I cultivate immortality by guarantee

Chapter 14 14. Ripe Vermillion Fruit

Chapter 14 14. Ripe Vermillion Fruits, Don't Pretend
The chaos in the Huoquan Cave was extremely chaotic for a while, and even Zhu Guo in the corner of the high platform had no time to pay attention.

The scene was uncontrollable for a while, even though they were killed by Zongmen Tianjiao, the purple-clothed small group still had the upper hand. After all, not only their personal strength was superior, but they also knew how to attack together. , played a significant role.

Moreover, the purple-clothed young man still didn't make a full-strength attack, and his worst cultivation was Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, and he possessed strange skills.

What's more important is that other monks are at odds with each other, casual cultivators and sect disciples are not in the same mind, each sect is distinct, and there are always people who want to wait to reap the benefits.

"If this goes on like this, the toxin will become deeper and deeper, and the magic body protection will not be able to withstand it."

"Leave Zhu Guo for now, let's deal with these crooked demons first!"

Wan Xingling couldn't help calling out, exhaling like blue, it wasn't tired, it was purely hot.

"it is good."

Shi Keran responded with a voice, and led the disciples of Huachen Dao to walk out first, forming a barrier.

"Then let's do it together, this poison is really tricky."

The other senior brothers were too poisoned and needed magic power to suppress the poison, so they were held back tightly. Gai Chen simply attracted the sabers of the senior brothers, and directly protected dozens of sharp sword lights.

With the lead, the other sect disciples and casual cultivators also reluctantly cooperated.

Only at this time, the young master in purple made a formal move, and his evasion method was quick, and every time he struck, he could take a life away.

The anxiety was extremely high, and more and more people died.


The young man in purple pinched the neck of a casual cultivator and stopped suddenly.

He even received Gai Chen's sword light hard, generating a burst of purple energy and attacking the corner of the high platform.

"What are you doing!"

This inexplicable move by the young man in purple made everyone look back.

That's Zhu Guo's direction!Destroy it if you can't get it?

I only saw a figure, who was doing nothing at the corner of the high platform, and there was a group of casual cultivators with extremely low cultivation in the outer circle.

This person is stealing Zhu Guo? ! !
Someone responded immediately.

Although the vermilion fruit is not yet ripe, if you can take advantage of the chaos and steal it, it is still a semi-ripe high-quality vermilion fruit!
Blood earned!
The most intelligent person is Lu Huan.

"It's broken, boss, we've been found!"

The man in Huayi was very nervous and put on a defensive posture. Just now, he lamented that the boss is indeed the boss. He is very intelligent and does not participate in ordinary battles. He only focuses on Zhu Guo and does not forget his original intention.

Lu Huan stood still without panic, calm and relaxed: "Go ahead! Look at me!"

Everyone was amazed, how dare you be so upright?
Everyone urged:
"I advise you to let it go!"

"It's not an adult yet!"

"Although the half-ripe vermilion fruit is still effective, it can be compared to the mature one. It's more than a star and a half away. It's a waste of money!"

Everyone stopped their hands and looked at Lu Huan. Now, he is the most beautiful boy in Huoquan Cave.

It's too high-profile, Brother Huan doesn't like it: "Are you still fighting?"

"Don't touch Zhu Guo!"

Wan Xingling gritted her teeth tightly. She traveled thousands of miles to the deep mountains and old forests, where she came to an extremely disgusting hot place, and even fought with an unknown purple-clothed man for a long time, but someone actually picked her fruit!

"Foundation building. A group of miscellaneous fish."

A few rogue cultivators also vented their anger from their nostrils. Looking at these people, except for the handsome one who seemed to have something wrong, the others were just ordinary rogue cultivators. They could be wiped out, even if they stole Vermilion Fruit, they wouldn't be able to get out. This Huoquandong.

Lu Huan stretched out his hand: "I touched it."

"Don't move! Don't move! You can touch it, don't take it off! Let it grow! Let it grow! I guarantee your safety!"

