Darkness, endless and endless darkness.

Suddenly, a light appeared in the deepest part of the darkness.

At the beginning, this light was weak and dim, unable to resist the invasion of the surrounding darkness.

However, not only was it not engulfed by darkness, but it became brighter and brighter as time went by.

A quaint stone tablet suddenly emerged from the light, shining brightly in all directions.

The next moment, Wang Chen opened his eyes!
"Cough, cough, cough!"

He coughed hard, almost coughing out his lungs in pain, panting heavily.

Sweat was on his forehead.

Wang Chen felt unprecedented weakness and exhaustion, but his consciousness and memory returned to his sea of ​​consciousness simultaneously.

The mind went from drowsy to lucid.

Wang Chen struggled to get up from the ground, glanced left and right, the surrounding scene was familiar yet unfamiliar.

He had already remembered that he was in Wenjieling's world!

Wang Chen never expected that entering a small world would be so dangerous and unpredictable.

He actually turned into an aboriginal boy named Chen Ergou, and lost all his cultivation and strength.

If it wasn't for the accidental awakening of part of the memory, regain the entry formula of "Tianlong King Kong Zhengfa", and use this to enter the warrior realm of this world.

I'm afraid he's already dead!

Wang Chen took a long breath and felt dizzy.

He subconsciously wanted to open the Sumeru Ring and take out the elixir from it.

The result was empty.

Wang Chen was stunned to find that there was no mana in his body, and all the magic weapons he possessed disappeared.

It is also stronger than ordinary people.

To make matters worse, there is no aura of heaven and earth in the surrounding space!
Wang Chen finally understood why the Qingqiu Fox Clan had owned the Wenjie Bell for such a long time and sent a large number of strong men to explore the world, but none of them were able to grasp the source of the world.

With such a bad start in hell, it's hard to break the game!
And if the memory has not been awakened, it is possible to die due to a disease or being attacked by a ferocious beast.

If you die here, you are really gone!
Wang Chen, who understood, felt very heavy.

He was lucky.

Compared to Hu Jiaojiao who first asked Jie Ling about the situation, Wang Chen knew nothing about it and was completely powerless.

A trace of anxiety arose in his heart.

But Wang Chen is not an ordinary person after all, he quickly forced himself to calm down.

Wang Chen's mission in Wenjieling World is to find Xuanhu Ling. According to Hu Jiaojiao's wife, he can only return to Haotian Realm if he finds Xuanhu Ling.

These are the last words left by the original owner of Xuanhu Ling.

But for Wang Chen, he has a more important task.

That is to find Hu Jiaojiao!

Wang Chen is very clear that these two tasks are very difficult, at least for the current self, it is impossible to complete them.

So he needs to get stronger.

The heart formula of Tianlong King Kong's Dharma rectification instantly appeared in Wang Chen's mind.

Without the aura of heaven and earth, naturally there is no way to practice the five elements and master various spells.

But this Buddhist body training method is obviously not restricted.

Refining skin, refining meat, refining bones, refining blood, refining marrow, acquired and innate!

From the memory of Chen Ergou, Wang Chen has a very clear and intuitive goal.

When he becomes the strongest in this world, the situation is naturally completely different.

Right now, Wang Chen's only hope is that Hu Jiaojiao can wake up early and persevere until he is found by him.

Dragging his tired and heavy body, he began to deal with the wild sheep on the table.

Because the time from coma to waking up is a bit long, plus the time it takes to get back from hunting, if it is not processed, the two hundred catties of precious meat may spoil.

For Wang Chen who is in urgent need of food to nourish his body, this is absolutely an intolerable mistake.

As a gift for the hunting team, this fat desolate sheep has been simply handled by the hunters, so Wang Chen only needs to dismember it with a short knife, and then take it to the kitchen to be smoked.

If it is simpler, you can also put salt on it and hang it to dry.

However, salt is precious, and no one in Xiaoshi Village would do this except for a few big households.

Cutting up the barren sheep is not a complicated task, but even so, it squeezed Wang Chen's physical strength so hard to recover that he almost failed to hang the meat on the smoker grill in the end.

A puff of choking green smoke rose from the kitchen.

Smoking takes a long time.

Wang Chen couldn't bear the hunger in his stomach, so he cut off small pieces of meat and put them in the pot to cook.

As soon as it is cooked, I can't wait to pick it up, dip it in some salt and swallow it.

Although there was no seasoning, the mutton was tender and fragrant, which brought great satisfaction to Wang Chen.

The broth in the pot was also drinkable, although the fishy smell was a bit stronger, but the original soup turned into the original food, allowing Wang Chen's physical strength and energy to recover quickly.

While cooking and eating, he killed almost [-] catties of mutton!
It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to eat so much food, even a tenth of it is barely enough. However, Wang Chen has already started to practice "Tianlong King Kong Zhengfa" and has become a warrior in the leather refining realm. The digestion and absorption ability of the stomach is far beyond ordinary people.

The rich nutrition contained in the thirty catties of mutton made Wang Chen's energy and blood vigorous, and his physique increased a little.

The effect is immediate!
While making up his body, Wang Chen was also thinking about a strategy to break the situation.

His identity in this world is just that of an unknown hunter's son, and the Xiaoshi Village where he lives is not very big, with only four to five hundred people.

Once out of the village, the world outside is shrouded in mist.

Although Wang Chen knew that there were other villages, and even connected with Xiaoshi Village.

But in his, or Chen Ergou's, memory, this village is like an isolated island surrounded by mist, and only brave hunters are qualified to hunt and explore.

As for more information, Chen Qiaoshan didn't tell him and knew almost nothing about it.

The lack of information is undoubtedly one of the biggest problems Wang Chen faces.

Only one step at a time.

Feeling that his physical condition has fully recovered, Wang Chen stopped wasting time and continued to practice "Tianlong King Kong Dharma".

The first three layers of "Tianlong King Kong Zhengfa" are: copper skin, jade bones, and golden body.

He is currently the first layer of copper-skin entry, but he is still far from the peak of Dacheng.

It's a pity that there is no medicated oil such as ghee, otherwise Wang Chen could practice faster.

After all, he had previously cultivated this technique to the seventh level.

However, Wang Chen discovered that the energy contained in the desolate mutton he ate could largely meet the consumption of "Tianlong King Kong Zhengfa".

This gave Wang Chen an idea.

Low-level desolate animal meat has this effect, but what about high-level ferocious animal meat?

Wang Chen licked his lips, feeling hungry again!——
PS: I have been being a good father for the past two days, and will resume normal updates tomorrow.

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