Chapter 672


Wang Chen tightly tightened the long rope in his hand, the muscles on his arms showed an exaggerated bulge, and the gushing blood surged under the skin membrane, arousing a strong courage.

On the other end of the long rope, dozens of evil spirits struggled desperately to resist in the Xiexie Net connected to it.

They let out all sorts of strange howls and screams, some of them were constantly changing colors, some were violently distorted, some were rushing left and right, and some were uncertain...

However, no matter what methods these evil spirits use, they cannot break free from the shackles of the evil net.

They are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, watching themselves being disemboweled, bleeding but powerless.

Until the last trace of evil power is drained, and then it turns into nothing!

Wang Chen withdrew the Tianluo Zhuxie Net, and at the same time harvested three Yin Qi beads.

Including a pure yin qi bead!

But that's not what he's focused on.

At this moment, Wang Chen felt that the inside of the treasure in his hand was undergoing a drastic transformation!

In fact, this feeling had occurred as early as a few days ago.

As Wang Chen went deeper into the exploration area of ​​Beishayan, more and more evil spirits were encountered and killed, and more and more evil powers were absorbed and transformed by the Tianluo Punishment Network.

Far beyond Wang Chen's own needs.'s tolerance for spiritual power is obviously not unlimited, and it is obviously close to a certain limit.

Now it has arrived!

Aware of the changes coming from within, Wang Chen decisively withdrew to Anranju.

At this time, the pale golden light emitted by the Zhuxie Net was brighter than the obsidian lamp, and each silk rope became crystal clear, presenting a thrilling beauty.

Holding this treasure in Wang Chen's hand, a spiritual light suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He threw the evil net up, and opened his mouth to spit out a stream of blood.

This mouthful of blood condenses Wang Chen's energy, energy, and spirit, plus a little basic source, which is equivalent to the three-year cultivation base of an ordinary Zifu.

He intends to use the method of blood sacrifice to help Tianluo Zhuxiewang break through the limit!
A little bit of blood was silently integrated into the Xiexie Net, making this treasure glow with blood, and the aura it emitted suddenly changed drastically.

The wide open net suddenly shrank, changing into multicolored rays of light, and immediately fell like feathers.

It fell on Wang Chen's body and turned into a Taoist robe that was as light as nothing!

At the same time, there was an extra piece of true seal rune in Wang Chen's sea of ​​knowledge.

This is the message sent to him!

This treasure is obviously spiritual, but because it had been sealed for a very long time, after it fell into Wang Chen's hands, it did not materialize in the form of a spirit like the Shengsheng Kaihua Ding.

But today, the spirituality of Luozhuxiewang re-condenses, and it is only a matter of time before a new weapon spirit is derived!

What it just passed to Wang Chen was a new set of sacrifice methods.

And an "Upgraded Function Manual".

The upgraded Tianluo Zhuxie Net has greatly improved Wang Chen's control initiative.

In the future, Wang Chen can not only use the net to kill evil spirits, but also bind evil spirits inside. Whether to extract the evil power of evil spirits is completely under his control.

Wang Chen could not do this before.

This means that Wang Chen can decide to harvest the evil power of evil spirits, or human virtue points in a safer way!
Secondly, Wang Chen can turn the evil net into a heavenly robe, so that he will not be afraid of the erosion of evil forces after covering his body, and has stronger defense against the attacks of high-level evil spirits.

In the future, when he doesn't use this treasure, he will cover it in the magic robe, so that he won't be afraid of the evil spirits' sneak attacks.

In the end, Wang Chen's ability to control Zhu Xie Wang reached a whole new level.

This treasure will be stronger and more terrifying in his hands - for the demon spirit.

With the upgraded Tianluo Zhuxie Net, Wang Chen's courage increased greatly. In the following days, he began to advance towards the central area of ​​Beishayan.

The closer you are to the evil eye, the stronger the evil spirit that appears.

And there are many.

Wang Chen didn't get carried away with complacency, and continued to move forward step by step, starting from the outer ring area and advancing towards the center bit by bit.

Eliminate all evil spirits encountered.

The spiritual power capacity of the upgraded Zhuxiewang has also increased a lot. Wang Chen harvested it one after another, and this treasure did not give back the meaning of "eating and drinking enough".

Wang Chen didn't give it all the demon spirits either.

A large part of the evil spirits, Wang Chen restrained them with the Execution Net, and then killed them with the Dragon Yuan Sword.

His moral points rose sharply.

You must know that in the area between the outer ring and the middle ring, there are almost no too weak demons and evil spirits. Most of the demon spirits and evil spirits have reached the "resentment" level, which is equivalent to the purple mansion in the monks!

Killing such evil spirits in large numbers, it would be a strange thing if Wang Chen's moral points didn't increase rapidly!
The 30 mark will soon break through, moving towards 50, [-]...

Wang Chen really wanted to see if the Immortal Cultivation Panel would also change when the Human Virtue Points reached a certain limit.

A version upgrade like
Just when Wang Chen was obsessed with killing monsters and killing people and couldn't extricate himself, an annoying guy reappeared.

It greatly affected his mood!
"Wang Chen, have you figured it out yet?"

Safely living in the house, Sima Changming sat on the main seat, looking at Wang Chen with pity.

Wang Chen had just returned from killing monsters, and he had exhausted his physical and mental energy, so he looked rather haggard on the surface.

And also a bit embarrassed.

"Xiaxiu doesn't understand the meaning of the master."

Wang Chen replied calmly: "Please tell the master clearly!"

He no longer wanted to make false claims with this guy with ulterior motives, so he simply revealed it directly: "Dare to ask the master, what exactly do you want?"

The word "you" has a strong taste of irony.

"How brave!"

Sima Changming obviously didn't expect Wang Chen to be so stubborn, the corners of his eyes twitched, and then he showed a fake smile: "Then I'll just say it straight, hand over the treasure on your body.

"I will guarantee you a Yongle immortal status, and then I will send you out of the demon cave to live in the fairy city!"

Wang Chen was shocked: "Treasure? What treasure?"

Of course there are treasures on him, and there are more than one.

But Wang Chen himself could never admit it.

He suspected that the other party was deceiving him!
"Stop pretending!"

Sima Changming tore off the hypocritical mask, stared at Wang Chen and said in a dark voice: "You will not be affected by anything in the demon cave, your cultivation will not retreat but advance, and you have no treasure to resist the evil spirit, then you What do you rely on to survive here?"

Wang Chen, a low-level monk with no power and power, has done things that many clan elites cannot accomplish.

No wonder there is no secret!

That's it!

Wang Chen finally understood.

Sima Changming continued: "I will not treat you badly, and I will give you a house in Yongle Xiancheng to live in. I think you know how expensive the houses in the city are."

"Wang Chen, you have to think clearly, this is the only chance!"
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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