Chapter 197 Journey
"Junior Brother Wang, forgive me for not being able to accompany you to Nanshao."

On the morning of the second day after arriving in Qianjing, Fei Xinghe said to Wang Chen apologetically, "I have to stay here for two more days."

Originally, Fei Xinghe had made an agreement with Wang Chen, and the two went to the post together.

He sent Wang Chen to Nanshao first, and then went to Jing'an by himself.

Nanshao and Jing'an counties are adjacent to each other, and the distance between the counties is only four to five hundred miles.

For a cultivator, such a distance is very close.

In the end, the plan was not as fast as the change. For some reason, Fei Xinghe couldn't leave for the time being.

Wang Chen didn't mind the other party's breaking the contract, and didn't ask why. He smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, Senior Brother Fei. The future will be long. We will contact you after we arrive."

"it is good!"

After bidding farewell to Fei Xinghe, Wang Chen rode a dragon puma and headed for Nanshao, [-] miles away, alone.

His mount was issued by the Heavenly Master's Mansion of Qianjing. Although it belongs to a mortal beast, it is said that he has a trace of the blood of a dragon beast.

And it's very durable.

The mortal world is a land of absolute spirits, and the efficiency of a single-person flying magic weapon will be greatly reduced here, and the mana consumed by a monk cannot be supplemented by the spiritual power of the outside world.

Therefore, it is the most helpless choice to use flying instruments instead of transportation.

However, the airships of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce went back and forth between Qianjing and Yunshan City, and did not open a route to and from the county below.

For the rest of the journey, Wang Chen could only walk by himself.

Fortunately, Dagan's national strength is still strong, and a road running from north to south has been built for hundreds of years.

So most of the distance ahead is still easy to walk.

It took him only three days to reach Guang'an County, which is located in the north of Nanshao.

As long as you pass through Guang'an County, you will be very close to Nanshao City.

But after entering the territory of Guang'an County, the wide and straight road turned into a rugged and steep mountain road.

Wang Chen's speed suddenly slowed down.

Most of Guang'an County is mountainous, with rolling mountains and lush forests on both sides of the road.

He was not in a hurry, and walked all the way to enjoy the scenery along the way.

Since arriving in Qianjing, the sense of crisis in Wang Chen's heart has completely disappeared.

The further south he ran, the safer he felt.

The mood has become happier.

And Wang Chen came to Daqian for the first time, and he also has a considerable sense of freshness in the customs of the ordinary world.

Simply treat it as a tour, and don't add unnecessary pressure to yourself.

After another two days, he was not far from the border between Guang'an and Nanshao.

However, the weather was unpredictable, and the climate in the mountains was even more unpredictable. Just now, it was clear for thousands of miles, but in a blink of an eye, the clouds were overcast, and the rumbling thunder came to Wang Chen's ears.


The dragon puma who was galloping on the mountain road snorted uneasily.

Wang Chen reached out and patted its neck, and said, "Let's go ahead and find a place to shelter from the rain."

Although this steed is a mortal beast, it is also quite human.

After running for two to three thousand miles, Wang Chen has already developed a tacit understanding with it.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker and a storm was about to hit, Wang Chen couldn't help feeling anxious.

Even though he has already achieved great body training, he is not afraid of frost, rain and snow.

But being drenched by heavy rain in the wild is also a very bad experience.

Moreover, the temperature in the mountains is low, and the dragon puma may not be able to bear it.

If this mount gets sick, it will be Wang Chen himself who will be in trouble.

But he was lucky.

Just turning over a mountain ridge, I saw a deserted village by the woods ahead.

The village is not big, and I don't know how long it has been abandoned. Most of the houses have collapsed.

Then it was covered by weed vines.

Such barren villages abound in Dagan territory.

Wang Chen didn't know how many times he had seen along the way.

The only intact building in the deserted village is a small temple located in the southeast corner of the village.

Before the raindrops fell, Wang Chen hurriedly drove the dragon puma towards the small temple.

He got off his horse in front of the temple, pushed open the half-closed dilapidated temple door, and led the horse inside.

To Wang Chen's surprise, the temple was quite spacious and clean, as if someone cleaned it frequently, and there were some cobwebs around the corners.

The temple is dedicated to the emperor, and a brazier is placed in front of the statue, and thick ashes are piled up in the basin.

Grill marks are evident.

Apparently there are travelers coming and going, who regard this place as a temporary post.

Wang Chen tied the dragon puma to a wooden post at the corner, and fed the horse dry food and water.

Long Puma runs fast and eats a lot.

The chief celestial master's mansion allocated hundreds of catties of grain and grass, which was enough for a trip to Nanshao.

After eating, Wang Chen fed another spirit peach.

Long Puma liked to eat this peach very much, even chewed the peach pit and swallowed it into his stomach.

After eating, it still wanted to eat, so it rubbed its big head against Wang Chen, looking obedient and flattering.

Wang Chen chuckled, and stuffed another one into its mouth.

Then go to make your own dinner.

This time, Wang Chen brought all his belongings with him on the road trip.

A large amount of spiritual rice, spiritual fruit, spiritual wine, and monster meat can fill a storage bag to the brim. As long as you don't open your belly and eat Hesai, it will be enough for three years.

"The Emperor's Majesty, Xiao Xiu and Wang Chen have offended!"

He bowed to the statue of Emperor Tian, ​​and then set up a bonfire in front of the god's seat, setting up a grill and a cooking pot.

When the wind and rain are raging outside, the dense raindrops are crackling on the roof tiles,

The iron pot on the bonfire boiled water, and yellow rice and dried animal meat rolled up and down in it, exuding the aroma of meat porridge.

Wang Chen took out another skewer of demon bear meat and grilled it on the bonfire.

The snow-white bear meat was sizzling and oily, and the tangy aroma caused Long Puma in the corner to sniff nonstop.

Saliva flowed out.

Because of the blood of a dragon beast, this guy also eats meat.

But don't expect Wang Chen to share with it.


Just as Wang Chen picked up the freshly grilled meat skewers and was about to feast on them, the temple door that he had previously closed was suddenly pushed open forcefully.

Two figures, one big and one small, rushed in staggeringly!

Wang Chen glanced at it, pretending he didn't see it, and took a bite of the bear's meat.

Fragrant mouth full of oil, tastes great!

Wang Chen's perception is so keen, he has already noticed when the visitor is approaching the temple gate outside.

It's just that Wang Chen didn't care at all.

This is the mortal world, except for a very small number of monks, the peak of force is the innate warrior.

With Wang Chen's current strength, even if a congenital warrior holds a steel saber and sword, he will not be able to break through his Tianlong King Kong body.

Not to mention only one or two people came, even if there are thousands of troops, he is still fearless!

The two people who broke into the temple obviously didn't expect that the place was already occupied by Wang Chen, and they were stunned for a while.

Among them, the older man showed a vigilant look, holding the short sword hanging on his waist.

And protect your companions behind you!
The third one is sent, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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