Chapter 647
Wang Chen's attention was instantly diverted.

Therefore, he was not able to notice that Lao Mo Han's expression was a little weird at this time.

Under Wang Chen's gaze, the rocks blocking the tunnel made a crackling sound, and cracks appeared on the surface.

This situation is obviously very abnormal.

But the unbelievable is still behind.

Streams of clear water gushed out from the crevices of the rocks, like tears oozing from the latter.

These waters seemed to have their own life. They climbed on the rocks and quickly interweaved dense water nets, covering all the chaotic rocks.

Immediately afterwards, the water line turned into an ice line!

Accompanied by the overflowing cold air, the large stones began to crack and pulverize. The originally extremely hard stone bodies melted at an alarming speed like snow under the scorching sun.

Immortal means!

Wang Chen couldn't help but glanced at Lao Mo Han, only to find that the latter was in a daze.

A piece of rock on the top fell to the ground with a crash, and it was instantly torn apart.

This passage connecting the crypt is connected again.

The next moment, several graceful figures flew over!

Wang Chen was stunned for a moment.

He thought that the one who got through the tunnel was a strong prisoner, and he was surprised by the speed of the other party's reaction.

It turned out to be completely wrong!
The visitors were three charming women, one of whom Wang Chen knew very well.

Yu Fei.

This female cultivator of the Albizia Sect is wearing a plain white long dress, her eyebrows are picturesque without makeup, she looks more like a fairy from a famous sect, without the slightest bit of smoky and charming temperament.

Concubine Yu and another female cultivator in the same attire are accompanied by a beauty in palace costume on one left and one on the right.

This beauty in palace attire is full of charm and outstanding temperament, her phoenix eyes and black eyebrows are awe-inspiring, exuding an indescribable aura.

Wang Chen just glanced at her, and suddenly felt stinging in his eyes, and his soul and will seemed to be slapped hard, and he almost collapsed!

Nascent Soul Immortal!

Wang Chen was shocked and didn't dare to observe the other party carefully.

"The surname is Han!"

Only the beauty in palace costume shouted in a deep voice: "How long are you going to hide here?"


When meeting Wang Chen, Laomo Han always acted like an expert in playing games, chatting and laughing wantonly.

But facing the beauty in the palace costume, he showed a bit of shrinkage, and said with a smile: "I just came to hide for a while, and I don't want to get involved in the disputes between your sisters."

"How dare you say it!"

The beauty in the palace costume was even more annoyed: "If it wasn't for you, would my sister and I have ended up where we are now? Do you want to take responsibility anymore? If so, just say so!

Wang Chen, who had quietly retreated to the corner just now, almost spat out a mouthful of old blood when he heard it.

Which [-] o'clock drama is this? With just a few lines of dialogue, the connotation is extremely rich, and the details are even more bloody!

I didn't expect this guy to be such a monster!

Old Devil Han also looked like he was about to vomit blood: "In front of your disciple and grandson, can you stop..."

The answer is of course no!

Old Devil Han had no choice but to resort to his trump card: "Forget it, I'll go with you, if you don't leave, Zhenjun Yongle will come soon!"

True Monarch Yongle refers to the lord of Yongle Immortal City and the only one who can transform into a god.

Although Zhenjun is nothing in the eyes of the entire Haotian Realm, but within the area governed by Yongle Immortal City, he is undoubtedly the supreme existence!
No matter how confident Han Laomo is, when it comes to working overtime, he also looks extremely depressed.

And Zhenjun Yongle's reputation is really strong, the beauty in the palace costume finally shut her mouth, and stopped ridiculing Old Demon Han.

Just when Old Devil Han was about to leave, the beauty in palace attire noticed Wang Chen who was sitting by the corner, her eyes turned cold, and she said, "Concubine Yu, go and get rid of him."

The atmosphere in the crypt froze instantly!
No one expected that the beauties in palace costumes would act so swiftly and swiftly, without any hesitation.

Concubine Yu pursed her lips, immediately sacrificed her flying sword, and slashed towards Wang Chen!

The next moment, a large almost transparent hand appeared out of thin air, just in time to grab Concubine Yu's flying sword, making it impossible to get rid of it!
"This is my little friend Wang Chen."

It was Laomo Han who made the move: "Don't take your anger out on him, just come at me for anything!"

The beauty in the palace costume snorted coldly and didn't say anything more.

In her eyes, Wang Chen was not much different from an ant. She could kill if she wanted to, but she didn't do anything if she didn't want to. Anyway, someone always lost things.

Seeing such a scene, after taking back her flying sword, Concubine Yu never attacked Wang Chen again.

She even secretly gave Wang Chen a look.

Wang Chen could understand what she meant.


Lao Mo Han was willing to go with her, and the Nascent Soul True Immortal was obviously in a much better mood.

She had frost on her face when she came, and the sun was already shining when she left!

Concubine Yu and another female cultivator also left.

In the blink of an eye, only Wang Chen was left alone in the huge crypt.

He thought about it, and left here quickly.

Wang Chen has no intention of running away, but staying in front of this empty prison is definitely not a conscious choice!

He flitted quickly through the passage.

Suddenly stopped.

Several figures appeared in front of them, all dressed as jailers.

However, when Wang Chen saw the appearance of the other party and the others clearly, there was no way to vent the complaints in his heart!
As the saying goes, the road to Yuanjia is narrow, he bumped into three of them today!

Lao Dao, Hu Qi, Zhu Jiu!
Wang Chen saw the three of them, and of course the three of them also discovered Wang Chen's existence, and their faces changed.

"Ha ha!"

Lao Dao sneered and said, "You have today too!"

After being severely humiliated by Wang Chen in the tavern, Lao Dao has always been brooding in his heart, and he also suffers from not being able to directly attack Wang Chen to wash away his shame.

Now the opportunity is coming!

Lao Dao feels that God is blessing him.

"You are dead!"

This former battle cultivator was like a fierce tiger descending the mountain. When he saw a fat prey, he immediately opened his bloody mouth and rushed towards him!

His murderous intent, murderous aura and blood aura climbed to the peak at the same time!
Lao Dao has extremely rich combat experience, and he knows the truth that the brave wins when encountering a narrow road.

He never underestimated his opponent, let alone the young Wang Chen, so he went all out when he made a move.

And also displayed the melee secret skill of the war camp's war repairer!

However, Lao Dao never imagined in his dreams that the melee secret skills he is proud of are just a joke to Wang Chen.

Facing the surprise attack from his opponent, Wang Chen did not dodge or dodge, and suddenly slapped out his palm.

The old sword man was in the air, his energy and spirit had reached its peak, his own strength had been condensed into two claws, and he was about to beckon to Wang Chen's body.

As a result, Wang Chen's vajra palm hit him hard on the chest!
Only a muffled sound was heard, and the chest of this high-ranking Zifu suddenly sank, and the whole person flew backwards.

The claws he swung only had time to graze Wang Chen's sleeves, and his fingertips scratched the surface of the fabric, leaving shallow marks.

But it didn't hurt Wang Chen at all! ——
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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