Seeing this scene, an honest person like Shi Keran was so anxious that he sweated profusely, and even asked his two juniors to protect the outside of the high platform to prevent others from approaching.

"Let him grow?"


Lu Huan nodded, squatted down, and muttered beside Zhu Guo:

"Grow up quickly!"


Everyone is dumbfounded, is it such a long way?

Gai Chen really couldn't see it, so he raised his sword light and approached: "Brother, I say you should get out of the way, let's work together to kill this group of purple hairs first, and you will also contribute, and we will divide the vermilion fruit afterward, we will not care about it." This issue."

"Grow up quickly!"

Lu Huan was still talking.

A few advanced casual cultivators couldn't sit still anymore, and tried to persuade them: "It's not easy for me to practice casual cultivators, but there's no need to take risks, you have offended everyone!"

"Grow up quickly!"

Lu Huan still had those four words, just like the four-character mantra.

But this time was different, this time he finished speaking, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and all the scarlet blood was stained on Zhu Guo.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Does he really want to ripen vermilion fruit? Isn't it the Nascent Soul old monster who has such abilities?"

"Use essence and blood to ripen? It's a way, yes."

"Zhu Guo is contaminated with this kind of low-quality blood essence, so it will definitely not be ripe, and the quality will definitely deteriorate!"

Lu Huan had already stood up at this time, and three life lights appeared in his eyes.

He closed his eyes.

the fourth time.

"I said, when a thought blooms, everything grows!"

Finally, Wan Xingling couldn't see her eyes, she tapped her toes lightly, and came to Lu Huan's side, a burst of mana was born, and when the two skins touched, an incredible thing happened.

The ground is green.

The rock wall is green.

The stone platform is green.

The grass, moss, and vines were so green for a while, that they were on par with the natural fire-attribute aura in Huoquan Cave.

Someone covered the top of his head.

Someone exclaimed:

"Zhu Zhuguo!"

"The vermilion fruit is also green?"

"Vermilion fruit is red!"

The bright red vermilion fruit is a circle bigger than before, and the palm-sized leaves have also grown to the size of a head.

Vermillion fruit is ripe.




"Use your own blood essence to ripen vermilion fruits."

"Perfectly mature."

"To be able to do this to this extent, is it true that the Nascent Soul is old and powerful?"

The monks present have lost their voices. Among them, there is actually an old monster of Nascent Soul hiding?
Don't look at them beating life and death until their brains come out, it is extremely fierce, but they are just building a foundation.

There is a golden core between Zhuji and Yuanying, and the old monster Yuanying's breath is enough to destroy them all!

Wan Xingling's face turned pale, and she quickly backed away. She thought just now, forcibly pulling a Nascent Soul?
Gai Chen also laughed, just now he said that he doesn't care about it, he is a foundation builder, even if he brings this man full of holes, he is not qualified to care about the Nascent Soul old monster!

Shi Keran wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, even with the two disciples of the Huachen Dao who he sent to guard the high platform, the same is true, building the foundation to protect the Nascent Soul?Who protects who!
Of course, there were also people who suspected that Nascent Soul, how could he make a move for a vermilion fruit?
Although it is a treasure of heaven and earth, but the other party is Nascent Soul!
The realm is higher, and the vision is different.

Just imagine, among all the people here, who would be interested in the weeds on the side of the road?
"Is it interesting to fight around in the deity's cave?"

With his back to the crowd, Lu Huan slowly bent over, secretly swallowed a whole bottle of seventh-grade Qi and Blood Pill, and held Zhu Guo in his palm.

Then he faced the crowd, with an air of composure, proudly out of the dust:

"I wanted to play in the world of mortals as an ordinary casual cultivator, but what I saw was intrigue and intrigue."

"The world is dangerous!"

"Stop pretending, I have a showdown."

"This deity is the master of Huoquan Cave, Beixuan Xianzun!"

(End of this chapter)

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