Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 183 Trying the Sword Black Wind Cliff

Chapter 183 Trying the Sword Black Wind Cliff
The fierce wind howled, and the number of black jade bees flying out of the cave increased sharply.

Maybe it was Wang Chen's ruthless killing that aroused their anger, or maybe his distance was too close to the hive, hundreds of thousands of black jade bees covered the sky and swept over like dark clouds.

The poisonous thorns shot at Wang Chen like a storm!

But at this moment, Wang Chen urged the Fire Crow Sword with all his strength, allowing the flying sword to pierce around him at high speed, and at the same time, stimulated the fierce sword momentum to continuously expand outward.

Although he had only just managed to condense the momentum of the sword, the sword energy emanating from the sword body was crisscross and sharp.

Whether it is the poisonous sting shot by the black jade bee, or itself.

As long as it hits, everything will be turned into powder!

[Human Virtue +1], [Human Virtue +1], [Human Virtue +1]...

None of the Black Jade Bees could break through the barrier of the sword energy. They were like moths jumping into the flames. The spirit of defending their homeland was impressive, but no matter how heroic the sacrifice was, they could not avoid the end of failure.

In addition to contributing a lot of human virtue to Wang Chen, these black jade bees also helped him hone his sword skills.

Let Wang Chen truly comprehend the essence of Yujianshu.

Those things learned in the past few months have been fully integrated into his swordsmanship!

Although the number of black jade bees is increasing, their attacks show no sign of stopping.

Wang Chen, however, had a big heart, and unexpectedly broke through the original limit in one fell swoop.

The power of the sword suddenly soared, covering hundreds of black jade bees, strangling them all in an instant!

The information prompts in Wang Chen's field of vision all flashed phantoms.

It's just that his dantian's mana fell straight down, and fell to the bottom in an instant, and it seemed unsustainable.

Wang Chen leaped back suddenly, broke through the siege of the bee swarm in the blink of an eye, and opened the distance from Heifengya.

Shrink to the ground!

He has cultivated to the proficient level of this special mental method.

Twenty steps in an instant.

After performing it five times in a row, Wang Chen retreated a hundred steps away.

At this moment, the Black Jade Bee, who had lost its attack target, just realized it, and immediately chased him down.

However, in the blink of an eye, Wang Chen was far away from Heifengya.

His figure and breath disappeared completely!

The angry bee swarms were flying around in the air like headless flies, but they couldn't find the murderer who killed their companions, so they could only return to the hive angrily.

The Dzogchen-level breath-holding technique is really beyond the reach of these low-level demonized insects!

At this time, Wang Chen was already five hundred paces away.

Under the cover of rocks and bushes, he sat down calmly and adjusted his breath with luck, recovering his nearly exhausted mana.

In fact, Wang Chen can maintain a long-term battle by extracting the spiritual power stored in Zhuxiewang.

But he didn't do it.

Because the spiritual power of Zhuxiewang is hard-won, there is no need to consume it until a critical moment.

Secondly, Wang Chen didn't want to develop the habit of relying on this treasure.

Most importantly, this kind of extreme fighting can stimulate one's own potential, which is of great benefit to one's practice.

He took out yellow rice balls, jerky monster meat, and spirit wine from the storage bag to fill his stomach and speed up the recovery of mana.

When all the energy and spirit returned to their peak state, Wang Chen rushed towards Heifengya again.

Continue your brush point battle!
After the previous fierce battle, his morality points returned to four digits.

With such a treasured place of geomantic omen, Wang Chen will never give up if he doesn't brush it too much, until his hands and feet are numb!
Rushed over to lure the Black Jade Bees out of the nest, and after killing a batch, retreated in a blink of an eye, retreating to a safe area and recovering slowly.

Counting the increased moral points is a joy.

Wang Chen even dug a tunnel nearby and an underground secret room for hiding.

On the other hand, there is no time limit for the tasks assigned by Changchun, so he plans to raise his morality to five figures before taking spiritual honey.

And Wang Chen's tactics are rogue.

But very effective.

Batch after batch of black jade bees were used by him as a tool to gain experience.

In addition to the ever-increasing morality points, Wang Chen's experience in fencing has increased simultaneously.

Breaking through Dzogchen is only a matter of time.

This kind of fighting lasted until dark before coming to an end.

After nightfall, many monsters will come out to look for food and hunt, and the danger will be doubled.

Although brushing the Black Jade Bee is very enjoyable, Wang Chen will not get carried away.

As soon as it got dark, he decisively withdrew and hid in the underground chamber, and completely sealed off the exit passage.

Of course, Wang Chen did not forget to stick the mandarin mirror on the rock beside the cave entrance before hiding it.

In this way, he can use the mirror to observe the situation on the ground while he is underground.

Guaranteed to be foolproof!
Tianyuan Mountain stretches for [-] li, and there are countless monsters and beasts inhabiting it, so you can't be too careful.

After ensuring his own safety, Wang Chen began to take stock of today's harvest.

First of all, of course, is the moral points.

Exhaling out the Immortal Cultivation panel and looking at it, he found that he had accumulated more than 3000 points of human virtue, which is equivalent to killing three blood god sons!
Recalling all the hard work and efforts I had put in in order to get a little bit of morality points.

Wang Chen couldn't help feeling a lot.

With the improvement of his strength, things that were not easy to accomplish before have become much easier now.

The second is the improvement of swordsmanship.

More than 3000 black jade bees sacrificed their lives to allow Wang Chen to integrate what he had learned and condense the real sword power in one fell swoop.

His swordsmanship has finally come to the fore!
Both add up.

During this trip to Tianyun Mountain, Wang Chen has already made a lot of money.

After counting the harvest, he sat in the secret room and continued to practice the five elements.

The long night has only just begun.

This night, Wang Chen did not have a particularly peaceful life.

Even though he was hidden in a secret room more than ten feet deep underground, the animal shadows that appeared in the mirror from time to time, as well as the movement from the ground, made him always maintain a high degree of vigilance.

It wasn't until dawn that Wang Chen opened the tunnel again and returned to the ground when no danger was found.

Continue to brush the Black Jade Bee.

These demonized bees are really in bad luck.

Due to the fierce wind and the large number of black jade bees, ordinary qi cultivators would not trouble them.

Moreover, the spiritual honey produced by the hive is not very precious.

Hunters have better targets to choose from.

So this place has become a holy place for Wang Chen to brush up his experience!
But the Black Jade Bees were not really endless. On the third day after Wang Chen came to Heifengya, all the bee swarms that had suffered heavy losses retreated into their stone cave nests.

No matter how close Wang Chen was, they would no longer come out to die!

These low-level demonized insects seem to have awakened.

The problem is that the monks can't run away from the temple, and the black jade bees can run away, but their hives can't move.

So brushing the black jade bee was about to brush the dusty Wang Chen, and started to attack the spiritual honey in the hive!

Changchun's request is a hundred catties of spiritual honey.

Wang Chen felt that it would be fine for him to bring Qianjin back! ——
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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