Chapter 637
The middle-aged monk looked at Wang Chen thoughtfully, and asked, "What is your relationship with Master Lu?"

His tone was very flat, it sounded like he was chatting with Wang Chen.

Wang Chen smiled wryly, "It doesn't matter."

The middle-aged monk believed it.

When Wang Chen was brought to District C[-] by Lu Peng, he thought that Wang Chen was a descendant of a certain clan member of Master Lu, who had put him on his own land to accumulate qualifications and make meritorious deeds.

As a result, three months later, Wang Chen was still an apprentice jailer, and there was no sign of leaving the dungeon.

That's definitely not for qualifications.

No mistake, whose family's children would stay here for so long!
Therefore, Wang Chen now said that it had nothing to do with Master Lu. Although the middle-aged monk was a little disappointed, it was also expected.

He pondered for a while, and said, "You have performed well in the past three months, and you have never been absent from work. According to the rules of the prison department, you can now become an official jailer."

Wang Chen's eyes lit up: "Thank you, sir!"

Not only is there a big difference in remuneration between trainee jailers and regular jailers, the most important thing is that formal jailers can get qualifications, and they can apply for Yongle Xianji after three years of service.

If you are a trainee jailer, you will not have the same qualifications for a lifetime.

Temporary workers have no fairy rights!

"Don't worry."

The middle-aged monk waved his hand and continued: "But the sixth district can't keep you. Right now, the ninth district is the most short of manpower, and a group of jailers need to be transferred to fill the vacancy. Once you become an official jailer, you must obey the dispatch."

He stared at Wang Chen: "Otherwise, just leave."

Wang Chen's heart sank.

There are nine floors in the Yongle Dungeon, the first floor is the first floor, and the situation gets worse the further you go down.

The sixth district of B is no longer a good place, and he suddenly went down three floors to the ninth district, and the situation he would face would undoubtedly be much worse.

But if he gave up this opportunity, then Wang Chen would have to leave the Prison Division.

Even Yongle Immortal City can't stay anymore.

Because the Golden Voucher Pill Book he holds, that is, the temporary residence permit of Yongle Immortal City, happens to only have a period of three months!
Wang Chen suspected that the other party knew this, so he was so sure.

He really didn't have a choice.

"Xiaxiu is willing to obey the assignment."

"very good."

The middle-aged monk showed a smile, reached out and took out a piece of silk paper and handed it to Wang Chen: "I signed this Dao deed."

It is said to be a Dao Deed, but it is actually a life and death certificate!

Working as a jailer in Yongle Dungeon is undoubtedly a very dangerous job, and the probability of accidental death is quite high.

The lower the level, the higher the risk index!
Ji Ninth District, where Wang Chen is to be dispatched, belongs to the end of the middle three floors, only one floor away from the most dangerous lower three floors.

This Dao Deed is also his life-saving document.

Wang Chen took the contract in his hand, and branded his own seal on it without hesitation.

The middle-aged monk put away the Dao Deed, nodded and said, "You should rest first tonight, and someone will take you to Jijiu District to report tomorrow."

Wang Chen got up and saluted: "Thank you, my lord."

"You're welcome."

The middle-aged monk waved his hand: "Go."

Looking at the back of Wang Chen leaving, he felt a little pity secretly.

It's a pity that with Wang Chen's age and talent, if he was born in a certain fairy clan in Yongle Immortal City, he would definitely be carefully cultivated as a golden elixir seed or a nascent baby seedling.

However, Wang Chen's family background is not good, and his background is a bit unknown, and he has no background connections.

Give him a chance to be promoted, throw him to the lower level to practice, whether he can survive depends on fate and luck!
In fact, middle-aged monks have seen many people like Wang Chen before.

Those who can really make it through are very rare!

He picked up his pen and circled the Dao Deed that Wang Chen had just signed.

Circled the latter's name.

And just as Wang Chen returned to his residence, he sat down to take a breath, when someone knocked on the door.

Wang Chen knew who was coming as soon as he heard it: "Please come in."

Dan Lingfeng, the old jailer, sneaked in with his head probing.

He asked straight to the point: "I heard that you were summoned by our lord pawn, are you going to become a regular?"

Wang Chen nodded: "Yes."

It's not surprising why the other party's news is so well-informed, because any little trouble here spreads very quickly.

Dan Lingfeng asked again: "Then are you still staying in District B?"

Wang Chen said: "No, I'm going to be transferred to Jijiu District."

"Second district?"

Dan Lingfeng's eyes widened immediately, and he couldn't believe his ears: "Aren't you joking?"

Wang Chen smiled wryly: "I'm not joking."


Dan Lingfeng suddenly raised his voice, then lowered his voice immediately: "You have just become a full-time regular and are about to be transferred to the Ninth District. Are you offending the people above?"

Under normal circumstances, even if someone like Wang Chen adjusts the area, it will only be lowered by one level in the end.

It is definitely not normal to go down three floors!


Wang Chen said calmly, "Do you think I look like the kind of person who likes to cause trouble?"

Dan Lingfeng admitted: "You really are not."

Nowadays, there are very few young monks who can be as low-key and calm as Wang Chen, and are very patient.

When the outside world talked about the Prison Department being like a scourge, they all changed their faces.

But the old jailer knew very well that as long as he mastered the way of survival inside, he could still live comfortably.

For the sake of Wang Chen often giving him wine and meat, Dan Lingfeng also wanted to pass on his lifelong guarding experience to him.

Unexpectedly, Wang Chen went directly to his district!
Separated by three floors, the brains assigned to the jailers could not communicate with each other.

There are very few opportunities for the two to meet in the future.

"Take care of yourself."

Dan Lingfeng could only say: "When you arrive in Jijiu District, only you can take care of yourself. Don't expect others to help you. Don't force yourself to do anything. If you can hide, hide, if you can bear it..."

He rambled on a lot, all from his own experience.

Although Wang Chen didn't take much of what the old jailer said, it was rare to see the other party's true feelings, so he listened silently without interrupting.

There is no permanent feast in this world.

The next morning, Wang Chen followed a pawn from District B[-] to District Ji[-].

It went down through the teleportation circle.

It is said that each of the middle three floors and the lower three floors is independent, and there is no fixed channel connection between them, and the upper and lower floors need to use the teleportation array to travel.

The purpose is obviously for safety and to prevent prisoners from escaping.

As soon as he entered his own district, Wang Chen immediately felt the difference between this place and the sixth district.

The sixth district of C is already very uncomfortable, but compared with the ninth district, it is tantamount to insignificance.

The concentration of evil spirit here is not much higher, but the aura of heaven and earth has been greatly reduced, and there is still a trace of evil force and evil thoughts.

Therefore, if you want to hang around in the Ninth District, you have to withstand the test of your spirit and will.

Otherwise, a crash will happen sooner or later.

Wang Chen was first taken to the Supervisory Hall in Jijiu District.

Here he received a routine and benefits as an official jailer!

Quite rich.
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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