Chapter 230 Homecoming

Wang Chen opened his mouth and spat out a stream of blood.

The black and red blood droplets splashed on the ground, it was shocking to look at.

But after vomiting blood, he let out a long breath, and his pale face completely returned to normal.

This shows that Wang Chen's internal injury has been controlled, and he can also re-mobilize the mana in his dantian.

In this battle, win thrills, but also win luck!

Wang Chen stood up again, looking at Cao Chengping who died with regret, feeling like he was alive after a catastrophe.

Although he had previously beheaded an evil creature equivalent to the Purple Mansion, but he mainly relied on the special power of the Heavenly Luo Xiexie Net, which was completely different from this adversity.

Even though Cao Chengping was approaching his deadline, his cultivation was still terrifying.

If he hadn't made the mistake of underestimating the enemy, he would have given Wang Chen a chance to fight in close quarters.

Then it is impossible for Wang Chen to cut him under the sword!

Otherwise, as long as Cao Chengping distanced himself, relying on his cultivation level far surpassing Wang Chen's and his rich combat experience, he could easily beat Wang Chen.

Wang Chen had no better choice but to run away.

In addition, the restrictions imposed on the cultivators of the Purple Mansion by the ordinary world also helped him to a large extent.

Of course, the most important thing is Wang Chen himself. The cultivation base of the ninth level of Qi training and the skills of Dzogchen are the decisive factors for winning!
This battle is of great significance to Wang Chen.

He not only successfully survived a huge crisis, but also gained valuable combat experience.

He got [-] Tiangong points!
To be honest, Wang Chen really didn't expect that the reward for killing a Zifu would be so high.

You must know that the heavenly skills he gained from killing Qi training monks are basically single digits, and now it suddenly increased to three digits, which is a bit unaccustomed.

Wang Chen speculated that the heavenly skill of a Qi training monk should be 1-10 points, corresponding to the first level of Qi training to Dzogchen.

The purple mansion has increased tenfold, 100-1000 points!
Cao Chengping's five-level cultivation in the Purple Mansion has a heavenly skill of five hundred.

Whether such an inference is correct remains to be verified in the future.

After all, this is the only Zifu he beheaded.

The sample is too small.

And if this inference is correct, then the Heavenly Skill corresponding to the Golden Elixir must be 10000-100000.

Yuanying started with a million!


Wang Chen quickly dispelled his wild thoughts.

He is still just a small qi training cultivator now, and he is a big step away from opening his house, yet he still dares to think about Jindan and Yuanying. If this thought is too big, it will be messed up!

soul eggs.

After getting rid of all the distracting thoughts in his mind, Wang Chen began to touch the corpse.

Cao Chengping is a cultivator in the Purple Mansion, and he has been working hard for 20 years, so it is impossible not to have some treasures on him.

The result surprised him very much!
Cao Chengping brought two storage bags, and Wang Chen only found a few hundred pieces of spirit stones, some talismans and pills, and some messy materials and supplies in them.

The spirit stone is the lower spirit, and the talisman and the elixir are both first-level, that is, the goods of the Qi training level!

That's it?

The poverty of the majestic Zifu left Wang Chen speechless.

The Qi training monks of Guiyuanmen who he killed earlier had more things in their pockets than this!
In addition, Wang Chen found a small pagoda in Cao Chengping's hands. In addition, the sapphire hairpin inserted in his bun, as well as the belt, Taoist robe and boots he wore were magic weapons.

But even with the addition of these five magical artifacts, it seems too desolate for a Zifu who has a life span of nearly two hundred.

Unless Cao Chengping didn't take all his wealth with him and hide most of the good things!

Wang Chen's speculation was actually only a small part correct.

Cao Chengping did hide some things privately and did not carry them with him, but most of the wealth he accumulated over the years was used to pay for his life, otherwise it would be impossible to live to this day.

In fact, when this Zifu realized that the Yunyang faction was going to have a big problem, he was already preparing to run away.

But because the action was not decisive enough, he hesitated and hesitated until the monks from Guiyuanmen came to kill him.

In order to beg for his life, he had to submit to others, how could he keep his wealth.

Now he was forced to chase Wang Chen again, and ended up losing his life.

The whole mug!
After looting all the valuables, Wang Chen burned the corpse to ashes with a fire crow technique.

Then he rescued this Zifu monk.

He did it extremely rigorously during the process of salvation, otherwise Cao Chengping's remnant soul would not be digested into evil spirits, how many innocent mortals would have been killed.

The evil spirit talisman used up to ten pieces!
"Ang! Aang~"

Just as Wang Chen was about to leave, a big green donkey galloped up and yelled loudly at him.

This guy is safe and sound!
Previously, when Wang Chen faced a master from the Zifu, he couldn't take care of this mount at all when he was in danger.

Unexpectedly, it survived without even hurting its fur.

It's perfect!

Wang Chen touched the donkey's head, took out a spirit peach and stuffed it into its mouth.

"Take a ride!"

The big green donkey chewed on the spirit peach, shook its head and carried Wang Chen further north.

Sitting on the donkey's back, Wang Chen took an inventory of his gains while adjusting his breath with luck to recover from his injuries.

Now he has more than a dozen storage bags and twenty or thirty pieces of magical artifacts. As for the innumerable pills and talismans of various qi training periods, not to mention the spiritual rice and animal meat.

Even if Wang Chen has three heads and six arms, he can't use so many storage bags and magic weapons.

Many pills and talismans are useless to him, but the spirit rice and animal meat can be saved and digested slowly by himself.

Right now, there is no way to deal with these storage bags, magic tools and talisman talismans, so they can only go back to the world of cultivating immortals to find a place to sell them.

Wang Chen still doesn't know how much resources he needs to consume to cultivate to Dzogchen and then break through to open the house.

But be prepared, no amount of cultivation resources is too much.

In the next few days, Wang Chen passed through Guang'an County.

He has largely healed from his injuries.

Then Wang Chen consumed 1 Heavenly Skills to add [-] point to his three attributes, namely Physique, Comprehension and Soul.

His four attributes become: [Physical: 13] [Root bone: 6] [Savvy: 6] [Soul: 16]

It is difficult to increase the basic attributes. The four major attributes have been added three times. If you want to increase it, you need a thousand skills.

But the gain brought by adding points is obvious.

Comprehension is not yet visible.

The enhancement of body and soul is very intuitive, and the improvement of Wang Chen is all-round.

His body is stronger and his perception is sharper. Although he has not evolved in essence, the accumulated effect of such a little bit is also very powerful.

Wang Chen gained quite a lot from this mortal trip.

It's just that there is no sect, and I can only be a casual cultivator after I go back, which can be regarded as a gain and a loss.

He speeded up, bypassed Ganjing, and finally left Dagan smoothly.

But on the long journey back to the world of cultivating immortals, Wang Chen has only gone half way.

There are still tens of thousands of miles of journey waiting for him.

Inadvertently, Wang Chen stepped on the road that the original owner's father, Wang Shaoyuan, had walked in the past.
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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