The ancient seal jade on this stall costs 30 yuan, and the surface is covered with a faint aura.

Due to the characteristics of Fengyu, it is said that even the True God of Transformation cannot directly see through its hidden items, so whether you can get good things basically depends on luck.

Kaifeng jade, that is the best way to distinguish European emperors and non-chiefs!
And the rules of this stall owner are a bit special. He asked all the monks who wanted to buy the ancient seal jade to write their own bids on the talisman paper and hand it over to him. After comparing the prices, they would sell it to the highest one.

That is, a hidden mark.

A total of 28 pieces of ancient seal jade, anyone can bid freely!

Wang Chen felt that this kind of bidding method was very interesting, so he also bought five talisman papers from the stall owner.

He observed all the ancient seal jades on the booth, and then placed his bid based on his feeling.

As for the quota, Wang Chen filled in a thousand spirit stones.

Wang Chen estimated that with his own bid, he might not be able to get even a piece of the jade seal.

But he didn't want to be taken advantage of either.

The fun of it.

"No. [-] Fengyu, the highest bid is [-] spirits!"

"Congratulations to this fellow Taoist!"

When the first bid was issued, the surrounding crowd burst into an uproar—the price was too high.

Kaifeng Yu loses nine out of ten bets, and the risk is very high.

If it is an open bid auction, there are many people who shout high prices in a moment of enthusiasm.

But now it is a hidden bid, and the monks participating in the competition are also very calm.

Everyone's eyes were all on the monk who won the first bid, but after paying the Lingshi and getting the seal jade, the other party disappeared into the crowd immediately.

Obviously there is no idea of ​​opening jade on the spot.

"No. [-] Fengyu, the highest bid is [-] spirits."

"No. [-] Sealed Jade..."

A piece of Fengyu was put out for bids, and the prices were basically in the range of two thousand, and no high price of more than three thousand was exposed.

Even so, Wang Chen, who all bid for a thousand spirit stones, could only watch the excitement.

The difference is a bit big.

"No. 27 Feng Yu, the highest bid... Well, a thousand spirit stones!"

Wang Chen was about to leave, but he didn't expect the penultimate piece of sealing jade to be bid, it was actually a thousand spirit stones.

And one of Wang Chen's five talisman papers was used to bid for No. 27!

Actually won the bid?
At this time, the stall owner had already said to him with a smile: "Congratulations to this fellow Taoist!"

The stall owner's memory is very good. He remembers who gave the symbols and the sequence of giving them clearly, and he has never made a mistake.

Wang Chen reacted: "Thank you."

He had no intention of going back on his word, and immediately paid a thousand spirit stones and got Feng Yu.

After buying it, Wang Chen understood the reason why no one bid more than him.

This piece of ancient seal jade is broken and cracked, it seems that it is not well preserved, the aura is dim and there is no appearance of precious energy.

For experienced "players", the gambleability of such Fengyu is too low.

In the end, it was picked up by Wang Chen.

The stall owner asked eagerly: "Fellow Daoist, are you going to open now, or go back and open again?"

The previous buyers all took it and left, and none of them cooperated with him in Kaifeng jade, which made them feel very unfulfilling.

It also prevented the onlookers from seeing the good show.

So even if Wang Chen's Feng Yu was not in good condition, he still hoped to have a good time.

It's just how could Wang Chen let him get what he wanted, and he just took it and left like everyone else, without the slightest nostalgia!
At this time, Wang Chen did not continue to stay on the street.

He found a good-looking inn nearby, and booked a room for three days.

After checking in, Wang Chen took out the ancient seal jade that he had marked just now.

He held the ancient seal jade in his hand and injected a trace of mana.

There was only a crisp sound of "click", the jade box was torn apart, and the contents inside were immediately presented to Wang Chen.

is a book.

This book is only one finger thick, but it is quite heavy in the hand. The cover and the paper inside are made of a material that looks like gold but not gold, and silk is not silk. It has a light golden luster and looks very tough. .

On the cover, there are three curved characters similar to oracle bone inscriptions, and the dense black characters on the inside pages are exactly the same, exuding a simple and wild atmosphere.

Wang Chen didn't know a single word!

He tried to infuse mana, but the book didn't respond at all, and it didn't look like a magic weapon.

Wang Chen checked it over and over carefully, but he didn't see anything unusual.

It is probably just an ancient book of unknown age!

A thousand spirit stones is a big loss.

You must know that even if this book records some magical skills and secret skills, it may be used as an introductory textbook now.

For example, the five elements practiced by Wang Chen was previously a secret of the great sect.

It seems that my recent luck is not very good!

Wang Chen shook his head, and put this ancient book into the Sumeru Ring, it should be used as a warehouse.

On the next morning, Wang Chen left the inn to go out for breakfast.

As a result, he saw a reward notice posted on the door panel at the entrance of the teahouse, and the portrait of the person painted on the notice was exactly what he looked like yesterday.

In other words, Wang Chen is wanted!
The content of this reward announcement is very simple. Anyone who finds a clue and reports it in time will be rewarded with five thousand spirit stones.

Those who capture or kill Wang Chen alive will be rewarded with [-] spirit stones!
Changsheng Immortal City is not as prosperous as Qianxing Immortal City. The prices here are relatively low, and there are many casual cultivators. Fifty thousand spirit stones are already a lot of money.

Therefore, there are many people watching the notice.

Wang Chen stopped and looked around for a while, then entered the teahouse calmly, ordered a pot of spirit tea and two plates of breakfast.

While eating, listen to other people talking and chatting.

This can get a lot of news.

Not surprisingly, everyone was discussing the bounty outside.

"I heard that this person killed Hei Laobiao?"

"That's right, kill with one hit!"

"So powerful? Could it be Jindan Daoist?"

"Nine out of ten times yes!"

"I heard from a fellow daoist who was there at the time that he was sure that Jin Dan was the one who killed Hei Laobiao."

"No wonder, but the reward price is too low!"

"Who said it wasn't? Who made Hei Laobiao's reputation so bad that even the reward for killing him didn't have a few spirit stones!"

These monks who were talking about it enthusiastically never dreamed that the target of their discussion was sitting next to themselves and others!
Wang Chen listened with gusto, but suddenly felt strange.


A message flashed across his vision.

Good guy!
Wang Chen understood that this was someone trying to find out his whereabouts with the help of celestial techniques.

But it was blocked by the Immortal Cultivation Panel.

With 10 points of heavenly skill, there is no doubt that it must be a real person!

The problem is that a mere local ruffian and bully, how can it be worth a Jindan real person to spend his life and blood to track him down?
Wang Chen was puzzled.

In fact, the reason why he was divined by a Jindan real person with the secret technique was not because of that black old biao.

It was the first person Wang Chen killed at that time.

That beggar-like half-child!
The second is sent.

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