Chapter 636
In the underground prison, there is no sun and moon.

The nine floors of Yongle Dungeon held more than just tens of thousands of prisoners.

There are also a large number of jailers like Wang Chen.

When Mao Shi just arrived, he woke up from his deep sleep in an instant.

The dungeon is filled with evil spirits, mixed with the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, forming a special atmosphere.

The monks are prone to sleepiness in it, and need a longer sleep than normal to restore their best mental state, so the jailers are on shifts day and night.

Wang Chen didn't have night duty last night, so he slept for a long time.

After getting up and washing up, Wang Chen left his residence and went to the Supervisory Hall in District B[-] to do his work.

Received a duty badge and a piece of fairy food.

The on-duty waist badge is equivalent to the work card of the jailer. You need to apply for it every time you are on duty, and hand it in after the end. It cannot be carried outside.

The immortal food is the daily ration of the prison guards, similar to Wang Chen's military ration in his previous life, with customized quantitative and exclusive packaging, rich in nutrition but hard to describe the taste.

The jailers often complained that dogs would not even eat this fairy food!

But the fairy food contains abundant spiritual power and blood essence, which is very good for the monks who have been working in the dungeon for a long time.

So everyone swears and swears, and the meal is still good.

"Wang Chen."

The monk in charge of Dian Mao in the Supervisory Hall said with a smile: "Recently, he has performed well, and he will be promoted to a full-time jailer soon."

Wang Chen smiled: "I accept your good words."

He had heard the same thing said three times.

Every time I hear the taste of malice, it seems to be gloating, and it seems to be ridiculed.

But Wang Chen never pretended not to understand.

A special environment can easily distort a person's mind.

After staying in the dungeon for a long time, whether it is the pawn in charge or the jailer who is working, they often have some psychological problems.

For example, Tan Lingfeng, who Wang Chen is most familiar with, is often chattering, and will say some incomprehensible words after drinking a pot of spiritual wine.

As for the distorted, gloomy, insensitive...


This Yongle dungeon has nine floors and eight doors on each floor, swallowing up an unknown number of prisoners and jailers.

Hanging the duty card on his waist, Wang Chen started today's work with the food box in hand.

The food box is a special space item, which stores the fixed food for the prisoners, also called prison food.

After passing a cell, Wang Chen opened the food box, took out a set meal, and pushed it into a special small window for the prisoners to eat by themselves.

Only give one meal for three days.

All the prisoners in the dungeon were banned from mana, and they were not given enough spiritual food, just to keep them in a weak state for a long time, to suffer from the invasion of evil spirits day and night, and to have no strength to escape from the prison.

It is said that Yongle Dungeon has held countless prisoners since it was built.

But only three people escaped by their own strength!
This was what Dan Lingfeng secretly told Wang Chen after he was drunk, saying that the names of these three people should not even be mentioned, otherwise it would cause huge trouble.

"This kind little brother..."

When Wang Chen stuffed a fixed meal into the window, the prisoner lying in it begged dying, "Can you give me an extra meal, I'm about to die, and I want to have a full meal before I die."

"When you get to Huangquan Road, you won't become a starving ghost!"

It sounds very miserable, but this prisoner has gray hair, ragged clothes, a thin body, and a look of exhaustion, which makes people feel pitiful.

However, Wang Chen's heart was as hard as a stone, and he was completely indifferent.

Turn away.


The old prisoner who was still dying just now got up from the ground nimbly, and reached out to grab the paper lunch box placed in the small window.

"Young people nowadays don't know how to respect their seniors at all, it's so rude!"

While complaining, he wolfed down the whole box of fixed food in two or three bites.

Finally, he rubbed the lunch box and stuffed it into his mouth.

Chew it and swallow it!

At this time, Wang Chen hadn't walked ten steps away.

Although he didn't have eyes in the back of his head, he probably understood the other party's situation, so it was not surprising.

There are all kinds of people in this dungeon, there are innocent people who have been wronged, and there are also poor people who have suffered disasters.

But more of them are villains and madmen who are treacherous and evil.

Wang Chen doesn't have the ability to distinguish whether they are innocent or not, so no matter who is in the prison, whether it's a charming woman or an octogenarian, just treat them as NPCs.

When the last portion of the fixed food in the food box was distributed, he found that the innermost cell in the sixth district was empty.

The concubine Yu, who is naturally charming, has disappeared.

do you died?
Wang Chen was slightly taken aback.

Ever since he entered the Yongle Dungeon as a jailer, the one who impressed Wang Chen the most was undoubtedly the female cultivator of the Acacia Sect.

It's not that the other party is the most beautiful and eye-catching among the prisoners, but that her charm and ferocity are directly proportional.

Those sinners who were sent to the cell opposite to Concubine Yu often went crazy or committed suicide within a few days. Wang Chen witnessed how one of the prisoners went crazy.

That scene, just thinking about it makes people shudder!

But Concubine Yu didn't dare to use similar methods against the jailer. Wang Chen had been seduced by her a few times, but it was more like a joke. After the two got acquainted, she became serious instead.

When Wang Chen visited here, he would occasionally say a few words to Concubine Yu.

For some reason, he felt a little lost when he found out that the female cultivator of the Albizia Sect had disappeared.

Shaking his head, Wang Chen expels his inexplicable emotions from his sea of ​​consciousness.

He turned back and continued to patrol the sixth district along the fixed route.

It was not until nightfall that Wang Chen returned to the Supervisory Hall.

He had just handed in his waist card and food box, and the monk in charge pointed to the next room: "Wang Chen, Mr. Chen wants to see you, go in quickly."

This monk was not the one in the morning, Wang Chen quickly saluted and said, "Yes."

When he knocked on the door of the room over there, he saw a middle-aged monk in a Confucian shirt sitting at his desk, writing quickly, and said without raising his head, "Sit."

"Thank you sir!"

Wang Chen sat down on the chair beside the table.

This middle-aged cultivator is the official in charge of the Sixth District, and his position is second only to Lu Peng, the Prisoner of Jin Dan who brought Wang Chen down.

And Lu Peng doesn't care much about the prison, usually the dragon sees the head but doesn't see the end, so he is the real talker in District B and Six.

Wang Chen has been here for three months, and has only seen each other four or five times.

"Wang Chen, right?"

The middle-aged monk put down the Langhao brush in his hand, and looked at Wang Chen indifferently: "How long have you been in the Prison Division?"

Wang Chen's heart tightened: "It has been three months since I reported back to your lord."

"It's been three months."

The middle-aged monk seemed to recall something, and asked seemingly casually: "I remember you were brought down by Master Lu, right?"

Wang Chen replied, "Yes."
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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