Chapter 175
The Exorcism Net shone with a faint light, and the extremely tough net rope tightly strangled the Blood God Son's body, causing the bones of this evil creature to make a crisp cracking sound.

The part where the net rope is in contact with its outer skin even emits traces of gray smoke, showing serious corrosion.

However, Blood God Son struggled even harder.

From time to time, a palpitating low roar came from its throat, its limbs twisted and bent, a pair of bloodthirsty eyes stared at Wang Chen, and the sharp claws derived from its ten fingers were struggling to scratch.

Trying to tear apart the Tianluo Zhuxie Net!

Although the Xiexie Net is indestructible, as the controller of this treasure, Wang Chen is under great pressure.

He was like a fisherman who cast a net and caught a great white shark.

The prey is so powerful that it may drag the fisherman into the deep sea at any time!
At this moment, Wang Chen can be said to be riding a tiger, and he has no choice.

He mobilized [-]% of his mana, firmly grasped the evil net with his right hand, his whole body muscles swelled, and the blood in his body boiled to the peak.

Wang Chen had to admit that he underestimated the strength of a resentment level evil spirit.

But also gave Wang Chen the confidence to persevere.

The evil power of the Blood God Son is being continuously absorbed by the Punishment Net.

The evil creature struggled harder.

The faster it is absorbed.

Time is obviously on Wang Chen's side!

Although the physical load was too great due to the excessive excitation of strength, the mouth, nose, eyes and ears were all overflowing with bright red blood.

But his will remains rock-solid.


The Blood God Son obviously realized that the situation was not good, and suddenly let out an extremely sharp howl.

Wang Chen's eardrum felt like being pricked by a needle, and his mind went blank for an instant.

When he came back to his senses, his eyes happened to meet the Blood God Son who was close at hand.

The latter has no injured right eye, revealing endless evil and hostility!

Wang Chen couldn't help but startled.

His eyes were red, and his whole body seemed to be plunged into a boundless sea of ​​blood.

Consciousness is sinking into the bottomless abyss!
He couldn't breathe anymore, his body became extremely stiff, and the hand that was holding the Tianluo Zhuxie Net gradually loosened.

However, in the deepest part of Wang Chen's consciousness, there is always a trace of clarity.

There is an unyielding voice roaring in my heart!

The mental impact from the Son of Blood is certainly terrifying.

But Wang Chen's soul was not directly destroyed, and he still tenaciously guarded his core will.

One of his Dao Hearts burst into bright light at this moment.

The fingers that had just been loosened suddenly clenched again, stronger and more stable than before!
In the sea of ​​consciousness, the ancient Taoist monument appeared vividly.

The majestic Tianlong carrying the Taoist stele stretches its teeth and claws, and the subduing dragon relic inlaid on its forehead shines brightly. The light of the clear spirit cleanses the sea of ​​consciousness, dispelling all the haze and filth in an instant!
Wang Chen's sight immediately returned to normal, and his dark eyes were full of divine light.


The Son of Blood who was curled up in the Xiexie net let out a scream, blood flowed from his right eye which was originally intact, his struggling strength was suddenly reduced by half, and even his fingers and claws began to shrink.

Under the ebb and flow, the absorbing power of Tianluo Zhuxie Net increased sharply.

The evil power in Xueshenzi's body poured into the evil net like a long river bursting its embankment.

Then it is transformed into the purest spiritual power and stored.

Blood God Son's resistance was even weaker, and his curled up body shrank by at least one-third compared to before.

It is also obviously weaker a lot!

Wang Chen's pressure dropped drastically.

He couldn't help but lift up his spirits, and immediately raised his left hand and put his index finger and middle finger together.

He was going to add another golden finger to Blood God Son.

Kill it while it's sick!

Wang Chen knew very well that the last thing to relax was the critical moment.

You must know that what he trapped and killed was a resentment-level evil spirit equivalent to the Purple Mansion, and he didn't know what kind of ability the latter was hiding. At this time, any underestimation and slack in the enemy may lead to failure!

Just as Wang Chen gathered his finger strength, the Blood God Son, who seemed to be dying, suddenly struggled desperately, his body swelled rapidly as if he had blown air, and a strange red glow appeared.

Wang Chen almost lost control.

Under such circumstances, he decisively stabbed the Geng Jin finger at this evil creature.

The next moment, a sharp force pierced through the mesh and instantly hit the Blood God Son on the head.

However, the head of the Blood God Son is extremely hard, even though Geng Jin's fingers were extremely sharp, they couldn't penetrate its head.

Under the pain of Blood God Son, he resisted even more fiercely!
As soon as Wang Chen gritted his teeth, he released the five fingers of his right hand, and a sharp thorn popped out of the wishful golden needle worn on the ring finger.

The left palm was erected at the same time, and a golden needle was used to draw a talisman on the palm.

This is the blood talisman secret method that he comprehended after the primary talisman making technique was promoted to the master level!
Using palm as paper and blood as ink, condense mana, blood and soul power to form true seal runes.


At the moment of Fu Cheng, Wang Chen stared and shouted angrily, and slapped it with his palm!
His palm suddenly radiated brilliance, and the pale golden runes instantly landed on the Xiexie Net.

Penetrate through the mesh into the body of the Blood God Son!


This powerful evil creature was like fish that had been doused in boiling oil. Suddenly, a large puff of gray smoke rose from all over its body.

What Wang Chen just produced is the Suppressing Evil Talisman, the highest-grade Talisman in "Basic Talisman Illustrations"!

Because this kind of talisman needs to be mixed with his own blood to draw it, and the monk's blood is very precious and cannot be easily consumed, so he only mastered the method of refining before.

But now the Suppressing Evil Talisman produced by the secret method of the Blood Talisman consumes more blood and mana, so its power is naturally stronger!
Blood God Son's dying struggle was suppressed all of a sudden.

Wang Chen took the opportunity to regain control of the Zhuxie Net.

In fact, what he did just now was somewhat risky, if the blood god son broke free, the consequences would be unpredictable.

But this treasure did not disappoint Wang Chen!

The last resistance of the Blood God Son ended here. Under the absorption of the evil net, its skin, muscles and even bones quickly rotted and melted.

Wang Chen's heart moved, and he suddenly took back the evil net!

Zhu Xie Wang seemed a little reluctant, but he didn't resist his control, and turned into an armguard again.

Facing the dying evil spirits on the ground, Wang Chen made a magic formula with his hands, and inspired a huge heavy-winged fire crow.

The raging flames engulfed the Blood God Son in an instant.

Completely put an end to this evil spirit!
【Humanity +1007】


The information displayed in the field of vision almost made Wang Chen laugh out loud.

His idea was verified, and thus he mastered the most correct method of using Tianluo Zhuxie Net!
In the past, the problem of killing evil spirits and killing evil spirits without virtue, and having both fish and bear's paws, has not really been solved.

But at least when dealing with high-value targets, there is a win-win option.

This one is full of money!
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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