Chapter 750 The Bell World ([-])

On the surface, Chen Ergou is unhurried and calm, but in fact his heart is about to grow wings and fly.

Tianlong King Kong's Fa-rectification!

The power of this martial art completely exceeded his expectations, and it also gave him great confidence!

Chen Ergou couldn't help clenching his fists.

What he wants to do most now is to tell his father that he has not only become a real warrior, but also obtained a great opportunity.

Chen Ergou even wanted Chen Qiaoshan to study "Dragon King Kong Rectification" together.

Maybe my father can use this to break through to the level of bone refining!
Full of joy, Chen Ergou swung his hoe like flying, and shoveled the weeds in the field.


After breaking through leather refining, his strength increased greatly, and his farming efficiency more than doubled than usual.

But it also comes at a price.

That is, the stomach is very hungry.

Because all the bacon in the family has been eaten, Chen Ergou is particularly looking forward to his father returning to the village as soon as possible.

Since all the wild beasts nearby have been hunted and hunted, the hunting team in the village usually takes two or three days to come back, and usually they can bring back some prey.

As a member of the hunting team, Chen Qiaoshan is also a warrior in the meat refining realm, so he can get a lot of animal meat.

Chen Ergou licked his lips, feeling his stomach rumbling.


At this moment, a middle-aged farmer hurried over and shouted at him: "Go home, something happened to your father!"

Chen Ergou's head seemed to explode with a "boom", and he almost fell to the ground with stars in his eyes.

He didn't care about the dropped hoe, and hurriedly ran towards his house.

Speed ​​has never been so fast!

Before he got home, Chen Ergou saw a group of people surrounding his door from a distance.

Among them are several hunters.


He yelled, and tears welled up from his eyes.

"The second dog is back."

"Oh, it's so pitiful. I didn't have a mother before, and now I don't have a father. How can life go on!"

"Yeah yeah."

The surrounding neighbors talked a lot, and they all looked at Chen Ergou who was flying towards him with pity and sympathy.

Chen Ergou rushed in front of a middle-aged man and stammered, "Yan, Uncle Yan, I, my father..."

This burly and strong man is the captain of the Xiaoshi Village hunting team. He sighed, reached out and touched Chen Ergou's head and said: "The hunting team encountered a third-order beast. Unfortunately, your father died. We Not even his body was recovered."

The middle-aged man was very guilty: "Gouzi, from now on, this family can only be supported by you alone."

Chen Ergou's head buzzed, but he didn't listen to a word that followed.

He only knows that his only support is gone, the person who loves him the most is gone!
And then, Chen Ergou was like a marionette, led by several elders in the village to complete the funeral.

Since Chen Qiaoshan's body was dragged away by the beast, the funeral was much simpler.

Even so, it took a day and a night.

After the end, Chen Ergou, who hadn't had a drop of water, was hungry and thirsty, and was extremely exhausted physically and mentally.

But at this time, all the neighbors left and right had dispersed, and the yard was empty, looking particularly desolate.

Chen Ergou barely cheered up and was about to close the courtyard door.


As a result, a group of people broke in suddenly, and the leading man called Chen Ergou by his nickname, and at the same time wiped his eyes hypocritically and said, "I am your fourth uncle, I just heard that brother Qiao Shan had an accident, we are late !"

As he spoke, he looked around, his eyes wandering to the yard and the house.

Showing the color of greed.

The eyes of the visitor finally settled on the table next to him, where a fat wild sheep was placed.

This desolate sheep is the "pension" left by the hunting team to Chen Ergou. After removing the internal organs, it weighs almost two hundred catties. Making bacon can make a family eat meat for half a year.

Chen Ergou's face suddenly sank.

He is not an ignorant child, he is 15 years old this year, and he has learned a lot about the world.

This guy who called himself "Fourth Uncle" was indeed related to him, but he had no contact with him at all.

And the other party's reputation is not very good.

To say that we only found out what happened to Chen Qiaoshan now is pure nonsense, because there are only a hundred households in Xiaoshi Village, and a small matter can be quickly spread from the village to the village, let alone such a big event.

The other party made it clear that they came to fight the autumn wind after the funeral was over and everyone else had left!
Chen Ergou immediately stepped forward to stand in front of this person, and said in a deep voice, "The funeral is over, you go back."

The fourth uncle's expression changed immediately: "You child, how did you talk to the elders?"

The people who came with him shouted, "It's not big or small, there are no rules!"

"Yeah, we came here eagerly to help, and didn't invite us to drink tea and eat, so let us go back, it's really rude!"

"A child is a child, and the family matters must be decided by the adults!"

"Fourth, you should do good deeds and adopt him."


These people were chattering all over the place, and they didn't ask Chen Ergou's opinion at all, and arranged the future affairs directly.

The fourth uncle pretended to refuse, and then said: "Forget it, we are all a family, so we should help."

With a shy face and a smirk, he stretched out his hand to touch Chen Ergou's head: "Gouzi, from now on, you will be with Fourth Uncle. As long as Fourth Uncle eats in one bite, you won't be hungry."

As he said that, he couldn't help but look at the fat wild sheep again.

The greed in the eyes has not been concealed!
Chen Ergou took a step back, avoiding the closeness of the other party, and said with a sneer: "I'm already 15 years old, I don't need to find a stepfather for myself, and you don't want to get my family's idea, it looks disgusting!"

The hypocrisy was torn off, and the fourth uncle suddenly became angry from embarrassment, and slapped Chen Ergou hard on the face.

As a result, before the slap could reach him, he was kicked hard in the abdomen and flew backward involuntarily.


A group of people behind turned their backs on their backs, screaming and screaming one after another.

"Get out of here!"

The grief in Chen Ergou's heart turned into a monstrous anger, and he rushed towards the group of scum with red eyes.

One punch at a time, several guys, including the fourth uncle, cried for their fathers and mothers, and ran out scrambling.

Chen Ergou used his last bit of strength to close the door.

His body shook, and he fell to the ground with black eyes.

The huge mental blow coupled with physical exhaustion, hunger and thirst exceeded the limit, and the 15-year-old boy finally couldn't hold on.

The moment he lay on the cold ground, he suddenly relaxed completely.

Maybe this kind of relief is a good thing for me!
Chen Ergou slowly closed his eyes, and the light of life in the depths of his eyes gradually dimmed.

Like a candle in the wind, it is about to go out!
I took my daughter to Fantawild to play today, and I came back very late, so I can only update one chapter, please forgive me.

Happy Friday to everyone again!

(End of this chapter)

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