
The old knife that was slapped by Wang Chen turned somersaults in the air and landed on all fours.

He raised his head and stared at him angrily, roaring angrily from his throat, his face was flushed red, and mottled yellow and black patterns appeared on the surface of his skin.

A colorful tiger figure loomed behind Lao Dao.

Showing his teeth and claws at Wang Chen!

And the sunken chest of this high-ranking Zifu swelled up again, returning to normal in the blink of an eye.

There was no sign of injury at all.

At the same time, Zhu Jiu's expression changed suddenly, and he pointed at Wang Chen and shouted, "Like a mountain!"

In just two words, he spoke with incomparable dignity.

Wang Chen suddenly felt a tyrannical force descending on him, as if the top of a mountain was extremely heavy.

His blood and mana were all stagnant.


Zhu Jiu poked his finger again and shouted, his protruding eyeballs almost jumped out of their sockets.

Wang Chen's pressure instantly increased by [-]%!

If it were an ordinary Zifu, I'm afraid it would have been overwhelmed by Zhu Jiu's magic at this moment.

However, Wang Chen still stood up straight.

He turned his head to look at Zhu Jiu, purple awns flickered in his dark eyes.

The next moment, the Dawei Tianlong Dharma appeared behind Wang Chen!

A pair of burning dragon eyes stared at Zhu Jiu, and suddenly opened his mouth to roar.

The dragon roared silently, but Zhu Jiu retreated three steps involuntarily as if he had been hit hard, with red blood oozing from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears at the same time, obviously suffering serious internal injuries.

This is the counterattack of the power of Tianlong King Kong from Wang Chen!
The battle between low-level monks is not what ordinary people imagined, especially when they meet in a narrow road, it is often extremely tragic and cruel, and the winner is divided in an instant.

Wang Chen suddenly raised his right palm, ready to hit the opponent.

However, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a streamer, which was shooting towards him!

Tiger Seven made a move.

The monk who had been silent all this time had just sacrificed a gleaming flying knife, and then sprayed a mouthful of blood on the blade to bless it with the power of qi and blood.

The timing of Hu Qi's sneak attack was well chosen. At this moment, most of Wang Chen's attention was on Zhu Jiu, and he had to guard against Lao Dao who was about to counterattack, so it was easy to ignore his existence.

Not only did Hu Qi pour [-]% of his strength into this knife, but the flying knife itself is also his natal magic weapon. It has been sacrificed and nurtured for many years, and its power is undoubtedly extremely strong.

The flying knife was shot in front of Wang Chen's eyes in an instant, and the blade was directed at the vital point of his throat.

Tiger Seven's natal magic weapon has powerful effects of piercing armor, breaking spells, and killing souls. Once hit by it, it is difficult for the heavy-light shield armor of the monks of the Zifu to resist.

Hu Qi used this throwing knife to assassinate several monks of the same level, all of them succeeded!

But this time it was Wang Chen.

Facing the attacking flying knives, Wang Chen stood on the spot without dodging, and suddenly popped out with his fingers.

The flying knife rang suddenly, changed direction abruptly, and brushed Wang Chen's shoulder and flew out.

Seeing such a scene, the corners of Hu Qi's eyes couldn't help twitching.

He never underestimated Wang Chen's strength, nor did he think about dealing with Wang Chen alone.

This time, there was a big problem in Yongle Dungeon. Many secret passages collapsed, the magic circle was damaged and the prohibition was invalidated. The connection between the upper and lower nine floors was cut off.

Hu Qi, Lao Dao, and Zhu Jiu happened to be together, and they wanted to find a way out to avoid being trapped here.

Unexpectedly, he ran into Wang Chen.

Of course I didn't say anything, just do it!

However, they were three against one, two high-level purple mansions who came from war cultivators, plus a middle-level law cultivator, tacitly cooperated and joined forces to attack, but they were still at a disadvantage.

Hu Qi realized that he still made a mistake in dealing with Wang Chen's strength.

Big mistake!
At this moment, he actually felt a little regretful in his heart.

If he had known that Wang Chen was hiding such a secret, he shouldn't have offended Wang Chen in the first place.

If such a character can be recruited into his team, then the right to speak in the nine districts will increase a lot.

But it's too late to regret it now.

On the contrary, Hu Qi strengthened his determination to kill Wang Chen!


He glared and shouted angrily, and suddenly a blood-red long knife appeared in his hand.

But someone is faster than Tiger Seven.

Lao Daoteng jumped up high, and rushed towards Wang Chen condescendingly.

The ten fingers of his hands grew sharp claws, and when he waved them, he roared through the air, as if he had turned into a ferocious beast, and the aura he aroused was suffocating!

The fierce tiger's appearance followed like a shadow, and rushed towards Wang Chen together.

It attacked Wang Chen's spirit and will!

Almost at the same time, Zhu Jiu pointed at Wang Chen again, and growled ferociously.

What he casts is the spell of the forbidden spell, that is, the spell that blocks the opponent's spell.

As a pure Dharma cultivator, Zhu Jiu has worked hard for more than ten years in the technique of forbidden Dharma. With the addition of a few special spiritual weapons, he is sure to be able to affect the operation of Wang Chen's mana for more than three breaths.

When masters compete, one breath can decide life and death.

Not to mention three breaths!
Wang Chen was really shocked, and turned to look at him again.

And Lao Dao's tiger claws had already greeted Wang Chen's head.

As a result, it was empty.

Wang Chen's figure appeared beside Zhu Jiu like a ghost.

Shrink to the ground!

Hu Qi, who was about to swing the bleeding knife, was taken aback immediately, and shouted sharply: "Old Jiu, be careful!"

Zhu Jiu never expected that the powerful spells he cultivated did not affect Wang Chen in the slightest.

It was entirely out of the instinct of a monk, and at the critical moment, he made the correct reaction, that is, to flash backwards suddenly, and to distance himself from Wang Chen.

Zhu Jiu needs to buy time for himself and get the support of his companions!

But the difference of one breath may be the difference between life and death!

Wang Chen suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a sword light, and the Longyuan sword that had been hiding in the dantian of the sea of ​​​​qi suddenly appeared, and pursued Zhu Jiu with lightning speed.

The brilliance that bloomed from the sword in an instant stung the eyes of Hu Qi, Lao Dao and Zhu Jiu.

Zhu Jiu's body suddenly stopped.

He looked down at his chest and found that there was an extra blood hole on it.

No matter the protective shield or the aura talisman, none of them could block the sword.

"Ha ha…"

The scalding blood rolled out, taking away Zhu Jiu's vitality and mana at the same time.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something more.

But before the words came out, the person had already fallen backwards, his eyes were broken and his face was ashen.

The moment it hit the ground, it vanished into nothingness!

[Tiangong +600]

Wang Chen ignored the information displayed in the field of vision, and grabbed the Longyuan sword that had just turned back and flew back.

Holding the sword in his hand, he looked at Hu Qi who was close at hand.

The eyes are extremely indifferent!

A chilling sword intent burst out suddenly, engulfing Hu Qi in an instant.

Even the old knife was affected, and he almost lost control of his natal magic weapon!

But Lao Dao's situation is much, much better than Hu Qi's.
The first one is sent.

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