Chapter 196 In the World
Qianjing Chief Celestial Master's Mansion.

Master Cao Chengping, the chief guardian of Yunyang, received eight guardian celestial masters who had just arrived in Guanxing Pavilion.

This Zifu is very old, with a haggard face, chapped skin, white hair hanging down on the ground, and cloudy and lifeless eyes.

Anyone can see that he is approaching his deadline.

Practicing qi for a hundred years, Zifu for two hundred years, Jin Dan for five hundred years, and Nascent Soul for a thousand years.

Although there are various means of prolonging life in the world of cultivating immortals, it is very rare for ordinary people in the Zifu to live beyond two hundred years. Practicing skills and fighting may damage their lifespan.

A Master of the Zi Mansion like Cao Chengping, who has a short lifespan, actually serves as a guardian in the ordinary world.

It is easy to think of two words.


But Cao Chengping's city mansion is extremely deep, and he does not show the slightest resentment or injustice, and his expression is extremely indifferent.

The attitude towards the eight new celestial masters is also very kind.

He earnestly explained to his disciples the duties and authority of guarding the Celestial Master, as well as important taboos.

Immortals are different, as the representative of the Yunyang faction in Dagan, although the power to guard the celestial masters is great, they cannot act recklessly.

Then the master of the Zifu specially emphasized that everyone should try their best to collect some spiritual objects while guarding the place.

There are rewards for turning in spiritual objects, even including Poor Pills!
The Poqiao Pill is a very precious panacea, and its function is to assist the monks who have practiced Qi to break through and open their homes.

After taking it, in addition to increasing the probability of breaking through, it can also protect the monk's heart and dantian.

In this way, even if the promotion fails, you will not lose your life.

The exchange price of a Pokémon Pill in the Neimen Zongshitang is as high as [-] Xun Points!
As for the monks who have practiced Qi to complete the breakthrough, it is best to prepare more than two Poor Pills, the success rate is the highest.

So when they heard that there was the Poqiao Pill as a reward, many disciples were moved.

Disciples of aristocratic families like them, although their status is quite prominent, but because of their aptitude and talent, it is difficult to get a lot of resources from the family.

A breakthrough pill is also very precious to them!

And Wang Chen was secretly a little strange.

The mortal world is a land of absolute spirits, without the slightest amount of spiritual power in the world, if the monks do not get replenished, they will fall into the realm.

Why do spirits still exist?

He wanted to ask clearly, but after Cao Chengping finished explaining, showing a trace of exhaustion, he said with a flick of his sleeves, "You guys will stay here tonight, and go to work tomorrow morning."

After finishing speaking, the Master of Zifu closed his eyes.

Everyone can't help but look at each other.

Cao Chengping already looked like this, and no one could continue to disturb him, so under the guidance of the maid, he left Guanxing Pavilion and went to the resting place.

The Guanxing Pavilion quickly fell into silence.

Cao Chengping sat cross-legged on the futon, motionless, his breathing was extremely weak, and his heart beat only after a long time interval.

After half an hour, the Master Zifu suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a flash of light in the eyes, where there was no cloudiness and dullness before: "Come in."

The door of the room was pushed open, and a young monk came in and knelt down to salute: "Nephew Cao Depeng, pay homage to uncle!"

Surprisingly, it was Senior Brother Cao who came on the same boat as Wang Chen!

In front of Cao Chengping, he was not at all domineering, respectful and well-behaved.

"Get up."

Cao Chengping stretched out his hand and pleaded: "Do you know why I arranged for you to go to Pingbo City?"

Cao Depeng cautiously said: "My nephew and grandson don't know, please ask my uncle to show me."

Cao Chengping stood up and said, "Pingbo City faces the sea to the east. Although it is a county town, it is a gathering place of rare treasures from the three seas, and there are many spiritual objects in it."

"No matter what method you use, I must take these spiritual objects into my hands, do you understand?"

Cao Depeng quickly replied: "My nephew understands."

"Actually, you don't understand."

Cao Chengping shook his head: "This matter is related to the rise and fall of our Cao family. Although you are only responsible for a small part of it, you can't tolerate any mistakes. Do you understand?"

He said the same sentence in a stern voice, and the atmosphere in the Star Observation Pavilion suddenly became extremely dignified.

Cao Depeng was sweating profusely in an instant, and immediately knelt down on the ground again: "My nephew understands!"


Cao Chengping waved his hand: "Don't be afraid when you encounter problems, with me here, you can do whatever you want."

Cao Depeng said tremblingly, "Yes."

After sending this nephew away, Cao Chengping couldn't help shaking his head.

The Cao family is really not as good as one generation after another, and there are not many decent descendants among the direct descendants.

But at this time of treacherous waves, he has no choice.

When Cao Depeng returned to his residence, there were already five people waiting in the room.

In front of these fellow disciples, he immediately trembled: "Everyone, don't worry, when we get to the place and do things well, uncle will take care of us!"

These inner disciples belonged to various cultivating families, some were attached to the Cao family, and some were allies of the Cao family.

Their identities are not as good as Cao Depeng, so they formed a small gang with Cao Depeng as the main one.

With Cao Depeng's promise, several disciples beamed with joy: "Fortunately, I followed Senior Brother Cao!"

"Senior brother is righteous!"


For their flattery, Cao Depeng accepted all of them, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's not talk about these."

He asked: "Does any of you know the origin of that guy named Wang Chen?"

One of the disciples hesitated for a moment, and replied: "I only know that he is from Sunset Peak. For the specific situation, I have to send a letter home to ask for help."

"never mind."

Cao Depeng frowned: "As long as he doesn't interfere with our business, don't worry about him."

"If you don't know each other..."

A fierce light flashed in his eyes: "The 120 and six counties of the Qian Kingdom are not bad for this guarding celestial master!"

Cao Depeng spoke murderously, and the people next to him nodded in unison. No one thought there was anything wrong with it.

Someone asked, "What about Fei Xinghe?"

"Fei Xinghe?"

Cao Depeng sneered and said, "What use is this trash? If I tell him to go east, does he dare to go west?"

"Remember, our opponent is the second batch of people who came over."

"Everyone must be united, otherwise these three years will be wasted!"

Everyone swore and swore, saying that in the future, Cao Depeng will be the main one, and they will unite as one to participate in the grand event.

The more Cao Depeng listened, the happier he was. He clapped his hands and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the best restaurant in Ganjing to have a taste of the fireworks in the world, and see this extraordinary scenery!"

In fact, everyone is not very interested in the fireworks and mundane scenery in the world.

After all, there are two heavens between the immortal and the mortal, what can attract monks in the Land of Absolute Spirits?

But Cao Depeng was in high spirits, who is so ignorant, jumping out at this moment to spoil the fun!

So everyone responded one after another, and left Qianjing Zong Tianshi's mansion surrounded by crowds.
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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