Chapter 220 Ascension
The huge Yunyang faction collapsed.

Ji Guantao, together with a group of inner sect elites, took away not only the thousands of years of accumulation of Taihao Peak and the sect, but also the belief and pride of hundreds of thousands of monks.

Although the other eight peaks are still there, and the three cities of Yunyang still exist, but the hearts of the people are completely lost, and the disintegration of the sect is almost an instant thing, and there is no possibility of recovery!

At this moment, on Ji Guantao's body did not know how many people's resentment and resentment condensed.

In front of the inner mountain gate, next to the stele, Xuangui looked up at Taihao Peak, which was flying higher and higher, and muttered to himself: "A little fox, a little guy, he is quite capable."

"I hope you will succeed."

As it spoke, it shook its hill-like body abruptly.

In the blink of an eye, this thousand-year-old black tortoise shrunk to the size of a palm. It swung its four claws and flew forward at an astonishing speed.

With a "plop", he jumped into a rushing river.

Karma is over, free and easy!

The stone tablet standing beside the mountain gate for a thousand years shook and fell down!

At this moment, Taihao Peak is already more than three thousand feet above the ground.

"Sect Master Ji is a good method!"

At this moment, a loud and clear voice came at the same time.

To the west and north of Taihao Peak, two gorgeous clouds swept over, and the cloud billowed violently, forming the appearance of thousands of troops and horses galloping.

At the same time, two vast auras locked on Taihao Peak at the same time.

The soaring momentum of Taihao Peak is stopped!
In the Yunlong Hall, Mu Qingqiu, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and adjusting his breathing with luck, changed his expression.

Two Nascent Soul True Immortals!

They came too fast.

As long as there is one more stick of incense, Taihao Peak will be able to fly above the nine heavens, breaking through the boundary and escaping into the upper realm.

Now that something has changed, although it is not difficult to rely on a large formation to resist the two true immortals, it is very difficult to break through the boundary.

Mu Qingqiu would never want to see this kind of result.

No one knows better than her how much hard work and painstaking efforts her senior brother has put in so that the Yunyang faction can get rid of the impending catastrophe.

This real person wished he could burn his golden core, just to stop the breath of the two Nascent Souls.

The problem is that she used the power of the magic circle to attack the Jiuyuemen Nascent Soul twice. At this time, she didn't even have one ten-thousandth of the usual strength, and she was helpless if she wanted to make a move.

Although Ji Guantao's expression did not change, the solemn look in his eyes still exposed his heart.

"Master, Xiaoqiu."

An old voice came to the ears of both of them at the same time: "From now on, the Yunyang faction will be handed over to you!"

Mu Qingqiu suddenly lost his voice: "The Supreme Elder!"

In the central formation of Taihao Peak, the old man in civilian clothes looked up at the high dome of the cave, and the water mirror transformed on it clearly showed the scene outside.

He raised the ancient vine stick in his hand, a pair of fox eyes shot golden light, and three snow-white tails slowly unfolded behind him.

The next moment, the clothed old man suddenly dropped his wooden stick, and opened his mouth to spit out a golden pill.


Accompanied by a shout, a huge phantom with a fox tail appeared out of thin air outside Taihao Peak.

wrapped around this majestic mountain.

The commoner old man shouted in a deep voice: "Tianhu bless you!"

His body swelled suddenly, the golden core above his head ignited flames, and a new fox tail emerged behind him.

The two Nascent Soul breaths locked on Taihao Peak were forcibly dispelled immediately, and the mountain peak, which had broken free, jumped upwards.

In the blink of an eye, the height of Baizhang was raised.

"Yunyang has protected me for five hundred years, and I can only repay him by sacrificing my life!"

Before the two true immortals could make a move, an old and heroic voice resounded through the sky, and the tail of the fox surrounding Taihao Peak viciously lashed towards them!

Clouds of air exploded, and the sky fell apart in an instant.

The civilian old man in the central formation instantly exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and the golden core burned into ashes at the same time and disappeared!

"Old Hu!"

In the Yunlong Hall, Ji Guantao took a deep breath, glared and shouted, "Fairy Bai!"


The extremely coquettish laughter suddenly sounded, and the foundational rocks at the bottom of Taihao Peak shattered into pieces.

A huge white python breaks out of the rock and wraps around the Taihao Peak Pillar.

Its tail was firmly nailed to the bottom of the mountain by a thick and long golden cudgel, and it continuously spattered bright red blood due to its violent struggle.

But with the help of the white python, Taihao Peak's speed of ascension suddenly increased ten times, and it suddenly rushed to the nine heavens.

Above it, there is already a boundless void!

Ji Guantao waved his palm and slapped it towards the void.

His palm looked ordinary, but it activated all the power of Yunyang Formation.

One palm broke the barrier of heaven and earth!

A light flashed in the void, and a long space crack appeared.

The next moment, Taihao Peak "drilled" into this crack.

At this moment, the white python wrapped around the mountain violently twisted its body, and flicked its tail back desperately.


The golden cudgel nailed to it was thrown away abruptly, and fell towards Nine Heavens.

With a soft groan, the freed white python escaped into the depths of the space crack and disappeared instantly!

Taihao Peak also turned into a stream of light, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The two vast and mighty forces, which were completely different, were only a tenth of a breath away from catching up, and hit the rapidly closing space crack, which shocked the barrier of heaven and earth!
Two muffled groans sounded together.

There was a hint of helplessness in the anger.

As strong as the Yuanying True Immortal, he never thought that the little Yunyang faction would have such a heaven-defying scheme.

And it worked!

The most incredible thing is that Ji Guantao, the head of the Yunyang School, did not ascend alone.

He brought the essence of the entire sect, forcibly breaking the barrier of heaven and earth to escape into the upper realm.

Such boldness and courage, the two true immortals have to admire!
Now the deal is done, even Nascent Soul True Immortal can't change it, so he can only leave resentfully.

As for the hundreds of thousands of monks in the hometown of the Yunyang School, as well as several fairy cities, the two of them were not even interested in glancing at them.

The spiritual veins of Tianyun Mountain have been drawn away, and the spiritual energy here has been completely lost. Although it will slowly recover part of it, it is no different from ordinary places in foreign domains.

Ji Guantao ran away with his sister-in-law, and what was left was only a few bones.

Just leave it to a few subordinates who have suffered heavy losses to eat it.

There is no cloud and sun in this world!
Tens of thousands of miles away, Wang Chen suddenly opened his eyes in the underground secret room of Fansu Dagan Nanshao Guanxing Pavilion.

【Five elements (nine layers): 0/900】

He has just successfully advanced to the ninth level of Qi training, and he is only one step away from breaking through and opening the house.

However, at this moment, Wang Chen didn't feel the slightest joy in his heart, and felt as if he had lost something.

There is an instinctive anxiety!
After thinking for a while, Wang Chen popped out a wisp of mana with his fingers.

The mirror hanging on the front wall suddenly lit up, showing the outside world.

His eyes suddenly focused! ——
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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