Gou becomes a boss in the fairy world.

Chapter 701 Treasure Hunting Manglong Mountain

Chapter 701 Treasure Hunting Manglong Mountain
In the early morning, without disturbing anyone, Wang Chen left the city quietly.

This was the first time he had left Yongle Immortal City since he beheaded Liang Cen last time.

The destination of Wang Chen's trip is Manglong Mountain.

For this trip, he prepared a lot of time, and also took up to 20 days of annual leave.

Manglong Mountain is located in the northwest of Yongle Immortal City, more than [-] miles away.

After Wang Chen left the city, he first flew Yujian hundreds of miles away, then took out the magic weapon spaceship in the wilderness, rushed to the sky and went straight to the destination.

The flight speed and battery life of the Magic Treasure-class spaceship are largely determined by the strength of the pilot and the number of spirit stones.

Although Wang Chen is a Zifu cultivator, he has a high-grade outer alchemy, coupled with the investment of spirit stones, so it only took two days and one night to reach the Manglong Mountain Range.

The Manglong Mountain Range stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles from west to east. It is one of the famous mountains in the Haotian Realm. There are many spiritual veins in the mountain, and there are many caves and blessed places. Since ancient times, powerful monks have been cultivating in it.

But now Manglong Mountain is the territory of the monster race, and the area occupied by the monks of the human race is basically on the outer edge.

But this mountain range is rich in products and resources, so every year, a large number of monks go into the mountain in groups to hunt, gather, and mine, and the conflict with the monster race has never stopped.

There are countless monks who died in the mountains.

Wang Chen came to the Manglong Mountains not because he was tired of looking for excitement, but because the clues he found about the Scrophulariaceae scrophulariae pointed to, and it was in this endless deep mountain.

After collecting the five treasures of the eight treasures of condensing alchemy, Wang Chen also thought about obtaining the other three treasures in the safest way.

But no.

First of all, there is no stock in Wanbao Pavilion, even if there is, it is not something he can buy.

Secondly, the value of the Millennium Lingzhu, Aescin Scrophulariae and Wannian Star Sand is too high, they are completely priceless!
Wang Chen has considered making use of his cheats and Shengsheng Huading, relying on refining talismans and magic tools to earn spirit stones.

No matter how priceless things are, as long as you are willing to smash down enough spirit stones, you will definitely be able to smash them open.

Double it if it doesn't work, triple it if it doesn't work twice!
Wang Chen is confident that he can make a name for himself in the highly competitive Yongle Fairy City.

Unfortunately, ideals are ideals, but reality is very cruel!

Through understanding the actual situation, Wang Chen found that the business of pills, utensils, talismans, arrays, etc. in Yongle Immortal City are basically in the hands of several great immortal clans.

And these immortal families firmly control the power of Immortal City.

Taking food from them, Wang Chen thought he was not the son of destiny, so he put out such thoughts.

After much deliberation and weighing the pros and cons, he made the decision to go out to hunt for treasure.

If you can’t buy it and can’t afford it, then go find it yourself!

In fact, when the majestic peaks and ridges of the Manglong Mountains appeared in sight, Wang Chen was not even sure that he could find the seven-leaf Scrophulariaceae.

The predecessor's notebook he had read was quite old, and he didn't know how many years ago it was written.

Now that the sea has changed, the Scrophularia ginseng growing in a hidden place may have been collected and taken away by monks or monsters.

Then he has worked so hard and traveled thousands of miles to come here, it will only end in vain!

However, if he doesn't come here to see it with his own eyes, Wang Chen will definitely retain this hope in his heart.

After a long time, it is easy to breed demons!

So this trip is a must.

When they arrived at the edge of the Manglong Mountain Range, the sky was already getting dark.

Wang Chen was not interested in exploring Manglong Mountain at night, so he put away the magic weapon flying ship, put on Qianlong Sword and continued flying for a certain distance, and finally found an abandoned farm.

Going to spend the night here.

This farm has been abandoned for a long time, and the fields are completely occupied by weeds, wild flowers and small trees, and even the ridges of the fields cannot be seen.

Most of the houses in Zhuangzi are dilapidated, with cracked walls covered with vines, and many houses have no roofs.

Wang Chen chose one of the largest and most complete houses to enter.

He was obviously not the first monk to visit here, and he saw that there was not much dust and fallen leaves in the house, which should have been cleaned up by someone not long ago.

The door of the main house was open, and a delicately crafted door panel was crumbling, and the tables, chairs and benches placed inside could be seen.

Just as Wang Chen was about to step in, suddenly a crow flew out screaming.

I don't know if the nest was built in it!
The area of ​​this house is quite large, and Wang Chen stepped back and forth to make sure that there were no evil spirits, so he set up a bonfire outside the main house.

The blazing flame dispelled the darkness and silence in the blink of an eye.

Wang Chen took out the meat skewers, eggplants, river fish and other ingredients bought in the fairy city from the Sumeru Ring.

Although there are not many types, they are fresh and high-quality. Wang Chen arranges them on the grill, smears them with oil and sauce and grills them slowly.

Soon there was a unique smell of barbecue in the air.

Wang Chen took out the armchair and put it on, brewed a pot of spiritual tea, and looked up at the starry sky while drinking the tea.

Although he was in the dangerous and unpredictable wilderness, his heart was very peaceful.

This calm comes from Wang Chen's current strength.

He is invincible under the golden core, at the golden core level, Wang Chen is sure to send himself away together with them.

At worst, he would have no problem escaping!
Therefore, when the light of the bonfire attracted an uninvited guest, Wang Chen didn't have any panic or fear.

"Excuse me, is there anyone here?"

Wang Chen agreed without hesitation to the request carefully made by the visitor: "No one, just find a place to sit."

To be convenient to others is to be convenient to oneself, and he doesn't mind doing a small favor to others.

"Thank you!"

The uninvited guest saluted gratefully, and then sat down in a corner of the room in a well-mannered manner.

There are more than 20 people here, and the cultivation level of the Zifu is at the beginning level. The appearance is quite upright, and it is easy to make people feel good.

Wang Chen took a handful of meat skewers from the grill and sprinkled them with seasoning powder such as cumin and pepper.

The scent is absolutely perfect!
Wang Chen heard the sound of the man swallowing at the corner.

Wang Chen smiled slightly, pushed forward the meat skewer in his hand, and handed it directly to the other party.

"Thank you!"

The monk was a little surprised and moved. After receiving the meat skewers from Wang Chen, he saluted Wang Chen respectfully, and then began to skillfully roll the skewers.

Quite a bit of the temperament of a senior foodie.

Wang Chen quietly waited for the other party to finish eating the meat skewers in his hand, and then asked: "You monster clan, do you like raw food or blood food?"

The visitor froze immediately, put down the bamboo stick in his hand after a while, and said, "How did you see that?"
The second is sent.

PS: I recommend a friend's new book "Starting from Dragon City"

Suffering from a serious illness and waking up again, she returned to the darkest and most splendid Dragon City.

Everything starts here.

Under heresy, there are always some phenomena that cannot be explained by science.

(End of this chapter)

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