Chapter 653 Demon Cave
Facing the provocation of the demon, the old jailer didn't say useless nonsense.

He strode forward to get close to the prison bars, raised his hand and slapped heavily on one of the bars.

Wang Chen from behind could see clearly that the old jailer's palm was engraved with the character "雷" in real seal script.


The next moment, lightning flashed in the prison, and thunderbolts with powerful power suddenly hit the mandrill, causing the big monster to scream and scream, and all the hair on its body stood on end.

The old jailer pressed the real seal rune with his hand, triggering the prison restraint to bang the mandrill dozens of times before stopping.

At this time, the mandrill was crawling on the ground, twitching all over its body and trembling its limbs, as if it had gone mad, foaming at the mouth, and its eyes collapsed, obviously experiencing unimaginable pain.

"These beasts just remember to eat but not beat!"

The old jailer said grimly, "So we have to beat them every day and from time to time until they remember it!"

Pointing to the real seal characters engraved on the iron gate, he said, "Use this to fight."

Wang Chen nodded silently.

There are a total of seven true seal runes on the iron gate, and each one represents a punishment spell.

This is really a paradise for SM lovers!
The wailing of the mandrill monster gradually turned into a hum, which actually had some charm.


The old jailer resentfully spat out sauerkraut into the prison, then picked up the Qingyang lantern again, and led Wang Chen to inspect the next cave.

It must be explained that Wang Chen's patrol route during the day is different from the route he takes on duty at night, so he had to be led by the old jailer to avoid going the wrong way.

But more importantly is the experience!

Wang Chen has no experience, so he needs the other party to lead the way.

So after going through one cave after another, Wang Chen saw more than a dozen demons and ghosts back and forth.

And a magic repair.

Or the devil!

According to the old jailer, when this guy was arrested, the entire Yongle Immortal City was in a commotion.

The other party was originally a cultivator at the peak of the Zifu, and his journey was smooth at a young age, and it was almost a certainty to condense the golden core.

As a result, this guy was invaded by external evils when he was congealing the pill, and the pill became black gold and went straight into the devil's way, and then he did a lot of heinous things. When he was caught, everyone shouted to kill him.

But the upper echelons of Yongle Immortal City obviously didn't want his life, but put him in secret detention in the Demon Cave.

As for the reason, it is beyond the understanding of the lower jailers.

"For many things, it is better not to know than to know."

The old jailer said meaningfully: "This way we can live longer."

Speaking from experience!
Wang Chen noticed where he was standing, twenty steps away from the prison.

An old driver is so cautious, which shows what kind of existence is imprisoned in the cell!
Wang Chen looked into the prison.

Due to the dimness of his vision, the Qingyang Lantern couldn't illuminate it, and the barrier of the iron grid, he could barely see the outline of a person with his eyesight.

The old jailer hesitated for a moment, took five steps forward with the Qingyang lantern in hand, and raised the lantern high.

Now Wang Chen could see clearly.

The devil faced the stone wall, with his back to Wang Chen and the old jailer.

He stood with his hands behind his back, and his white robe was spotless, exuding a scholarly scent, which was out of tune with the surrounding environment.

"Pretend to be a ghost."

The old jailer despised this very much, and then took out a letter from the storage bag,

He folded the paper crane out of the envelope in twos and threes, and carried it into the cell with mana.

Just like that, I couldn't stop others from coveting, and it was stolen!
The monk in white took a photo of the paper crane, glanced at it after unfolding it, and then turned around.

He raised his eyelids, and there was an innocent light in his black eyes.

It seems to be asking, and it seems to be exploring something.

The next moment, the monk in white looked at Wang Chen, and the corner of his mouth raised a small arc!

There was something strange about his smile.

However, Wang Chen's face was expressionless, and his eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest.

His soul points are as high as 25, and his spiritual power is far superior to that of monks of the same level. Although the prisoner in front of him has strange methods, he can't hurt him at all.

What else is there to react?
"Be careful."

The old jailer reminded again: "Don't go wrong in the future."

He continued to take Wang Chen on patrol.

The long night is long, the crypt is dim, demons and ghosts, minions are hidden deep!

Walking and watching, listening and memorizing, Wang Chen followed the old jailer to the end of the inspection route.

"The monster locked here is a bit special. It is said that a certain big shot took a fancy to it and put it here to temper its temper."

The old jailer lowered his voice and said to Wang Chen, "You'd better not provoke him."

Him, or it?
Wang Chen didn't ask any more questions - just be careful anyway.

It turned out that it was "she".

In the cell, a graceful woman was sitting on the edge of the bed, combing her hair slowly with a wooden comb in front of the mirror.

She combed extremely carefully and conscientiously, every strand of hair was taken care of.

The old jailer suddenly came over and said in a low voice, "It's pretty. Although we can't provoke her, there is still a way to kiss Fangze. Do you want to listen?"

A pro-Fangze?
Wang Chen's expression suddenly became strange: "Do you attack the demon?"

Is this because you think you are too lucky?

Hehehe, the old jailer.

He didn't explain directly, but his expression seemed like an old bird looking at a rookie in a game.

Wang Chen shook his head.

Even if it was true, he pretended not to hear it.

The old jailer wasn't a bad person, but he obviously had some brain problems. If he listened to him, he was in arrears with his IQ.

"Hello, outlander."

Just as Wang Chen was about to return the same way, he suddenly heard a thin voice.

Thin and somewhat unreal.

Wang Chen scanned the surroundings calmly, making sure that the sound came from inside the prison.

Mountain ghost!

This woman with a graceful figure is not a real person, but a demon in the form of a demon, but the shape is extremely fine, and it is by no means comparable to that crudely made thing!


The next moment, the name changed again.

Wang Chen turned his head and left.

He couldn't protect himself now, and he didn't know how long he would stay in the monster den.

Take the initiative to provoke a big monster with a mysterious background?

He still wants to survive.

"My slave's name is Huali..."

Wang Chen quickened his pace.

Since the inspection task is considered completed, the return speed is much faster.

He really gained a lot of insight tonight-the big demon has seen six or seven heads, and they are different!
In order to express his gratitude to the old jailer, Wang Chen took out his treasured spiritual wine and invited him to drink.

The location is in his dormitory, or in the cave.

Each of the jailers here has their own cave, which is considered to be a single family.

Although the conditions are simple, it is no problem to entertain one or two guests.

"Good wine!
The old jailer greedily took a sip of wine, his expression of satisfaction was beyond words.

He rubbed the wine glass in his hand and sighed: "Thanks to you, I haven't had such a good wine for many years."
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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