Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 644 Resist to fight!

Chapter 644 Resist to fight!

Wang Chen followed the sound and found that it was a jailer with a scar on his face who was mocking him.

Wang Chen has a little impression of this man. Everyone calls him Lao Dao. It is said that he used to be a war repairman in the Yongle War Camp.

Wang Chen remembered that Lao Dao and Hu Qi had a good relationship and they were considered a group.

This is probably the reason for Lao Dao's malicious provocation against Wang Chen.

Seeing the gazes of the other jailers attracting them, Lao Dao bared his teeth at Wang Chen, showing a ferocious smile: "Why don't you dare to say it?"

His appearance is quite ferocious, coupled with his tall and murderous figure, he has an aggressive taste!
Many jailers looked at Wang Chen with a hint of pity and gloating.

Many war camp repairmen chose to join the Prison Division with generous remuneration after their contracts expired or they retired due to injuries.

Although being a prison guard is dangerous, the survival rate is higher than that of perennial battles. Moreover, a war repairer who has experienced many battles can often condense the murderous aura of the battle formation, which can effectively resist the invasion of evil spirits.

Even the idle evil spirits dare not approach.

Because in Yongle Dungeon, retired war repairers have always been the main force of the jailers.

Lao Dao is somewhat famous among them.

As a newcomer, Wang Chen actually offended an old war repair guard, and the days to come will be sad.

You must know that retired war repairers have already formed a big circle in Yongle Dungeon. Once they are rejected by this circle, one can imagine the fate of a newcomer jailer!

"none of your business!"

Just when everyone was guessing whether Wang Chen would choose to bear the humiliation or bow his head to be soft in the face of Lao Dao's bullying, Wang Chen put down the wine glass in his hand and said disdainfully, "Who are you, meddling in my business?"

Many people in the tavern suddenly gasped.

No one expected that Wang Chen would choose to be tough, and directly slapped him.

The current rookie is really amazing!

"How brave!"

Lao Dao was furious, his face flushed instantly, and the scar on his face wriggled like an earthworm.

It was so bright red that it was about to bleed.

Anyone who is familiar with him knows that this is a sign that Lao Dao is really angry!

A murderous aura condensed with a strong smell of blood immediately enveloped Wang Chen.

However, Wang Chen sat still, as if a breeze was blowing on his face, his eyes did not change at all, but the words in his mouth became more and more mean: "Look at you, do you have the guts to fight with me here? Don't force me if you don't have the guts." Forcing, it's like a slap in the face!"

Everyone thought Wang Chen was tough, but he could be even tougher!
Quite a few jailers looked at each other in blank dismay, but more drinkers showed signs of watching the show.

Especially those guys who are a little drunk after drinking a few pots of spirit wine, they can't wait to jump up and cheer - fight!

Lao Dao was also extremely angry, his hands clenched into fists and his joints creaked.

The murderous aura emitted is extremely terrifying.

Wang Chen scolded him all over his face, if he swallowed this anger, he would never want to be a man in the Zhanxiu circle in the future.

A fierce battle seemed unavoidable, and the jailers around the two retreated one after another, making room for them.

However, at this moment, the tavern owner suddenly said from behind the counter: "If you want to fight outside the city, this is not the place for you to fight."

The owner of the tavern looked ordinary, and belonged to the type who couldn't be distinguished in the crowd.

But when he opened his mouth, Lao Dao, who was about to erupt, seemed to be poured with ice water.

His face quickly turned from purple to livid, his clenched fists unnaturally loosened, and the corners of his eyes twitched uncontrollably.

"It doesn't matter if you don't dare to fight here."

Wang Chen sneered and said, "Come make an appointment, and we'll fight to the death outside the city!"

It's not that Wang Chen is arrogant and arrogant, and he doesn't want to be mean and vicious, but he has long understood a truth that it doesn't work to talk about quality with people who deliberately seek trouble.

Only those who are more vulgar, tyrannical, and cruel than them can severely suppress their arrogance.

The lower the bottom, the more so!

Yongle Immortal City is undoubtedly the real Immortal City, and it can even be said to satisfy part of Wang Chen's fantasies about Haotian Immortal World.

But this fairy city is not Wang Chen's paradise.

As a stowaway from the underworld, he needs to climb up step by step from the bottom.

In order to truly appreciate the infinite scenery of the fairy world.

Where is the prison department?What a place in Yongle Dungeon!
To put it bluntly, this is the sewer of Yongle, containing all the filth and filth from the fairy city.

People like Hu Qi and Lao Dao, no matter how shrewd, arrogant, and domineering they are...

In essence, it is the flies and maggots in the sewer!

Naturally, there is no reason to talk to such a thing, so let's talk with fists and swords.

According to the rules of the Prison Division, private fighting is strictly prohibited in the dungeon. If Lao Dao dared to attack Wang Chen just now, no matter what the result of winning or losing, his end would not be good.

To resolve grievances, it is natural to go outside the city to compete!

With Wang Chen's current strength, he has nothing to fear under the Golden Core.

Do not accept to fight!

"it is good!"

Lao Dao let out a low growl, and was about to agree to Wang Chen's invitation to fight, when suddenly a person jumped out from the side and stopped him.

The other party quickly said a few words in Lao Dao's ear, and the latter's expression changed again.

He stared at Wang Chen, his eyes seemed to be cannibalistic.

"You wait!"

Putting down a harsh word that didn't have much deterrent effect, Lao Dao turned around and knocked away the guy who was talking to him, rushed out of the tavern in the blink of an eye, and disappeared immediately.

The drinkers who wanted to watch a good show looked at each other again.

They really couldn't figure out why, with Lao Dao's temperament and strength, he would lose the chain at the most critical time.

With this drop, he lost all his face!

How will you mess around in the future?
Could it be that this newcomer with a tough tone and a confident attitude has some great cards?
Everyone looked at Wang Chen with strange eyes.

Contempt and ridicule is gone, most of them are curious and serious.

Many jailers firmly remembered Wang Chen's appearance - if they met in the future and formed grievances without knowing the details, it would be too worthless.

Wang Chen ignored all kinds of eyes from around, he drank the spirit wine in a leisurely manner, and ate up the fried peanuts presented by the tavern owner.

None left.

Then leave calmly.

As soon as Wang Chen left, the tavern immediately became lively.

Many people were talking about what happened just now, guessing Wang Chen's real identity, chatting in full swing.

Some people ridiculed Lao Dao, saying that he had been in the dungeon for several years, and his blood was gone.

In short, from this moment on, Wang Chen is no longer a rookie in the eyes of others.

Unless one day he behaves badly, or dies in an accident.

This is the monk Jianghu in Yongle Dungeon.
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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