Chapter 740
"Young people today are really amazing!"

The old man who appeared in front of Wang Chen had a hunched body and looked weak, but his eyes were bright and energetic, without the slightest sign of aging and turbidity, as if he could penetrate the soul of a person.

Wang Chen's expression became serious: "Dare to ask senior's name?"

This old man gave him a very strange feeling.

Obviously the other party was standing dozens of steps away, but in Wang Chen's perception, his position was erratic, seemingly illusory and really elusive, and he couldn't lock it with his spiritual sense.

As for the realm of cultivation, there is no way to detect it.

Jindan, at least a high-level real person, does not even rule out the possibility of Nascent Soul!
Wang Chen secretly condensed mana to wrap the outer alchemy in the sea of ​​qi, and was ready to go all out.

If the opponent is hostile, then he can only explode the outer alchemy himself.

Maybe there is still a chance!
And such characters, Wang Chen has only met two or three since time travelling!

To be honest, he felt a little regretful in his heart. If he had known that such an existence would be provoked, he would not have killed him so impulsively just now.

The white-haired old man smiled and said, "You came to see me, don't you know my name?"

Wang Chen was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "So it's Senior Hu!"

The reason why Wang Chen came all the way to Changsheng Immortal City was because Hu Jiaojiao told him through letter talismans that he would find a senior fox clan named Hu Fei here, and then the latter would take him to Qingqiu.

Otherwise, even if Wang Chen was given a lifetime, he would never even think about getting even half a step closer to Qingqiu!

The trick is that Hu Jiaojiao didn't specify what kind of person this Hu Fei is in the letter.

As a result, he didn't know the real person face to face.

But this is nothing at all, the important thing is that the other party is not an enemy.

Wang Chen couldn't help but let out a long breath, and saluted respectfully: "Junior Wang Chen, I want to go to Qingqiu, and I would like to ask the senior for a favor, I am very grateful!"

Hu Fei stroked his long white beard, his eyes narrowed into slits: "You are so courageous, you killed people as soon as you entered the city, are you really Changsheng Wuyuanying?"

Wang Chen smiled wryly and said: "The junior also has no choice but to not want to be bullied by villains."

The previous Wang Chen really had nothing to be afraid of.

Before entering the city, he changed his appearance and borrowed the power of Wai Dan to pretend to be a real person to frighten the onlookers.

Thinking about turning around and starting over again with a different appearance, no one else would be able to see through.

It can only be said that it is fortunate that Hu Fei has no ill intentions towards him.

Wang Chen couldn't help asking: "Senior, how did you know that I came to see you?"

This is what Wang Chen is most puzzled about.

"Bring something."

With a flash of his figure, Hu Fei came to him in an instant, and stretched out his right hand.

Wang Chen was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately, and immediately took out a bead from his bosom and put it in the opponent's hand.

This off-white bead was condensed after the letter that Hu Jiaojiao left to Wang Chen spontaneously ignited.

Hu Jiaojiao asked him to take it with him to Changsheng Immortal City.

Hu Fei obviously sensed the existence of this bead, so he found Wang Chen!

"It seems that you understand."

Hu Fei put away the beads and looked at Wang Chen with strange eyes: "You are so powerful, you can actually make Jiaojiao speak for you, if she hadn't sent a letter begging me, I wouldn't have brought a human monk into the ancestral land. "

Wang Chen gave a dry laugh: "Senior, it's ridiculous."

Is the other party praising him?
No, it's the connotation of him!

But Wang Chen could only pretend not to understand.

"People's hearts are not old."

Hu Fei shook his head old-fashionedly, and then said, "Come here again in three days."

As soon as his words fell, a gust of wind rolled up the fallen leaves on the ground and sank into the depths of the woods whistling.

Hu Fei then disappeared without a trace.

At the same moment, Wang Chen's voice sounded again in his ear: "Boy, stop showing off your outer pill, the guy you killed has a history."

Wang Chen was startled.

It is undoubtedly unusual for this master of the fox tribe to give such a warning. Wang Chen really did not expect that a character like a local ruffian and bully would have such a background.

But he killed them all, and Wang Chen didn't regret it.

He even turned back to Changsheng Immortal City.

The most dangerous place is often the safest place. This sentence may be bullshit to others, but Wang Chen can not only ignore the divination of Tianjishu, but also has Qianjichang as a disguise, so he can really use this dark under the lamp reason.

After a short journey home, he changed into a set of robes, his height and appearance were quite different from before, and he suppressed his cultivation to the level of the elementary Zifu.

Then Wang Chen paid another entry fee and entered Changsheng Immortal City again.

The process went very smoothly.

No matter how old Biao had a background, his death would take some time to ferment.

Moreover, Wang Chen faintly felt that the matter was not as serious as what Hu Fei said, and that this master of the fox tribe was probably just beating him, telling him to stop using such opportunistic methods.

In short, Wang Chen, who entered Changsheng for the second time, did not encounter any troubles.

At night, Changsheng Fairy City is more lively than in the daytime. Thousands of obsidian lamps hanging under the corridor eaves radiate light, illuminating the long street in every detail.

Pedestrians rub shoulders and heels, noisy and noisy.

What's interesting is that there are many street stalls on both sides of the street that were not there during the day, selling all kinds of weird things, many of which Wang Chen has never seen before, and he doesn't know what they are for.

In addition, there are quite a few food stalls serving foods such as fried, grilled and boiled kebabs, and the business is quite booming.

Wang Chen bought a few skewers, and they tasted good.

The most important thing is the price of the food here, which is really much more conscientious than Qianxing Xiancheng.

"Kaifeng jade!"

At this moment, a loud yell suddenly sounded, attracting the attention of many people around: "The Gu Fengyu just poured out two days ago, the quantity is limited, hurry up if you want to try your luck!"

Ancient seal jade?
Wang Chen was in a trance when he heard the name.

When he was in Shanhaijie, he had played this kind of "opening blind box" game.

The tripod of life and fortune is made of Kaifeng jade!
Didn't expect Haotian Realm to have the same gameplay.

With a hint of nostalgia, Wang Chen came to the other party's booth.

At this time, dozens of monks had surrounded the Kaifeng jade stall, obviously they all wanted to try their luck.

To put it bluntly, Kaifeng Yu is gambling, nothing more than fairer, Gu Fengyu is not easy to manipulate.

But the probability of a bet going up is very low, and the dealer will always make money.

Everyone actually understands this, but greed is human nature, and unless everyone cuts off their passions, this kind of game will never disappear.

The owner of the stall selling ancient seal jade was a young monk. Seeing that the crowd was almost crowded, he said with a smile: "Everyone, look at it first, the quantity is limited, and the highest price gets it!"
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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