Chapter 231 Dengxian Town

An ancient town appeared far away in Wang Chen's sight.

This place no longer belonged to the territory of Dagan. He rode a big green donkey all the way, and the wilderness along the way was deserted and uninhabited. When he suddenly saw such a town, he couldn't help feeling a sense of intimacy.

Even for immortal cultivators, unless they have reached the level of complete detachment, very few people can practice alone for many years, and they also need normal communication and communication.

Following the path made by the wheels, Wang Chen entered this ancient town.

There are not many buildings in the town, but the blue bricks and black tiles look very old, the ground is covered with thick stone slabs, and there are some shops on both sides of the street, and there are not many customers, which seems quite deserted.

Wang Chen stopped in front of an inn, and a young clerk came out to say hello: "Master Daoist, would you like to stay at the tip or stay in the hotel, we still have two upper rooms."

"I'll stay overnight."

Wang Chen jumped off the donkey, handed the reins to the man, and said, "Give me a room."

As he said that, he handed over a tael of silver: "As a reward, help me take care of this donkey and feed it some fine fodder."


The man grinned, patted his chest and said, "Little one, I promise to feed your donkey well!"

The big green donkey tilted his head and glanced at him, and let out a rough breath of disdain.

"The distinguished guest is here!"

The man didn't notice the big green donkey's eyes, and sang loudly into the inn: "Go to the room!"

"Please come inside~"

There are more than a dozen tables in the lobby of this inn, and dozens of people are seated.

Most of these people carried bows and swords, their temples were bulging high, exuding a vigorous aura.

At first glance, he is a quack.

There are also bamboo baskets beside a few people, which contain hoes, ropes, probe rods and other items.

This inn also provides catering services. There are groups of quacks, eating and drinking around the table, some talking and laughing loudly, some whispering, and some huddled in the corner silently drinking alone.

The appearance of Wang Chen attracted the attention of many people, and the voices of talking and laughing became less.

Wang Chen found an empty table and sat down, took out Lingmi and dried meat from his luggage, and said to the guy who just came over, "Take these to the kitchen to make a pot of porridge, and then bring me a pot of clear tea."

Although a monk can also rely on ordinary food to satisfy his hunger, eating too much food without spiritual energy will affect his practice, and he also has the trouble of reincarnation of grains.

Of course Wang Chen would not eat the food provided by the store.

A storage bag he carried with him was full of Lingmi and monster meat, enough to feed him for ten years.

Most of it is seized proceeds.

Although the inn clerk was a little surprised, he still took Lingmi and animal meat to the back kitchen to process.

Immediately afterwards, he gave Wang Chen a pot of tea.

Wang Chen poured a cup of tea.

Did not drink either.

He turned his head and looked out the window, staring at the misty Daze in the distance.

Donghuang Daze!

Legend has it that in ancient times, a great power set up a great array of heaven and earth in the eastern wasteland to separate the two worlds of immortality and mortal world.

This large formation covers the world, covering tens of thousands of miles, and there are powerful and unparalleled restrictions in the formation, which even the Nascent Soul Immortal cannot break.

At that time, it was impossible for mortals to enter the world of cultivating immortals through Donghuang.

Difficult to ascend to immortality, sad to ascend to heaven!
However, as time went by, the ancient powers that laid down the formation had already soared, and the remaining heaven and earth formation gradually lost its effect, and finally collapsed and turned the earth into a boundless marsh.

Although the prohibition of the large formation still remains, and it is difficult for birds to pass above the Daze, and only large airships and spaceships can fly over the sky, the ground is no longer completely desperate and dead.

For thousands of years, countless creatures have inhabited the great lake, and Jianghu people often went deep into it to collect and hunt, and gradually explored a way to the world of cultivating immortals.

This road is called "Dengxian Road".

The town where Wang Chen is now is called Dengxian Town!
All about Dengxian Road and Dengxian Town were told by Wang Shaoyuan to the original owner.

Although Wang Chen's soul had already merged with the original owner, these memories were still deeply imprinted in his mind.

Back then, Wang Shaoyuan set off from Dengxian Town and traveled thousands of miles across the Eastern Wilderness to the world of cultivating immortals!

Although Wang Shaoyuan didn't tell the original owner what happened to him in Donghuang Daze, but he didn't know how many dangers he had gone through, and he had put in countless efforts and hardships.

Every year, some mortals successfully pass through the Eastern Desolation Great Marsh, but there are countless corpses buried behind them.

Wang Chen didn't expect that he would go to the world of cultivating immortals through Donghuang Daze like these mortals.

This is also impossible.

Now he has most likely become the most wanted target of Guiyuanmen. Even if he has a thousand chances to change his mask and change his appearance, it is not a wise choice to go to Qianjing and take the spaceship of the Universal Chamber of Commerce to return to the world of cultivating immortals.

Wang Chen even doubted whether the route of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce will be preserved after the Yunyang faction ran to the upper bounds, which is still a big problem.

After mastering Dagan's Guiyuan Gate, the cards must be reshuffled!
In order to avoid possible risks, Wang Chen came all the way here.

It took a long time to walk Dengxian Road and cross Donghuang Daze. In fact, it was much safer for him.

"Guest officer."

The shop assistant's voice interrupted Wang Chen's thoughts, and a can of steaming meat porridge was brought to the wine table.

A seductive fragrance immediately diffused in the hotel lobby.

Many quacks showed salivating expressions, and it was difficult to understand the meaning of the eyes they looked at Wang Chen.

It smells good!

The inn clerk put down the porridge jar, took two steps back and swallowed.

He also really wanted to taste the smell of this strangely fragrant meat porridge, but just now the shopkeeper was watching in person in the kitchen, strictly forbidding anyone to steal food, for fear of causing trouble to the inn.

A young Taoist like Wang Chen, who came to Dengxian Town alone, is definitely not an ordinary person!

Wang Chen noticed the wolf-like eyes from around him.

He didn't pay attention, and took out a gold bar from the sleeve of his robe, and gently pinched it between the index finger and middle finger of his left hand.

The yellow gold bar was instantly clipped into two pieces!
All the quacks who witnessed this scene gasped.

This kind of means can only be used by the innately strong with the help of innate zhenqi.

Wang Chen threw half a gold bar to the clerk: "Is the rent and tea money enough?"

The buddy hurriedly took it and nodded like a pest: "Enough, enough!"

Half a gold bar is about five taels, not to mention staying in a room for one night, it is no problem to cover it for a month.

Wang Chen's boldness was shocking.

But in those gazes looking at him, there is no longer covetousness, but awe.

Such a young innate strong man, I don't know how deep his background is, who is impatient to live and dare to offend?
Wang Chen quietly finished a can of meat porridge.
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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