Chapter 221
On the top of Guanxing Pavilion, a mandarin mirror is installed.

With the help of this magic weapon, Wang Chen can also monitor the scene inside and outside half of the guarding Tianshi Mansion in real time in the underground secret room.

He just discovered that the street outside Tianshi Mansion was cut off by horses and a row of crossbow carts were placed.

Hundreds of heavily armed soldiers are surrounding Tianshi Mansion!
These soldiers were dressed in iron armor and held shields, halberds, battle axes and other weapons, shining brightly in the sunlight.

Not only that, but there was a famous archer crouching on the roof of the houses in the East and West Squares closest to Tianshi Mansion.

Even through the mandarin duck mirror, Wang Chen could feel the tense atmosphere outside!

He frowned involuntarily.

These soldiers who surrounded Tianshi Mansion were obviously the elite city guards of Nanshao City.

The problem is that apart from Wang Chen sending dozens of heads to Ruan Zhaoming when he took office as the guarding celestial master, he has been keeping in touch with the county government since then.

Where did this county guard get the confidence to meet Rong, a soldier of the Yunyang faction?
After thinking for a while, he immediately left the secret room and went back to the Guanxing Pavilion, summoning Xiaowan to ask.

"The Immortal Master!"

Seeing Wang Chen, Xiao Wan was overjoyed: "You are finally out!"

She looked a little haggard, and it could be seen that she had been under tremendous pressure during this period.

Wang Chen asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

It turned out that five days ago, the Nanshao City Guards suddenly moved out and blocked all the streets around Tianshi Mansion.

They laid out heavy troops and laid out their war weapons, and no longer allowed anyone to approach and guard the Tianshi Mansion.

Xiaowan didn't know what happened at all, but Wang Chen was still in retreat, she couldn't make her own decisions, so she could only close the door to take precautions.

What Xiao Wan didn't expect was that three days ago, Yu Feihong, the governor of the Imperial Guard Department, suddenly sent an order to summon all the imperial guards to return to Qianjing.

It is hard to disobey the order, and all ten elite guards stationed in the Tianshi Mansion were ordered to leave.

At this time, Xiaowan realized that the situation was not good, and decisively dismissed the few servants in the Tianshi Mansion.

She worried that there were insiders lurking in these servants.

At that time, once the city guards attack the Tianshi Mansion by force, the situation will be extremely bad.

Wang Chen was surprised after hearing this: "Now you are the only one left in the mansion?"

Xiaowan nodded: "Yes."

The tree falls and the hozen scatter!

While Wang Chen felt it was absurd, he also realized that the world of this big business might be about to change.

Otherwise, let alone a mere sheriff, even the Emperor Daqian would definitely not dare to be so rude to the guardian celestial master!

"Here is a letter from the Duchess."

Xiaowan presented a letter stamped with wax paint.

Wang Chen took it and opened it, and quickly read the contents of the letter inside.

Yu Feihong stated in the letter that he had received an imperial decree and had to recall the guards seconded to Wang Chen.

In addition to these imperial guards, all members of Nanshao's Chusong Hall, together with their families, also withdrew to the imperial capital.

Therefore, the power of the Department of Imperial Guard will no longer exist in Nanshao!
At the end of the letter, Yu Feihong also hinted that something might have happened to the Yunyang faction, reminding Wang Chen to prepare early.

It's kind of like letting him run away!
After reading this letter, Wang Chen couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

An accident in the Yunyang faction had already been expected by Wang Chen, otherwise he would not have gone to Dagan to escape.

But who would have thought that the position of guarding the celestial master under his buttocks is not yet hot.

The turmoil in the world of cultivating immortals has affected Daqian so quickly.

The mortal country that made this generation surrender to the Yunyang faction turned their faces against each other!
The question is, who gave Dagan such courage?
Even if the Yunyang faction is in decline, Wang Chen is still a true qi cultivator.

It seems that I am still too low-key, too kind!

A sharp light flashed in Wang Chen's eyes.

He clasped his palms together and turned the letter into flying ashes, and asked, "Why don't you leave?"

Xiaowan immediately bowed down and bowed down: "Xiaowan has received great kindness from the immortal master, and is willing to die for the immortal master!"

Unlike those imperial guards, she was given to Wang Chen as a maid by Yu Feihong before, so Wang Chen is her master, and she is no longer in the system of the imperial guards.

Yu Feihong also has no right to call her back.

Although Xiaowan didn't follow Wang Chen for a long time, Wang Chen never treated her as a slave, and even rewarded her with three innate pills to help her break through the innate realm in one fell swoop.

Xiaowan admired her deeply, she was really willing to live and die with Wang Chen!

"It's enough for you to have this heart."

Wang Chen stretched out his hand to help her up, and said, "Come on, let's go out and have a look."

Although he said it lightly, Xiao Wan heard a hint of thunder and anger, and felt that something big was about to happen.

Thinking of the elite soldiers of the city guards who besieged Tianshi Mansion outside, her palms were sweating.

There is an inexplicable excitement and excitement!

Under Xiao Wan's guidance, Wang Chen came to the gate of Tianshi Mansion.

"Open the door," he ordered.


The next moment, the heavy vermilion lacquer gate guarding the Tianshi Mansion burst open.

Wang Chen stepped out with his head held high.

At this moment, I don't know how many eyes are focused on him.

Especially those heavily armed soldiers, holding the weapons in their hands tightly, all of them looked extremely nervous.

For thousands of years, the prestige of the Yunyang School's immortal masters in Dagan can be said to be so high that people dare not look directly at them.

Those ordinary people will kneel and kowtow when they see the guarding celestial master!

Although these elite soldiers, regardless of their strength or will, are not comparable to ordinary people.

They also receive the salary of the county guard.

But when they really faced Wang Chen, these elite soldiers still had uncontrollable fear in their hearts.

"Give us a quarter of an hour."

Standing on the high steps, Wang Chen said in a deep voice, "Roll as far as you can, otherwise..."

"Don't call it unpredictable!"

His voice was not loud, but it could be clearly heard by everyone within a thousand steps away.

Everyone who heard it was shocked!

Before Wang Chen's words fell, his figure had disappeared, and the gate of Tianshi Mansion was closed heavily.

A group of elite city guards looked at each other, not knowing what to do!

Many people shrank their heads and swallowed secretly.

"What are you afraid of!"

A bearded man in official uniform from a hundred households roared, "A plucked phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken. There are so many of us, and we have innate experts to help us out. I'm afraid we won't be able to defeat..."


Before he finished speaking, a blue-purple thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky.

Ruthlessly bombarded this Baihu's head.

He didn't even have time to let out a scream, and his whole body was split into a scorched corpse!

I don't know who made a cry, and the surrounding soldiers immediately dropped their weapons and fled in all directions.

They all exerted their breastfeeding strength, only regretting that they didn't have a pair of legs!

A mess was left behind.
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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