Chapter 758
In the early morning of the next day, Shi Laowu sent someone to deliver a can of bear oil to Wang Chen's home.

The jar is actually quite small, only half a foot square, but the bear oil inside is really good stuff.

This kind of bear oil is extracted from the second-order ferocious black bear, which has a very high effect on improving the physical fitness. Shi Laowu himself is usually reluctant to use it, because he is gritting his teeth and bleeding.

Interestingly, the person he sent to deliver the bear oil was a pretty girl with delicate features.

Shi Xiuxiu, the dream lover of all young people in Xiaoshi Village!
What kind of person is Wang Chen, how could he not understand Shi Laowu's intentions?
But he has no feelings for Shi Xiuxiu, and it is impossible to waste time and energy on women.

After taking the bear oil, I dismissed the matter.

In the days that followed, Wang Chen began his life of self-cultivation behind closed doors.

He has mastered the divine skill of "Tianlong King Kong Zhengfa", and is proficient in ordinary martial arts. He also has no lack of experience in melee combat, and his actual combat power exceeds his own realm.

The level of cultivation is too low, which is Wang Chen's biggest problem at present!
Therefore, he spends most of his time exercising his muscles and improving his physique.

The experience value of "Bone Refining, Yijin, Burning Blood Method" increases the fastest, and it only takes one day from beginner to master.

And it only takes three days to master it to Xiaocheng.

Ten days later, Wang Chen's cultivation in this technique broke through the realm of great accomplishment.

It was a matter of course for him to advance to the Bone Refining Realm.

Reached the level of muscles and bones!

Once the energy is concentrated, the joints of the whole body will emit a crisp sound, and then the potential in the body will be stimulated.

Power surge!

A warrior who has cultivated to such a level has the qualifications to establish a village.

But Wang Chen kept this matter a secret and did not tell Shi Laowu.

Unless one has extremely rich experience and keen perception ability, it is difficult to directly see the level of a warrior without hands-on.

At most, a simple judgment can be made from the momentum and breath, but there is also the possibility of being deceived.

Therefore, as long as Wang Chen doesn't expose himself, no one in Xiaoshi Village will clear his strength.

Day after day, Wang Chen silently continued to practice.

You must know that the Chibi City he is going to has an innate strong presence!

During this period, Wang Chen went out of the village twice.

Each time brought back a large number of prey.

With the improvement of his realm, his demand for beast meat rich in qi and blood has greatly increased. The wild boar meat he hunted before was eaten up in less than half a month, so he had to go hunting.

As for the hunting team in Xiaoshi Village, although Shi Laowu hoped that Wang Chen could join it, he still chose to go alone.

Because these hunters will only become a burden, with the possibility of exposing their secrets.

However, after breaking through the Bone Refining Realm, Wang Chen's cultivation speed suddenly slowed down, and then the demand for food reached a balance point, and did not continue to increase without limit.

Even so, one month after awakening his memory, Wang Chen practiced "Refining Bone, Yixing Tendon and Burning Blood" to the level of a master, breaking through the blood refining realm at the same time!
This technique has almost reached its peak.

"Are you going to Chibi City?"

When Shi Laowu saw Wang Chen who came to visit at his home, and he heard clearly the reason for his visit, he couldn't help but be astonished.


Wang Chen clenched his fist and exerted force, and there was a crackling sound like roasted beans in his body.

Two hundred and six rings!
Bone Refining Realm!
Shi Laowu was completely speechless.

When he was studying martial arts in Chibi City, he also met several geniuses.

But Shi Laowu had never seen or even heard of a genius like Wang Chen.

His cultivation progress is really too fast!
It was almost beyond the level of knowledge and experience of the village head.

After a while, Shi Laowu came back to his senses, nodded and said: "Okay, we will leave in three days."

Although Chibi City is the nearest city to Xiaoshi Village, it still has a long way to go and is full of dangers.

Therefore adequate preparation is required.

"Woo, woo~"

As soon as Shi Laowu finished speaking, a low and rapid sound of horns suddenly came from outside.

Full of anxiety and fear!

Enemy attack!

Shi Laowu's expression changed drastically, and he rushed out of the room with a stride.

Wang Chen followed closely behind.

He is also quite familiar with this kind of warning horn, which is usually only sounded when the village is invaded by fierce beasts.

In the past month, Wang Chen heard it once.

But that time was not considered dangerous, and the people in the hunting team took action to solve it.

However, this time the situation is completely different!

Although Wang Chen is a visitor from another world, he also has some feelings for Xiaoshicun. When the latter is facing a crisis, there is no reason to be afraid to escape.

The two rushed to the Weitian area at the east end of the village, one behind the other.

It was from here that the warning horn sounded.

I saw a few farmers running and running, seeing Shi Laowu immediately crying: "Village chief, the thief, the thief is here!"

Shi Laowu's heart sank suddenly.

If the attack was a ferocious beast, he would not be very afraid.

Because there are no high-level ferocious beasts in the surrounding area of ​​Xiaoshi Village, unless a terrible beast horde breaks out, the ferocious beasts that come to the village to cause trouble will eventually become delicious food in the pot.

He and the hunting team are enough to handle it.

But thieves are different.

From time to time, cities and villages will expel some people who violated the laws and leave them to fend for themselves in the wilderness.

Some people were forced to live in the wilderness for fear of sin or for other reasons.

Most of these people died soon and were devoured by the fierce beasts in the mist, and even their bones could not be found.

However, a small number of warriors survived in the wilderness, and formed a team to move around, harassing the villages scattered around the city.

Thieves are often extremely vicious, and killing village butchers is commonplace.

Xiaoshi Village is located in a remote place, and has been harassed by thieves before.

But that was a long time ago!

Shi Laowu didn't expect that there would be thieves attacking Xiaoshi Village today, and he had already seen a shadowy figure not far away.

And the sounds of yelling, cursing, laughing, calling for help, and more!

An arrow shot out like lightning, and shot straight at Shi Laowu's chest.

The village head reacted very quickly, and immediately dodged by taking a wrong step.

But his speed inevitably slowed down.

At this moment, a figure flew past Shi Laowu and rushed towards the bandit who was blocking him.

It was Wang Chen.

Three sharp arrows shot at him together.

Shi Laowu's countenance changed suddenly: "Be careful!"

Neither he nor Wang Chen was wearing body armor, and the bone refinement realm could not withstand the attack of arrows. Once they were hit at a vital point, it was normal to die on the spot.

As a result, as soon as Wang Chen raised his hand, the incoming arrow swung to the ground!

The thieves who witnessed this scene were all terrified.

Several archers hurriedly drew their bows and set their arrows, ready to give Wang Chen three more arrows to ensure full strength.

However, before their arrows could be shot, Wang Chen had already rushed to him!
The second is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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