Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 700 Salted Fish Wang

Chapter 700 Salted Fish Wang

Shushan has road diligence as the path, and the sea of ​​learning is boundless and hard work!
After spending a few months in the Zangshu Pavilion in Yongle Xiancheng, Wang Chen felt that the current job was really suitable for him, as if it was tailor-made for him.

The position of a steward is neither high nor low, and he does not need to bear major responsibilities, nor does he need to do tedious and hard work.

Wang Chen only needs to regularly inspect the floors he is in charge of every day to check the work of the book attendants, and then he can stay in his room for the rest of the time to read, drink tea, cultivate energy, and practice.

Although the Cangshu Pavilion has a large collection of books and jade slips, it does not involve the secrets of high-value exercises. Even the most ordinary city residents can borrow books and classics here.

Therefore, no one wants to go here when they are full, it is very safe and secure.

The more books Wang Chengou borrows and reads here, the deeper his understanding of Haotian Realm, and the richer all kinds of information he has.

Quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes. In fact, a lot of interesting and useful knowledge and information are hidden between the lines of these books. It is easy to ignore ten lines at a glance, but you can dig them out after careful reading.

For example, the records about Lingzhu and Scrophulariaceae come from the travel notes of an unknown person.

This notebook is stored in the corner of the third floor of the library. Because Wang Chen is in charge of the management affairs of the third floor, he had made a detailed inventory of the books in the collection before, and found it by accident.

Unexpectedly, I found something useful to myself in it.

In comparison, the meager salary and benefits of Zangshu Pavilion are nothing at all!

Wang Chen hoped that he could go on like this until the golden core was condensed.

"Xiao Wang."

In the tea room on the second floor of Zangshu Pavilion, an old monk with white beard and hair smiled and said to Wang Chen: "We are all old guys who are just waiting to die, you are young, don't cut your own path. "

"Cough cough!"

Wang Chen coughed twice, and said with a wry smile: "Senior, you also know that I hurt Dao Ji. Unless I get the Heaven Returning Pill, it will be pretty good if I can keep my cultivation. I dare not think about anything else!"

Huitian Pill is a third-tier elixir, and the seventeen main and auxiliary materials required for refining are all valuable natural materials and earthly treasures.

Moreover, the refining of this kind of elixir is extremely difficult, and non-masters dare not open the furnace. It is very good to produce two or three elixir in one furnace.

Therefore, it is not an easy task even if the Jindan Daoist wants to get a few Heaven-returning Pills.

How can Wang Chen dare to expect extravagantly from a small Zifu with no power?
Of course the other stewards present were well aware of this, and they all expressed their relief.

One said that auspicious people have their own celestial features, and the other said that surviving a catastrophe must have future blessings.

It seemed very heartwarming, but Wang Chen could hear a hint of gloating.

It's not that he's being too sensitive.

The five stewards of Zangshu Pavilion are divided into senior stewards, second stewards, and third stewards according to their seniority...

Wang Chen was the last of the five stewards.

Unlike the other four stewards who are just eating and waiting to die, he is very young. Even if the Taoist foundation is damaged and the future is bleak, his vitality is unmatched by others.

Even if Wang Chen's cultivation has stagnated so far, he can live another 200 years if he takes good care of his health.

And the lifespan of the four stewards is not much left, so how can they feel comfortable seeing such a young Wang Chen?

These guys who were thrown into the library to dawdle have already lost their ambitions, and it is impossible for them to be broad-minded!

Therefore, they usually like to stimulate Wang Chen intentionally or unintentionally, and expose Wang Chen's "scars" openly and secretly, and they also rely on the old and sell the old to put on a look of caring and caring, which makes people unable to get angry.

Have fun!

Wang Chen has long seen through their nasty thoughts, and usually hides away when he has nothing to do.

Invisibly self-isolated.

But this is a good thing for him!

After chatting with some of the stewards without a smile, Wang Chen got up to say goodbye, left the tea room and went back to his room.

Today is the monthly management meeting, and he has to come to attend.

Now that the meeting is over, Wang Chen is so full that he continues to flirt with these rotten old guys!
"Tsk tsk!"

The old monk shook his head just now, showing a regretful expression: "It's a pity."

Several other stewards nodded seriously: "It's a pity!"

Then they looked at each other and smiled.

They felt that they were older and more prestigious than Wang Chen, but in fact Wang Chen only regarded these guys as dead bones in the grave, as long as they didn't come to interfere with his life, he didn't bother to care about them.

After returning to the room and closing the door, Wang Chen picked up a Taoist scripture that he hadn't finished reading and continued reading.

While he was concentrating on reading the book, in the dantian of the sea of ​​energy, a golden elixir that was glowing and glowing continued to pump out spiritual power, spinning continuously.

The majestic mana rushes like a long river, circulating back and forth in Wang Chen's meridians, and finally returns to the dantian.

His cultivation realm is slowly but firmly improving bit by bit!

When it was time for Zangshu Pavilion to close, when Wang Chen walked out of the room, his face had "returned" to its original paleness, the light in his eyes was gloomy, and his whole person's breath became low and gray.

Although Guan Shengping, the real person who sent Wang Chen here, has already forgotten his little man.

But Wang Chen has been conscientiously playing the role of "the wounded".

Because as long as he maintains the image of a "salted fish", he can live in peace and stability.

No longer being concerned and calculated by Guan Shengping, Yufei and others!

In this way, winter goes and spring comes, and another year passes.

During the rainy season, Wang Chen's Gouxiu life in Zangshu Pavilion changed a little.

He's upgraded.

It's not that Wang Chen's cultivation level has broken through from the eighth floor of the Purple Mansion to the ninth floor, but that he has been upgraded from the fifth steward at the end of the crane to the fourth steward, and is responsible for managing the fourth floor of Zangshu Pavilion.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple. The manager who was ranked second died.

The second steward is the oldest and narrow-minded, and usually likes to sell the old to Wang Chen.

Probably the slut has his own day to accept it. It is estimated that the heavens can't see this old guy. It is said that he went crazy during the process of taking Dan Yun Qi and died on the spot.

In this way, Wang Chen was promoted to the fourth manager.

And the vacancy left by him will soon be filled.

There are countless monks in Yongle Immortal City, and there are many unlucky guys everywhere. It is not bad to be sent to the library to sit on the bench.

In a blink of an eye, it was midsummer time again.

Wang Chen applied for annual leave to Cao Ke, the director of Zangshuge.

Zangshu Pavilion belongs to the unpopular among the unpopular within the system of Yongle Immortal City. Working in it has neither profit nor future, so the rules are very loose.

Managers like Wang Chen can apply for ten days and a half months of annual leave if necessary.

Just make up for it after taking a break.

Cao Ke didn't make things difficult for him either, and readily agreed.
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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