While speaking, Sima Changming's eyes were fixed on Wang Chen, and the threat in his eyes was undisguised.

I just said to Wang Chen directly: Don't toast and don't eat fine wine!

Not only that, but the head of the Monster Cave Supervisory Council also exerted pressure on Wang Chen.

The power of the peak Zifu!
It is really difficult to resist such persecution if it is replaced by an ordinary Zifu.

However, Wang Chen didn't change his face, and said with a smile: "Master Sima, I think you have misunderstood."


Sima Changming was obviously taken aback.

He had anticipated Wang Chen's various reactions, and he had also thought about what to say next, so he must make Wang Chen submit obediently.

But I didn't expect Wang Chen to be so calm!

And his dirty thoughts seemed to have been completely penetrated by Wang Chen.

The Zifu was ashamed: "What did I misunderstand?"

He secretly felt ruthless in his heart, if Wang Chen dared to play with himself, he would let the latter taste the taste of regret.

"The reason why Xiaxiu can not be affected by the evil spirit in the demon cave..."

Wang Chen unhurriedly rolled up his sleeves, revealing his right arm: "It's because of the practice of the Buddha's body-refining magical skill, Tianlong King Kong's Fa-rectification!"

Before he finished speaking, his arm suddenly swelled, his muscles bulged and tendons protruded, and his blood was added to the skin membrane, showing the ultimate power eruption state.

At the same time, the Heavenly Dragon Appearance suddenly appeared behind Wang Chen!

Sima Changming was really stunned this time.

Or to be more precise, he was bluffed by Wang Chen's Tianlong King Kong Dharma.

"There are no treasures in lower cultivation, and it is precisely this technique that is relied on."

Wang Chen put down the sleeves of his robe again, covering his muscular arms: "I'm sorry to disappoint the master."


After being ashamed, Sima Changming flew into a rage, stood up abruptly and said, "Don't think that you can get away with it, let's wait and see, when you cry!"

After speaking, he left An Ranju angrily.

Wang Chen sat still, and tapped his fingers on the table a few times.

Since joining the Prison Division, working as a jailer in Yongle Dungeon, and then being assigned here, Wang Chen's "naturalization" road has been extremely bumpy and full of variables.

In fact, he is already very low-key, he will not easily provoke right and wrong, and he also takes the initiative to stay away from those topical characters.

So as not to get into trouble.

In the end, he still fell into someone else's calculations!

Wang Chen didn't know whether his explanation could really hide Sima Changming and the masters behind Sima Changming.

In fact, this is mainly because Wang Chen misjudged his own low-key.

A jailer like him with no background, who was born as a lonesome cultivator, was able to live comfortably in the dungeon that everyone avoided.

A normal little monk, after entering the dungeon, would not be able to survive for two or three days without the support of the panacea.

It's normal to lose energy and blood, and let your spirit down.

There is a problem with Wang Chen being safe and sound!

Therefore, he had already fallen into the eyes of some people, and he was exiled again and again.

It was to test Wang Chen's limit and let Wang Chen reveal the secret himself.

Today, someone finally couldn't help it!
Wang Chen also didn't really understand the meaning of not being afraid of the invasion of evil spirits. You must know that even Jindan monks dare not say that they are not afraid of the influence of evil spirits.

It's easy to get coveted!
There is no problem in theory for Wang Chen to practice the Dharma of Tianlong King Kong as an excuse.

There are also Buddhism in Haotian Realm.

But he didn't have much confidence that he could dispel the other party's greed.

Even if some people know that they are wrong, they have to make mistakes, otherwise they will lose face.

Intuition told Wang Chen that this Sima Changming would not be reconciled!

It's just that Wang Chen has nothing to do for the time being, and he can't deal with a principal, so he can only reduce the time for outings and stop collecting moral points.

He spends more time in the Anran Residence to practice.

Time passed day by day, just when Wang Chen thought that Sima Changming had died down and would not make a comeback again, the situation he didn't want to see still appeared.

"Wang Chen!"

This time Sima Changming didn't make a fuss anymore, he went directly into An Ran Residence and waited for Wang Chen, but started yelling outside, with the tone of wishing everyone would know.

Wang Chen opened the door and saw Sima Changming standing in front of the door, followed by a monk sitting on a cloud chariot.

Jindan is real!

Wang Chen could tell at a glance that the strength of the cultivator above the cloud chariot had reached the level of Jindan.

His heart sank suddenly.

Sima Changming actually invited a real person.

Or is this real person the manipulator behind the scenes?
Seeing Wang Chen coming out, Sima Changming immediately shouted: "Wang Chen, hurry up and kneel down to meet Ye Zhenren!"

bow down?

Wang Chen felt that this guy had gone mad.

He saluted Ye Zhenren on the cloud chariot: "Xiu Xiu Wang Chen, I have met Ye Zhenren!"

"No need to be polite."

That real person's temperament is elegant and his appearance is outstanding, he smiled slightly and said: "Before I only heard his name but didn't know him, this time I really know him, it's a pity..."

What a pity, this Jindan didn't say anything, but there was a deep sense of pity in his eyes from beginning to end.

The next moment, Wang Chen stepped out of the threshold, out of the range controlled by An Ranju's defensive circle.

His figure instantly disappeared in place!
Such a change surprised Ye Zhenren and Sima Changming, they never expected Wang Chen to react like this.


The problem is that Wang Chen is in charge of guarding Beishayan. Although he is a member of the Prison Division, he has no status to speak of. Let alone escape from Yongle Dungeon, where can he go if he does?

Ye Zhenren let out a cold snort, and made a false grab with his hand towards the right.

At the same moment, a giant palm appeared out of thin air, carrying the sound of wind and thunder, and slapped heavily on Wang Chen who had regained his figure.

Wang Chen didn't dare to take it lightly, and immediately flew back again to escape.

What he just cast was to shrink the ground to an inch, but due to the special environment here, the effect of the spell was greatly reduced.

Fortunately, Wang Chen has already cultivated this spell to the level of Dzogchen, and he is still calm when performing it continuously.

But Jindan Daoist can get rid of it like this!
Ye Zhenren's face was not very good-looking when he missed the blow, and he suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Prison!"

As soon as the words were spoken, Wang Chen, who was two hundred steps away, felt that Mount Tai was pressing down on him, and an invisible force blocked the space he was in in an instant.

Also completely suppressed his strength!

The power of the golden core is so terrifying!

Wang Chen had no choice, and immediately raised his head and opened his mouth to spit out a sword light.

When Long Yuan's sword came out, it instantly tore through the net laid by Ye Zhenren, opening up a way out for Wang Chen.


Ye Zhenren failed to take down Wang Chen again and again, his face couldn't hold back at all!
This Jin Dan finally got angry.
The second is sent.

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