Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 182 Trying the Sword Black Wind Cliff

Chapter 182 Trying the Sword Black Wind Cliff
This group of black light appeared very suddenly, and with the help of the force of the evil wind, the speed of the attack was extremely fast.

But Wang Chen didn't panic in the slightest, and stood still on the spot.

The Fire Crow Sword behind him suddenly came out of its sheath, instantly intercepting the black light that was already in front of him.

The sword light flashed, and the black light disappeared!

Wang Chen reached out and grabbed it.

Take the "black light" that has just been cut in half by Feijian into the palm of your hand.

This is a black bee the size of a baby's fist. Its body surface has a texture similar to obsidian, and the fine hairs covering the abdomen are like golden needles, with a metallic luster.

From its tail, there is also an inch-long black bee sting.

Black Jade Bee!
Before coming to the Wuyuan Grand Canyon, Wang Chen had checked the information and knew that the spiritual honey that Changchun called for was brewed by this kind of spirit bee picking flowers.

The Black Jade Bee inhabits the cliffs with strong evil energy. It can absorb the evil energy itself, but the spiritual honey it brews contains pure spiritual power and tastes good.

Heifengya is the settlement of the Black Jade Bee tribe.

There are caves all over the cliff, and their lairs are hidden inside.

But it is definitely not an easy task to collect spiritual honey!

Because there are hundreds of Black Jade Bees in a swarm, I don't know how many caves there are on the Heifeng Cliff.

This kind of spirit bee is extremely united. Once invaded by foreign enemies, they will unite to deal with the enemy.

Overwhelm opponents by numbers!
Wang Chen estimated the distance between his current location and the cliff.

About five hundred steps.

Such a distance obviously did not touch the bottom line of the Black Jade Swarm.

This black jade bee is more like a warning.

Let him not go any further.

However, Wang Chen was about to move forward, approaching Heifengya step by step.

【Humanity +1】

This is the feedback from the Immortal Cultivation Panel when he killed the Black Jade Bee just now.

From this, Wang Chen understood that he had found another good place to gain moral points!

Although this black jade bee only gave him 1 point of humanity, there are countless others of the same kind that inhabit Heifengya.

Wang Chen's Fire Crow Sword is already hungry and thirsty!
The next moment, the buzzing sound continued, and clusters of black light followed one after another like arrows leaving the string.

The number of Black Jade Bees attacking Wang Chen suddenly increased to thirty or forty.

Well done!
The Fire Crow Sword suspended above Wang Chen's head immediately went up to meet him.

Cut, cut, wrap, cut...

Under his control, the flying sword burst out with a radiant sword light, shuttled back and forth with incomparable flexibility, intercepted all the black jade bees, and chopped them down one by one under the sword.

[Human Virtue +1], [Human Virtue +1], [Human Virtue +1]...

In Wang Chen's field of vision, a waterfall of news reminders appeared.

Although all of them are 1 point, they can be accumulated to a considerable number.

And now it's just getting started!
When the distance between Wang Chen and Heifengya shortened to within [-] steps, the number of Black Jade Bees suddenly increased.

This time, Wang Chen felt the pressure.

Hundreds of black jade bees surrounded them in a dense manner, and many of them cleverly circled around to Wang Chen's side or even behind. With just a flying sword, the difficulty of intercepting and killing increased by more than ten times.

In addition, the closer the distance to Heifengya, the stronger the power of the evil wind, and the greater the impact on the flying sword.

All of these put Wang Chen's sword control skills to a great test!

In fact, it is very simple to deal with these black jade bees, no matter if you use the Firefall Talisman or the Fire Crow Technique, you can wipe them out in the blink of an eye.

Or add the Fire Crow Technique to the flying sword to increase the lethality and damage range, and the effect is similar.

However, Wang Chen didn't use any of these simple and effective methods.

He did not forget that Chang Chun allowed himself to "take it with the sword", and using these methods violated this basic principle.

At the same time, Wang Chen is also very clear about the purpose of his master's explanation.

That is sharpening swordsmanship!
Therefore, he still followed the previous tactics, driving the flying sword to intercept and kill the incoming bee swarm.

In an instant, hundreds of Black Jade Bees surrounded Wang Chen.

Some of them were cut off by the flying sword, and some of them successfully broke through the interception of the Fire Crow Sword, or shot poisonous stings at Wang Chen, or landed on his body, stabbing the armor with their tail thorns.

Wang Chen's aura armor was inevitably impacted, resulting in frequent fluctuations.

But he ignored his own situation, and concentrated all his mind on the Fire Crow Sword, turning this flying sword into a wind-riding elf, and completed precise killings time after time amidst the howling wind.

A successful interception can deepen his understanding and mastery of swordsmanship!
The black jade bee fell like raindrops.

Their corpses were taken away by the fierce wind in an instant, leaving Wang Chen with bits and pieces of humanity.

The flow of mana in the body is constantly accelerating, and Wang Chen's sword control skills are becoming more and more handy. He even uses the strong wind to increase the speed of the sword, and kills the Black Jade Bee that is besieging him without leaving any behind!
After killing so happily, Wang Chen couldn't help but raise his head and scream.

The sword light flying around him suddenly rose sharply, unexpectedly cutting down more than a dozen black jade bees at the same time.

[Royal Sword Art (Dacheng): 399/400]

Proficiency has been fully brushed!

Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Chen immediately dropped 10 points of morality.

[Sword Control (Grandmaster): 0/500]

Countless pieces of information flooded into his mind in an instant, and the ideas came to him in a brilliant way.

Wang Chen's understanding and mastery of this skill jumped to a higher level in an instant.

The Fire Crow Sword in the air suddenly changed.

Its attack is lighter and quicker, as if it has been endowed with a soul, and it is lively and spiritual as it flies and hovers, and its lethality has increased by a large margin.

With a flash of sword light, four or five black jade bees were taken away by the evil wind at the same time.

More black jade bees were affected, flying around like headless chickens.

Sword power!

At the same time that Yujianshu broke through to the master level, Wang Chen's sword power also successfully condensed.

With the sword's power becoming ten percent, the range of the flying sword's strike not only greatly increased, but also produced a deterrent effect.

Some of the surviving black jade bees were frightened and instinctively fled in all directions.

Wang Chen's "crisis" was subsequently resolved.

The Fire Crow Sword made a crisp sound, showing some kind of radical change.

He continued to move forward, and more and more black jade bees flew out of the cave, and finally formed a large black cloud, covering the sky with darkness.

The scene is quite terrifying!
However, Wang Chenyi was fearless, relying on a Fire Crow Flying Sword to protect his whole body, while intercepting and killing the incoming Black Jade Bee.

In the end, his whole body was surrounded by the bright and bright sword light.

As long as the Black Jade Bee dared to bump into it, it would definitely end up being broken in two or smashed to pieces.

No exceptions.

Before he knew it, the distance between Wang Chen and Heifengya was only a hundred steps.

He could clearly see those black jade bees flying out of the cave when he looked up.

And inside, golden beeswax and overflowing honey!
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(End of this chapter)

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