned, not understanding why Xu Huaixiu said that.

Jiang Yuandao's face turned pale, and he also looked at Xu Huaixiu in surprise. This dead eunuch is crazy, and he still said such things at this time.

Suddenly Xu Huaixiu closed his eyes, and suddenly his spirit floated out.

A powerful spirit appeared in midair.

That Zhenjun's face panicked, and he was no longer as indifferent as before, and said a little: "You are a person who has practiced the Yang Shen method, but so what, in front of this Zhenjun, you are just dying."

"Yin Sun God!"

As soon as Xu Huaixiu imagined it, a huge demon god appeared in the air, almost occupying half of the courtyard, and rushed towards the true king as he spoke.

"Hmph, it's just a visualization of the demon god, let's see the true king destroy you!"

"Tai Xu captures the dragon's claw!"

A huge soul dragon claw suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, and grabbed the huge demon god fiercely.

Xu Huaixiu's eyelids twitched, this is Taoism!

The Yin Sun God was caught by the dragon's claw, and immediately wailed, the spirit struggled vigorously in the dragon's claw, and cracks began to appear.

Now Xu Huaixiu's soul is strong enough to visualize many arhats.

Don't hide your clumsiness at the moment.

Sitting Deer Arhat, Laughing Lion Arhat, Joyful Arhat.

The three arhats appeared instantly, and then rushed towards the real dragon.

"Da Ri True Dragon!"

Suddenly, a phantom of a real dragon appeared in the void. If you look carefully, it is the phantom imagined by the real monarch.

The three arhats and the phantom of the real dragon began to fight.

Xu Huaixiu gradually began to work hard. The opponent's soul could appear in the daytime and be seen by everyone. Obviously, he had reached the realm of appearance. With the help of foreign objects, he could show his body and condense his true form.

But Xu Huaixiu didn't intend to do this, and now it's just to fight this real monarch for a while.

"Jade Embryo Sword!"

At this very moment, Xu Huaixiu took out the Jade Embryo Sword from the Righteous Qi Sutra, this kind of god of heaven and earth may not be able to resist even the realm of appearance.

In an instant, he got into the Jade Embryo Sword.

And below, Jiang Yuandao was dumbfounded, watching this scene in disbelief!
This little eunuch whom he maliciously insulted and underestimated was actually a monster who practiced the method of the Yang God.

An unacceptable existence in Dali.

He instantly understood why Eunuch Chang in the palace died!

(End of this chapter)

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