Chapter 654 Wormhole
The old jailer took another sip of his wine.

The big sips turned into small sips, looking at his cautious expression, as if he was afraid to drink all the wine in the glass in one go.

Then he sighed and sighed deeply.

Wang Chen looked puzzled: "Senior, although this spirit wine is good, you can afford it, right?"

The habits derived from the previous life and the genes engraved in his bones made Wang Chen like to store supplies in his Xumi ring.

Lingmi, Lingjiu, and monster meat always had to be stored in large quantities, so I felt very confident when I went out.

Facts have proved that his approach to prepare for a rainy day is correct.

Although Wang Chen was quite wealthy, he would not pay too much for spiritual food and drinks. The secret brewed spiritual flower wine that the old prison guards drank was of course expensive, and ordinary monks could afford it.

I feel that what the other party said is a bit exaggerated.

"Do you know how many years I've been here?"

The old jailer squinted at Wang Chen, and revealed the answer himself: "48 years!"

Without waiting for Wang Chen to respond, he muttered to himself: "Forty-eight years, I have never left the demon cave. I have sent away many demons and colleagues, and I have not sent myself away."

Wang Chen fell silent.

He didn't expect the old jailer to work in the demon cave for such a long time!

It's probably not just a matter of luck.

"Then do you know why I can live until now?"

The old jailer turned his head to look at Wang Chen, his cloudy eyes shimmering: "I spend all my salary on the purchase of top-grade Tongmai Quxie Pill!"

Tongmai Quxie Pill is a special pill used to resist evil spirits. When Wang Chen was in Yongle Dungeon, he could receive three bottles every month.

I have been useless.

But in the eyes of the old jailer, Tongmai Quxie Pill is more important than any spiritual food and spiritual material!

If he wanted to survive, he had to eat more.

If one is not enough, then two, if two are not enough, add one.

The old jailer insisted on relying on the elixir, and he survived for nearly 50 years!
Of course, Tongmai Quxie Pill is definitely not the whole reason why he has lived until now. After all, none of the prisoners imprisoned in the Demon Cave is easy to deal with, and if they are not careful, they may be dragged into the abyss.

It's just that in this way, he doesn't have many spirit stones to spend in the city.

For other demon cave jailers, the one day off in January is comparable to the New Year's Day, and they must spend some spirit stones to go out to be successful, otherwise the mood of the year will be affected.

Some jailers used up all the spirit stones in the Ecstasy Cave, and some jailers gave the salary they received to their families, so that even if they were buried in a ditch, at least the relics would not be cheap to others.

They all hold the idea that they are mortal.

However, the old jailer is different. He has his own clear purpose and is willing to work hard for it.

That is to live.

"Xiao Wang, you have to live well."

The old jailer finally said meaningfully: "You are still very young. The road is far and long. If you encounter a little setback occasionally, you will get through it safely."

Wang Chen nodded silently.

For the next two days, he continued to follow the old jailer up and down, back and forth, in the demon den.

Every day the route is different.

With the passage of time, the real map of the demon cave was gradually pieced together in Wang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

The old jailer took Wang Chen to every node of the magic circle in the grotto, inspected every cell, and told Wang Chen the basic information of the demons and ghosts locked in these cells.

It's time to retire.

Wang Chen was a little reluctant: "Thank you, senior!"

"Should be."

The old jailer waved his hand and said, "It's my luck to meet you. I hope to meet you next time."


Wang Chen's eyes suddenly fixed, and he reached out and grabbed the old jailer's arm and flew back.

Since the incident happened suddenly, Wang Chen's reaction was purely instinctive, so he didn't notice that the corner of the old jailer's eyes twitched the moment he shot.

His eyes suddenly became ferocious!

But this scene lasted for less than a breath. Behind the place where the old jailer was standing, on the rock wall only two or three steps away, there was a hole seven feet square.

This void appeared without any warning, and it was so dark that even the outside sunlight had been absorbed!
"It's a wormhole."

The old jailer who reacted also changed his face: "Let's get out of here!"

In the lower three floors of Yongle Dungeon and the Demon Cave, similar black holes will appear every once in a while,

Some people say that this is a wormhole dug by wormholes. Although it was later proved to be false, the name "wormhole" still remains and is still used today.

The old jailer stood not far from the black hole, his expression very serious!
Wormholes were rare, but he'd seen several before.

It's not a good thing every time I encounter it!
There is a saying that wormholes are created by void worms, and after entering, they can be transported to another world.

Void Worms exist in the Void, occasionally "jumping" into the Faerie.

This creates wormholes.

Under normal circumstances, the wormhole will disappear with the departure of the void worm, so as long as you pay attention to it normally, there is not much danger.

"I have to go."

The old jailer said with lingering fear: "Xiao Wang, you will have to go the rest of the way by yourself. If you go out and get rich in the future, don't forget that there is a big brother here."

Wang Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry!"

The old jailer left, but Wang Chen didn't leave immediately.

He looked at the wormhole not far away.

The next moment, Wang Chen popped out a spirit stone with his fingers, and flew towards the center of the wormhole like lightning.

The spirit stone drew a faint trail of light in the air, which was instantly engulfed by the darkness of the wormhole.

Did not stir up the slightest wave.

To be honest, Wang Chen was very curious about this so-called wormhole, and wanted to find out carefully.

Run in and see if it leads to another world.

However, these crazy thoughts were forcefully suppressed by Wang Chen's strong self-control.

He glanced at the wormhole for the last time, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

Wang Chen thought that encountering a wormhole was just a coincidence,

As a result, only two days later, he discovered another wormhole of similar size.

This wormhole appeared on a side road, and there were no monks around, allowing Wang Chen to observe carefully at a close distance to find the problem.

As a result, he studied for a long time, but did not find out why.

It feels like this thing is a BUG in the Haotian Realm. It will not be seen by people under normal circumstances, but in a special place like the Demon Cave, it will appear openly.

Due to limited time, Wang Chen didn't read any more.

In the next few days, he discovered a new wormhole again.

It's just not surprising anymore.

And Wang Chen heard from the chats of other jailers that he was not the only one who discovered the wormhole.

The same wormholes are scattered in different locations in the Demon Cave.
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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