Chapter 605 New Beginning

Under the traction of an invisible force, the aura of heaven and earth quickly gathered into a cloud.

Soon it began to rain lightly.

Thousands of crystal drops of water fell on the ground, and were absorbed by the thirsty soil in the blink of an eye. The green seedlings that had been sunburned a little raised their heads again, and regained their true green color.

Every young seedling is eagerly absorbing the nutrients bestowed by the heaven and the earth. They are swaying the grass leaves happily and rubbing against each other to make a rustling sound.

Express your joy.

Wang Chen sensed the emotions conveyed by these young shoots, and couldn't help showing a faint smile.

His gaze swept over the Lingtian in front of him, staring at the valley surrounded by clouds and mist in the distance.

A month ago, Wang Chen came to this place called "Feixu Valley", and then built a house next to this hillside ten miles away from the valley, and also reclaimed [-] acres of spiritual land.

He sat down on a rock beside the field ridge, and his thoughts flew back to a month ago involuntarily.

That day, Wang Chen had just "smuggled" to the Haotian Realm, and encountered a dangerous catastrophe without accident, and escaped only thanks to the treasure talisman given by the ninth uncle of the Yin family.

Unexpectedly, he was still caught up, and a fierce battle broke out.

The opponent's cultivation level is higher than Wang Chen's, and he is equipped with several magic weapons, including talismans and pills, and he is an aborigine born and raised in the Haotian Realm.

It can be said to have taken advantage.

But in the end, he was still killed by Wang Chen's Vajra Fist!

It was a thrilling victory in this battle, and it was also very lucky.

After killing the powerful enemy, Wang Chen drove the Longyuan Sword to escape without even looting for safety.

Finally got rid of this predestined disaster.

However, Wang Chen is very clear that the test he is facing has just begun, and he does not know how many difficulties and obstacles there will be in the future.

The Haotian Realm is by no means a paradise!
"Brother Wang!"

A crisp call suddenly interrupted Wang Chen's thoughts.

He followed the sound and saw a thirteen or fourteen-year-old civilian boy running along the path.

Followed by a black and white puppy.

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Little Tiger, why are you here? Don't you have any homework today?"

Zhang Zhuanghu, a young man with a thick head and a thick head, was accidentally encountered by him on the way to escape.

At that time, this guy was besieged by two monsters. He climbed to the tree and trembled. He was about to die, but was saved by Wang Chen at a critical moment.

It was because of this life-saving grace that Wang Chen was able to gain a foothold here.

Because this area belongs to Feixu Valley's sphere of influence!

"I have finished my homework for today!"

Panting, Zhang Zhuanghu ran in front of Wang Chen, and took out a basket of peaches from the storage bag like offering a treasure: "Brother Wang, this is a freshly ripened peach from my family, please taste it!"

All five members of Zhang Zhuanghu's family live in Feixu Valley and are members of Feixu Camp.

The Feixu camp belongs to the casual cultivator force, with three to 4000 people, and the leader is a Jindan real person.

Zhang Zhuanghu's father, Zhang Mushan, had some status in Feixu Camp, and it was with the latter's guarantee that Wang Chen took root outside Feixu Valley, otherwise he wouldn't even be eligible to settle down.

The current Wang Chen can be regarded as a reserve member of the Feixu Camp. He has to prove that he is not a "small dog" sent by a certain fairy clan, and only after passing the corresponding test can he truly join this casual cultivator force.

In fact, whether he can join the Feixu camp is irrelevant to Wang Chen.

But his understanding of Haotian Realm is really limited, and he needs time to slowly integrate into this new world.

Then Feixuying would not be the worst choice!

"Thank you."

Wang Chen was not polite, he reached out and took a large juicy peach, brought it to his mouth and took a bite.

The pulp is sweet and luscious, containing abundant spiritual power, and the taste is quite good.

"good to eat!"

Wang Chen gave a thumbs up.

It was very depressing to say, he originally stored a large amount of spirit rice animal meat in the Sumeru Ring.

It never occurred to him that because the laws of the Haotian Realm and the Mountain and Sea Realm are different, not only the talisman pills from the Mountain and Sea Realm cannot be used here, but even the ingredients are no exception.

It's off the charts!

As long as the valuable Lingmi is taken out of the Sumeru ring, it will immediately turn black and stink.

Inedible at all!

This was unexpected by Wang Chen, and Uncle Jiu had never told him about it before.

Fortunately, Wang Chen killed two monsters when he rescued Zhang Zhuanghu, and with Zhang Mushan's help, he didn't go hungry during this time.

Wang Chen belongs to Dharma and Body Dual Cultivation. If he wants to maintain a strong body, he cannot do it by eating wind and drinking dew.

His usual appetite is quite large.

In order to fill his stomach, Wang Chen bought some spiritual seeds through Zhang Mushan.

Return to the old industry.

Wang Chen plans to stay here for a year or two, and it is still necessary to do some camping.

And his best sideline is undoubtedly farming!

"Give you all."

Zhang Zhuanghu handed the basket to Wang Chen: "I still have some at home after eating!"

Wang Chen smiled and shook his head.

Loose cultivators in the Haotian Realm are not much different from those in the Mountain and Sea Realm, and they live a precarious life. Zhang Mushan's family has old and young, and their lives are quite tight.

A basket of spirit peaches is quite precious.

Seeing that Wang Chen didn't accept it, Zhang Zhuanghu sniffled and said, "Brother Wang, are you free tonight? My father wants to invite you to sit down and talk about something."

"He beat a boar today..."

The young man couldn't help but licked his lips: "I said I would treat you with a charcoal-smoked pig, Brother Wang, you must come!"

Wang Chen was amused by his salivating appearance: "Okay then."


Zhang Zhuanghu was overjoyed, and stuffed the basket into Wang Chen's arms.

Turn around and run.

"I'll go back and tell daddy now!"

Poor little flower dog who just ran over had not had a moment to breathe, and had to turn back with the little master.

It is so anxious that it barks!

Wang Chen smiled, and put the Lingtao in the Sumeru Ring.

At this moment, the spiritual cloud above the spiritual field dissipated, and the cloud and rain art he had just cast had no effect.

Although Wang Chen practiced the spells mastered in the mountain and sea realm, he could still use them in the Haotian realm, but both in terms of power and duration, they were far behind.

However, as time went by, Wang Chen became more and more adapted to the environment of Haotian Realm.

The casting effect of these spells is enhanced a little bit.

In short, it is developing in a good direction.

Therefore, Wang Chen decided to work hard for a period of time, and make plans after accumulating enough strength.

It is said that the Haotian Realm is vast and boundless, and any of the nine states occupied by the human race is larger than the Mountain and Sea Realm.

And Jiuzhou is only a small part of Haotian Realm!
Wang Chen hopes that one day, Yu Jian will fly in and out of Qingming, so that he can travel all over Haotian freely.

Fang lives up to this life!
Just as he was about to return to his residence, suddenly several figures rushed towards him.

It landed next to Lingtian.

Wang Chen frowned.
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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