Chapter 174 Blood God Son
The crystal-clear river water flowed past Wang Chen's body with a splash.

There is a faint mist on the river.

The length of this underground underground river is unknown. Both sides are black holes, and the height exceeds three feet.

The rock walls on both sides are full of traces of running water.

It is not yet the wet season, so the riverbed looks very shallow, covered with fine sand and pebbles.

Wang Chen raised his head and glanced at the crack where he came down just now.

Thinking of ways to get out of trouble.

Wang Chen didn't panic at all, because even in the deep underground, he could dig a passage back to the ground by relying on the master-level mudstone technique.

And it doesn't take long.

He carefully observed the surrounding situation, wondering where it would be most appropriate to start.

At this moment, Wang Chen's gaze suddenly froze.

He saw a dead body floating down from the upper reaches of the dark river, and the clothes worn by the dead were very familiar!

Wang Chen immediately reached out to activate the object control technique, and photographed the corpse from the river to the bank.

The other party's face was extremely pale, and his eyes were wide open, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying before he died, and there was still a look of fear in his pupils.

The corpse was abnormally thin, the skin was tightly wrapped around the bones, and the clothes appeared to be very loose and quite ill-fitting.

But Wang Chen recognized at a glance that this was the standard cassock of the true disciples of the Yunyang School!

And the opponent's fatal wound was in the throat, bloody and bloody, as if the trachea had been torn open by a wild beast.

Then suck the blood dry!

Thinking of the true disciples who got off the spaceship earlier, and the strong earthquake just now, he guessed that the other party and the others had encountered great troubles during their underground exploration.

I don't know if someone from the Zifu made a move!

What happened before?
Wang Chen looked at the upper reaches of the dark river, and his vigilance was raised to the peak.

Can't go this way!

Just as Wang Chen was about to retreat downstream, suddenly a red light swept out from the darkness in front of him, sweeping towards him like lightning!

Wang Chen's reaction was extremely quick, and his figure disappeared instantly on the spot.

Appeared ten steps away.

Shrink to the ground!

This escapism technique was obtained by Wang Chen by accident. Because he was just getting started, the teleportation distance is very short.

But ten steps away was enough for him to avoid this scarlet light's surprise attack!

The red light draws a semicircle in vain at the place where Wang Chen was standing.

Immediately flew back into the darkness.

Along with two strange blood lights, it lit up in the upper reaches of the dark river.The raider revealed his true colors!
This is a humanoid monster with a naked, bald head and an extremely ugly appearance. Its skin is red, and its limbs are much longer than ordinary people. Both hands and feet have sharp claws.

It hangs upside down on the top of the rock wall, ignoring gravity and approaching Wang Chen, its eyes are full of bloodthirsty greed!
Son of Blood!

A record from "The Story of Evil Spirits" emerged in Wang Chen's mind.

The Son of the Blood God is a very special kind of evil. It was born in the pool of blood. It is invulnerable and has a ferocious temperament. It likes to suck the blood of monks the most.

The Blood God Son was born at the resentment level, which is equivalent to the evil spirits at the Zifu level.

Moreover, this kind of evil has a high growth potential, as long as it absorbs a sufficient amount of monk blood, it may be promoted to the "fierce" level, that is, the existence of the golden core level.

Wang Chen never expected that he would be targeted by a resentful evil spirit!

It's a pity that there are too few records in "Xie Xing Shuo".

Wang Chen can only recognize the origin, but he doesn't understand the other party's weakness.

I don't even know about this blood god son.

What level has it reached!
But the strong warning from the intuition of the soul made Wang Chen make a life-and-death decision in an instant.

As soon as he raised his hand, he shot twelve evil spirit talismans at the Blood God Son hanging upside down on the top of the rock wall!

Twelve clusters of spiritual light exploded in the air, instantly covering the Blood God Son.

However, when the aura flooded the evil creature, white smoke rose from the latter's body.

It's gone.

Xueshenzi's hind limbs exerted force suddenly, and he volleyed towards Wang Chen!
It hissed and screamed, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, all extremely sharp!
Judging from the posture, it was clear that he wanted to rip Wang Chen's throat open, and then had another drink.

At the critical moment, the Fire Crow Sword was unsheathed and flew high, slashing towards the Blood God Son with lightning speed!

For this sword, Wang Chen blessed the Dzogchen-level fire crow technique.

The heavy-winged fire crow suddenly appeared, and the bright light illuminated the surrounding area of ​​several tens of feet, with an overwhelming momentum!
Blood God Son was intercepted by the flying sword and fell from the air to the ground.

Under Wang Chen's control, the Fire Crow Sword pursued relentlessly, and slashed at the vital points of its head!

The heavy-winged fire crow spread its long wings, weaving a scorching fire net above the blood god son.

However, at this moment, Blood God Son suddenly raised his hand and slapped violently.

Slapped the heavy-winged fire crow with one palm.

Grab the blade of Feijian again!

No matter how much the Fire Crow Sword resisted and struggled, it couldn't get rid of this evil beast's grip.


Ever since Wang Chen had successfully practiced sword control, his flying sword had never been caught like this.

I feel like I can't come back!
Wang Chen didn't give the Blood God Son a chance to suppress the Fire Crow Sword, and stabbed the Blood God Son's head with a Gengjin finger.

This blow not only condensed [-]% of his mana, but also used a master-level technique. Geng Jin's Qi Jin instantly swept a distance of twenty or thirty steps, drawing an arc in the air.

Right in the left eye of Blood God Son.


Blood burst out!

Blood God Son let out an extremely sharp scream, let go of the Fire Crow Sword and covered his eyes.

Wang Chen took the opportunity to regain his flying sword.

But after being slapped away by the blood god son and caught again, the aura on the surface of this flying sword is dim, and it has already shown signs of damage.

Wang Chen's heart ached to death, and immediately put the Fire Crow Sword into the storage bag.

Once a top-quality magic weapon like this is damaged, the repair cost will be very high.


Wang Chen snarled, and he shrank again.

But this time he didn't dodge the enemy's attack, but took the initiative to rush to the Blood God Son.

Raise your hand and release the Heavenly Luo Punishment Net!

The flying sword is weak, so only this treasure can solve the terrifying evil in front of us!
The Blood God Son had no time to dodge, and was tightly enveloped by the huge net that opened in an instant.

As soon as its bare skin touched the network cable, it immediately seemed to be corroded by strong sulfuric acid, and countless bloody scars appeared in the blink of an eye.

Blood God Son's screams sounded again, more piercing than before.

It glowed with crimson blood, struggling desperately to get rid of the shackles of the Execution Net.

The network port that was just closed showed signs of being loose!

And Wang Chen, who controls the Xiexie Net, has already tried his best at this time to use this treasure to compete with the Blood God Son.

He is very clear.

Once the blood god son broke free.

Then next year today will be my memorial day!
The third update is sent, asking for monthly ticket support, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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