Chapter 645
Wang Chen was isolated.

Although when it comes to the ninth district, he is also a loner, and he doesn't have many friends in the district to which he belongs.

But at least there were jailers who were willing to talk to him a few words.

However, when Wang Chen came back from humiliating Lao Dao in the Xiaoyinshan Tavern, the gossip spread like a plague across the nine districts, and no one communicated with Wang Chen in private anymore.

You must know that it is common for jailers to form cliques, and the largest war repair circle is still full of small hills.

Wang Chen doesn't belong to any gang, and if he offends someone in the Zhanxiu circle, even if he is not a jailer in this circle, he will keep Wang Chen at a respectful distance.

So as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

As a result, once Wang Chen appeared in front of people, there would inevitably be an invisible barrier blocking him.

For example, when Wang Chen went to the supervisory hall to check his appointment, he met other colleagues, who usually avoided them directly, or pretended not to see them.

It was as if Wang Chen had become an evil spirit!

As for the situation where he was completely isolated, Wang Chen's reaction was...

And such a good thing?
In his opinion, the jailers in Yongle Dungeon are essentially similar to the prisoners in the cell.

There are a lot of people in the camp, and they are cunning and cunning. They talk about honey and hide swords, and hide swords in smiles. They are their regular skills.

Wang Chen didn't like to deal with these people in the first place, but now he is actively alienated by the latter, he couldn't wish for it!
Wang Chen's purpose of joining the Department of Prisons is very clear, that is, he wants to get a registered permanent residence in Xiancheng after three years.

He didn't come to make friends, let alone fight openly and secretly with others.

The isolation of others played into Wang Chen's hands!

Sometimes he would meet people like Hu Qi and Lao Dao, and the latter would greet him with vicious eyes.

Make no secret of your malice!
But this had no effect on Wang Chen.

As long as he is in the dungeon, he is restricted and protected by the rules.

No matter how big Hu Qi's opinions are on Wang Chen, and how much Lao Dao wants to skin Wang Chen and cramps, they can only watch Wang Chen go his own way, and there is no way to cause him any real harm.

The sky is big and the earth is big, the rules are the biggest, and the rules of the jailer are not so big!
Hu Qi, Lao Dao and the others can only hope for the harsh environment in the Ninth District. A newcomer like Wang Chen, without the guidance and guidance of the old jailer, may be killed by evil spirits one day.

Or they can't bear the erosion of evil spirits and evil thoughts, and they end up in dire straits!

Then they got their wish without doing anything.

The question is, when will Wang Chen make a big fall?

Day by day, Wang Chen, who was transferred to the ninth district, has gradually gotten used to the work and life here.

The most threatening evil spirit to ordinary prison guards, Wang Chen can easily block it by relying on the immortal body of King Kong, and it will not hurt the slightest if it is soaked day and night, let alone affect the original source.

As for the evil spirits encountered during the inspection, those are lucky desserts!

If you take a bite, you will either gain good moral points, or increase the high-purity spiritual power available for cultivation!

Relying on the powerful and unparalleled ability of Tianluo Zhuxie Net to eliminate evil and evil spirits, Wang Chen got along like a fish in water.

He didn't delay his daily practice either. He brushed up the experience of the innate five-element skills little by little, and moved towards a higher level step by step, trying to lay a solid foundation for the condensed golden core.

"You're a bit interesting, kid."

In the border area of ​​Jiujiu, the black-robed monk sitting cross-legged in the burrow, looked at Wang Chen who had just brought him a set meal with strange eyes, and said, "There are few young people who are as calm as you nowadays. .”

Although he was not allowed to be free, and his mana and consciousness were blocked, his gaze was still vicious.

Since the black-robed monk usually saw Wang Chen alone, and he had nothing else to do when he was in prison, so he devoted a large part of his attention to observing Wang Chen.

There is no special purpose, just boredom and curiosity.

It turned out that this observation didn't matter, the black-robed monk found that Wang Chen's cultivation was improving every day.

He was surprised because he could find it directly.

This shows that Wang Chen's progress is visible to the naked eye!

You must know that this is the ninth district of Yongle Dungeon, the environment is so bad that even breathing is a sin.

For a little monk like Wang Chen who does the work of a jailer, it is very rare to be able to maintain his state.

It's a bit of a fantasy to make rapid progress!
But the facts were in front of him, and the black-robed monk couldn't help but believe it. It could only be attributed to the fact that Wang Chen practiced a special technique.

Or have their own opportunities.

As for the possibility of relying on pills to improve cultivation, it was directly denied by the black-robed monk.

He could smell it with his nose, whether Wang Chen had taken any pills.

Wang Chen is really awesome if he hasn't eaten it once!
As for the praise from the heart of the black-robed monk, Wang Chen just smiled: "Senior, that's a ridiculous compliment."

In fact, he can also be very violent!
"You don't have to be humble."

The black-robed cultivator shook his head, regretfully said: "If I were...cough, forget it."

He looks like this now, and it would be ridiculous to say anything about it back then.

Only the incompetent would ignore the facts of the present and indulge in the glory of the past.

Wang Chen was a little curious instead.

This prisoner was trapped in the cheapest corner of the district, enjoying the treatment of a single-family super-large cell, as well as the exclusive prohibition circle. He was definitely not an ordinary person.

Wang Chen's previous understanding of him was extremely limited. He only knew that this man was surnamed Han, a demon cultivator, and marked with the highest level of danger!
So Wang Chen called him Old Demon Han.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the Yongle Dungeon, the identities of the prisoners are extremely complicated, and it is normal for the devil to repair them.

Wang Chen's first impression of Han Laomo was actually very bad, because this guy was locked up in prison, and he also showed an arrogant appearance of being the first in the world, looking down on him as a little jailer.

It's Wang Chen's fault!
Later, the number of inspections increased, and he gradually became familiar with him. Lao Mo Han lowered his posture, and the communication between the two parties became normal.

Wang Chen guessed that the other party should be a Jindan cultivator.

If the cultivator of Zifu had become that crazy, he would have been beaten to death long ago!

"If I'm being humble..."

Wang Chen said, "It's not like I'm still a little jailer now."

He has walked along the way, even though there is a panel for cultivating immortals, he has also stumbled and wandered, wandering between life and death several times, and now he only wants to truly settle down.

In the final analysis, it was because Wang Chen's background was too low.

Some people are born in the upper level of the fairy world, and some people work hard for a lifetime and can't reach the edge of the fairy world.

The difference is too big.

"With your talent, if you belonged to the immortal clan or sect, you would have already been listed in the true biography!"

The black-robed monk said: "Think of me, Han, and think of me in the past..."

Before he finished speaking, the ground suddenly shook violently.

Countless dust fell down.
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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