Chapter 606

Here are three monks.

The leader looked middle-aged, with a horse face, triangular eyes, two mustaches, and a big mole at the corner of his mouth. His ugly appearance was really not worthy of his middle-level cultivation in Zifu.

After the middle-aged monk landed, he glanced at Wang Chen with contempt, with a hint of sternness and deepness in his eyes.

"Recently, there are frequent monsters and beasts. It is suspected that there are big monsters. The higher-ups want you to be more vigilant."

He said to Wang Chen lightly: "If there is any situation, report it to Gu Li immediately, and there must be no mistakes!"

There was a hint of condescending arrogance in his tone.

Wang Chen nodded.

I don't want to waste any saliva.

The origin of the members of Feixu Camp is very complicated. There are down-and-out monks wandering in the wilderness, criminal cultivators who are wanted in the fairy city, and hermit cultivators who hide their names...

There are also stowaways from the lower world like Wang Chen.

Although it is only a small group of casual cultivators, there are dozens of large and small casual cultivators in Feixu Valley.

Fighting openly and secretly has never stopped.

It can be said that the little demon in the temple is very windy.

It's just that it's not easy to survive, and everyone signed up for a group to keep warm, so they barely got together to fight against the dangers of the outside world.

This arrogant monk is called Li Chengdong, and he is a small leader of Feixu Camp.

Li Chengdong's power is in great conflict with Zhang Mushan's power, and Wang Chen is precisely covered by Zhang Mushan, so he naturally dislikes Wang Chen.

However, Wang Chen is also a middle-level monk in the Zifu, and he has a good relationship with Zhang Mushan, so Li Chengdong is also cautious and dare not make things difficult for him easily.

It's just that the attitude will definitely not be good.

Seeing that Wang Chen loved and ignored him, Li Chengdong obviously wouldn't reflect on his attitude, and a look of anger and hatred flashed in his eyes.

He glanced at the fields reclaimed by Wang Chen, and said eccentrically: "The spiritual fields are well planted, be careful not to be ruined by monsters, or the loss will be great!"

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist is concerned."


Li Chengdong snorted coldly, turned around and flew away with a flick of his sleeves.

Two of his men hurriedly followed.

Watching the figure of the horse-faced monk disappear from sight, Wang Chen shook his head and returned to his house.

His house was built on a hillside, and the plastic clay and stone are very strong and thick.

But the appearance and interior can only be described as crude.

And Wang Chen only regarded it as a temporary foothold. What he really exhausted in his new residence was the tunnel and secret room dug under the house.

The Haotian Realm is not comparable to the Mountain and Sea Realm.

The upper limit of the strength of the mountain and sea realm is the Nascent Soul level, and the monks in the mountain and sea realm have no possibility of breaking through to transform into gods except for ascending to the upper realm - the rules of heaven and earth do not allow it at all.

Haotian Realm is different.

Not to mention Yuanying Zhenxian and Huashen Zhenjun here, there are also higher-level Hedao Zhenzun and Mahayana saints.

As for Master Zifu and Daoist Jindan, they are completely inferior to dogs walking all over the ground!

There are a lot of purple mansions in Feixuying, and there are many high-level and peak-level ones.

It is said that there are no real mortals in Haotian Realm, basically everyone has the roots of cultivating immortals, there are many people with outstanding talents, and there are endless people with amazing talents.

The newcomer Wang Chen is just a little shrimp!

The most important thing is that small casual cultivators like Feixuying are very unsafe. Maybe one day a Nascent Soul True Immortal will accidentally pass by and destroy the entire valley with a single blow.

The Nascent Soul in the Haotian Realm is not as low-key as the Nascent Soul in the Mountain and Sea Realm, and the number is not known how many times higher.

It is very common in the Haotian Realm that the gods fight and harm Xiaoxiu.

Wang Chen didn't want that one day, two big monks would fight against each other, and the aftermath of the battle would kill him.

Therefore, his tunnels have been dug extremely deep and long. In the past month, he has devoted most of his time and energy to this aspect. The total length of the tunnels dug so far has reached tens of miles!
One of the tunnels leads to Feixu Valley.

Sneaking into the underground practice quiet room through a secret passage, Wang Chen first completed the daily practice of fundamental exercises.

Although the spells he has mastered have been weakened a lot in the Haotian Realm, the innate five-element skills have not been affected at all. On the contrary, the efficiency and effect of cultivation have been improved to a certain extent because of the extraordinarily abundant aura in the surrounding environment.

In addition, the Tianlong King Kong Fa-rectification has not been affected.

Wang Chen was able to defeat that powerful enemy before, thanks to his immortal body, and the Vajra Fist played a huge role.

Touching the palm that had already healed, Wang Chen continued to practice Taixuan Mirage Dragon Jue.

The Taixuan Mirage Dragon Jue is a unique art obtained from the Taixuan Mirage Dragon True Shape Diagram. It is included in the list of exercises instead of spells by Wang Chen's practice panel. Adding a little bit of improvement requires the consumption of heavenly skills rather than human virtues.

It's just that Wang Chen has been focusing his energy and time on the innate five-element skills and Vajra-rectification.

Taixuan Mirage Dragon Jue is still on the first floor and has not broken through.

Now in Haotian Realm, Wang Chen realized the effect of this technique and its help to him, so he allocated some time to learn the experience of Taixuan Mirage Dragon Jue.

Try to rush up one or two floors in the shortest possible time.

Taixuan Mirage Dragon Jue is a mysterious illusion that can be cultivated to the Nascent Soul level. It also has the ability to hide and hibernate, and it can be used to save life at critical moments.

After practicing Taixuan Mirage Dragon Jue, Wang Chen left the underground secret room only after seeing that the time was almost up.

Go to Fleeting Valley.

Although Wang Chen is currently a reserve member of the Feixu Camp and is not qualified to live in the valley, there is still no problem with daily entry and exit.

Relying on his identity plate, he passed the checkpoint at Taniguchi smoothly.

Feixu Valley has a large area, not to mention two or three thousand monks, even if it can accommodate ten times more people, it will be no problem.

But most of our residences are concentrated in one area, with houses row upon row, and the shape is basically practical and simple, with a primitive and backward flavor.

There are only a few shops in the valley, but they open every now and then.

Wang Chen had gone to several episodes before, and used spirit stones to buy some daily necessities.

Fortunately, the spirit stones from the Shanhai Realm can be used in the Haotian Realm, otherwise Wang Chen would really have to drink the Northwest Wind!
He has been to Zhang's house before, and today is the third visit, so he is familiar with the door.

At least you won't find the wrong place.

Seeing Wang Chen who came to visit, Zhang Zhuanghu was very happy, and dragged him to the study.


A burly monk was flipping through the Taoist scriptures, when he was shocked by his own son's cry and almost lost his mind: "Brother Wang is here!"

"I see."

Zhang Mushan put down the Daoist scriptures, stood up to greet Wang Chen: "Fellow Daoist Wang, how have you been recently?"

Although Zhang Mushan has a rough appearance, he has the temperament of a scholar, giving people a sense of elegance.

Wang Chen: "Thanks to fellow Taoist for taking care of me, it's not bad right now."

Without Zhang Mushan as his guarantee, it would be impossible for Wang Chen to gain a foothold outside the valley so easily.
The two looked at each other and smiled! ——
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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