I cultivate immortality by guarantee

Chapter 15 15. Why do you need to explain to others what the deity has done in his life?

Chapter 15 15. Why do you need to explain to others what the deity does all his life?
Lord of Fire Spring Cave?
Northern Profound Immortal?

It seems to be fine.

Seeing Lu Huan's unchanging expression, even those cautious people who were suspicious just now couldn't help but believe it a little bit.

Why did Nascent Soul boss attack Zhu Guo?
He didn't come here for Zhu Guo at all, he came home and saw grass growing in his house, so he pulled it out!

The logic makes sense.

No one dares to pretend to be the boss of Yuanying, this is to bear the cause and effect. Although the fire spring cave master has been missing for many years, some people say that he has fallen, but who can guarantee it?

A single hair of the Nascent Soul boss is like a mountain on the body of a child who refines Qi and builds a foundation.

Look at this appearance again, it is extremely handsome, it is a fairy face!

Can refining Qi and building a foundation make him look so handsome?It must be the face that the Nascent Soul old monster pinched for the flesh body after his cultivation was completed!

Taking ten thousand steps back, no one dared to speak even if they were suspicious.

After all, it is a real thing that a thought flower blooms and everything grows, ripening the vermilion fruit. With this operation method, how low can the cultivation base be?Isn't it what he said?

The young man in purple broke the silence: "I transplanted this vermilion fruit in advance. I spent a lot of effort. How can I let you, a thief, take it away?"

"You transplanted the vermilion fruit?"

"You also released the news?"

Gai Chen suddenly thought of something: "When you came in, you started killing, not for Zhu Guo at all, but for us?!"

"Jie Jie"

The young man in purple smiled strangely: "He is born with a sword heart, and it seems that he does not lack a heart of wisdom."

Shi Keran suddenly patted his forehead, which startled the young man in purple clothes. This arrogance of turning dust into dust is still a bit of a weight.

He could only hear him say:
"I'll tell you something's wrong!"

"Before leaving, the master said that the owner of the Huoquan Cave is called Huoquan Daoist, the Taoist name is wrong!"

"This vermilion fruit was planted by Zimao again, and the Northern Xuan Immortal Venerable is a fake!"

This delay is a bit high.

After some words, everyone looked at Lu Huan again, and the respect on their faces faded a bit.

Wan Xingling couldn't see it, and she didn't know if it was hot or angry, so she sped up her speech:
"The crooked demons used red fruit to lure us to Huoquan Cave, and they have already killed many people. How many of your fellow disciples, relatives and friends are here? You are not heretics, but stand here and doubt the identity of others. What's the point?"

It's not that she doesn't have doubts about Lu Huan's identity, it's just that she is jealous of evil. The man in purple did this, killing wantonly, either for sacrifice, blood food, or other conspiracy. Judging from the means, it is pure poisoning His insidious technique is definitely not a good person.

Everyone was a little guilty by Wan Xingling's words, but they still stared at Lu Huan, or in other words, stared at the Zhu Guo in Lu Huan's hand.

The monks who came all the way to Huoquan Cave came for Zhu Guo. Now that the ripe Zhu Guo is in front of them, how can they let it go?
Not everyone wants to slay demons and protect the way, but Zhu Guo is something everyone wants.

Seeing this scene, Lu Huan shook his head slightly:

"Once you enter the chaotic world, how can you be a happy fairy again!"

"Troubled times, troubled times!"

Coupled with the expression and the ups and downs of the voice, it looks very disappointed, sad, and lamentable.

Some people were caught by these few words, so that their Dao heart lost their minds and their mood was dusted.

After finally calming down, he hastily retorted: "You are not the master of Huoquan Cave, why are you pretending to be a fake tiger!"

Lu Huan regained his arrogance: "Why do I have to explain to others what I have done all my life?"

Everyone hesitated again, nothing wrong!That's the way the boss talks, he doesn't have the confidence, how can he be so pretentious?
"Seeing how heated your chat is, I really can't bear to interrupt."

The young man in purple suddenly said: "It's just that time has been delayed for too long. If the blood food is not fresh, the ancestors will dislike it, which will be troublesome."

"If you have something to say, let's talk in the stomach of our ancestors!"

The young man in purple slapped the ground with his palm, and the ground was cracked in pieces.

I don't know how strong this palm is, but I can hear the ground crying.

Howling on the ground?
Someone noticed something was wrong, but it was too late, the howling sound became louder, and at the same time, there was a violent force, hitting the ground continuously, and then, a red python came out from the ground!

"Fire python?"

Wan Xingling is well-informed, and recognized the heel of the monster at a glance, and at the same time noticed that the fire-attribute aura in the Huoquan Cave was instantly emptied.


"That's right, this is the real treasure in Huoquan Cave!"

There was a bit of enthusiasm in the eyes of the purple-clothed son: "The old ancestor lived in this cave back then. He was the Nascent Soul Demon King. He was a huge figure, a hundred meters long, lying like a long river, standing like a spring, and surrounded by spiritual energy. Hence the name Huoquan Cave.”

"It's a pity that when she was shedding her skin, a monk took advantage of it and entered it. The doves took over the magpie's nest, and now they finally see the light of day again!"

Some explanations explain why there is no fire spring in the Huoquan Cave, and why the fire attribute aura is abundant, but
This one-meter-long boa constrictor is a Nascent Soul monster?

"Ninth level of Qi refining, don't be afraid."

Ge Chen saw the level of the fire python at a glance: "It should be sealed for too long, and the level has fallen. As long as we work together, no matter whether it is the fire python or the man in purple, we can easily take it down."

"When death is imminent, why do you still want to work together? What kind of face do you guys have, haven't you seen it yet?"


Seeing the birth of the fire python, the purple-clothed monks became more excited, and their movements were faster. As soon as they spoke, several casual cultivators died from the poison.

"No, I really want to use us as blood food to feed the fire python!"

The newly born fire python, out of instinct, the storm sucked in all the corpses, and there was not even skin and bones left of those dead monks.

The blood feeds the entrance, fills with blood, and replenishes spiritual energy. Only at this time does the fire python show its terror, and its realm is raised at an astonishing speed!
Wan Xingling ignored the offensive of the man in purple, and rushed to the fire python first, forced to activate the spell, and shouted: "Kill the fire python first! If you wait until it recovers, everyone will die!"

When lives are at stake, the monks really work together. The biggest threat is the fire python. As long as the fire python is killed and the fire python is prevented from using blood to restore its vitality, the remaining purple-clothed men will not pose much threat.

"It's simple to say."

The young man in purple laughed loudly: "I can use vermilion fruit to lure you to Huoquan Cave, so won't I have someone behind me?"

"I have already figured out the restriction in this hole. Although I can't completely control it, I can activate the magic circle!"

"The monk who occupies the magpie's nest, can't imagine that the restrictions he set will eventually become a boost to help the ancestors return to the top?!"

"All of you stay and feed the blood of the ancestors!"

"Get up!"

(End of this chapter)

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