Chapter 759
Within three steps, the fist is the fastest!
Wang Chen, who has stepped into the realm of blood refining, has an instant explosive power far exceeding that of ordinary warriors, and he can fly several feet away in an instant with one step.

The three bandit archers only shot a wave of arrows before they were approached by Wang Chen.

Both fists blasted together.

These thieves are all shocked!

But their reaction was not slow at all. Before they had time to shoot the second arrow, they immediately loosened the string, pulled out the simple knife hanging from their waists, and swiped at Wang Chen who was rushing towards him.

It's a pity that Wang Chen's fist is faster.

His left and right fists bombarded the chests of the two archers at the same time.

The latter's chest was instantly sunken, and he did not know how many ribs were broken, and he flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

The bodies of the two were bent, and blood mixed with internal organ fragments spewed out of their mouths, and they died before they landed!
They all have the cultivation base of the meat refinement level, and they are still wearing tough and thick leather armor, but under Wang Chen's Vajra Fist, they are as fragile as paper paste clay sculptures.

After a successful blow, Wang Chen's figure moved to the left like a ghost, barely avoiding the simple knife attack from the right.

The thief turned pale with fright, drew his knife and flew back immediately.

Realizing Wang Chen's horror, he immediately lost all fighting spirit and only wanted to protect himself.

However, Wang Chen suddenly stretched out his right foot, kicked up the simple knife that fell to the ground just now, and grabbed it in his hand.


With a loud shout, he threw the simple knife in his hand.

The knife turned into Changhong, and it flew over a distance of more than ten steps in an instant, and hit the No.3 thief on the back.


This guy just turned around, only to be pierced to the bone!
Wang Chenteng leaped forward, reached out his hand and pulled out the simple knife when he passed the corpse, rushed up the field ridge in the blink of an eye, and met a burly and sturdy thief!

This thief is not a simple character at first glance. Facing Wang Chen who killed three people in a row, not only did he not have the slightest fear, but his eyes as big as copper bells showed bloodthirsty cruelty.


The next moment, the burly thief swung his battle ax and slashed at Wang Chen's head.

This blow was powerful and heavy, and the blade of the ax pierced through the air and roared fiercely, even if he was wearing heavy armor, he couldn't resist it.

Seeing this scene, Shi Laowu, who was behind Wang Chen, immediately shouted: "Be careful, he is..."


Before Shi Laowu could finish his words, a huge head flew into the sky.

At the same time, an arm holding a tomahawk fell to the ground.

Wang Chen beheaded the thieves blocking the way with a single blow, and continued to kill the other two thieves.

The two thieves were grabbing a desperately struggling peasant woman. They didn't expect their companions to be slaughtered in an instant. When they realized that the situation was not good, it was too late to run away.


A thief wanted to take the peasant woman hostage in desperation, but he just shouted two words, and Wang Chen was already killed.

A bright knife light flashed across the throat of this celebrity thief in an instant.

The bright red blood sprayed out ten steps away, reflecting Yaosen's cold sword light, and slashed at another thief again.

The latter was frightened by the light of the knife, and he was as dumb as a wooden chicken, unable to move.

Blink and decapitate!

In just ten breaths before and after, Wang Chen killed six thieves in a row, and his fighting spirit and murderous aura climbed to the peak.

The blood in his body was boiling, as if it was about to burn!


This is the information that just flashed in Wang Chen's vision.

There are six in total!
[Name: Wang Chen (Chen Ergou)]

【Age: 15】

【Cultivation: Blood Refining】

[Cultivation method: Tianlong King Kong Zhengfa (second floor): 189/200]

[Skill: Bone refining, tendon burning and blood burning method (grandmaster): 12/500]

[Vigor and blood: 132]

New content has been added to the Immortal Cultivation panel.

And this sudden change made Wang Chen stop and didn't move on.

There were four or five rogues in front of him, all of them were scared out of their wits at this moment, screaming and fleeing in all directions.

These guys are actually a mob. If there is a powerful leader and commander, all of them will behave very cruelly.

But when the dragons have no leader, they don't have the courage to fight to the end, and they wish they could run faster with a few more legs.

When Wang Chen came back to his senses, he immediately started hunting down these thieves!

Regrettably, he failed to wipe out all the invading enemies, and let a few thieves escape into the misty mountains and forests.

However, he also gained 11 qi and blood.

"Two dogs!"

Shi Lao Wu came a step late, but he didn't catch anything.

But the village chief didn't care at all, he was numb all over.

Shi Laowu witnessed the whole process of Wang Chen slaughtering the thieves with his own eyes, and the shock in his heart could not be described in words.

He knew that Wang Chen was a genius in martial arts, but he never expected that Wang Chen would be so fierce and belligerent, not at all like a 15-year-old boy.

Especially the scene of Wang Chen beheading the gangster just now left an indelible memory in the heart of this bone refiner, and I am afraid he will never forget it in this life.

That gangster is of the same level as Shi Laowu, but a character with stronger combat power.

He didn't even block Wang Chen's blow!
At this moment, Wang Chen, in Shi Laowu's eyes, seemed to be the god of war descending from the earth, he was full of evil spirits and dared not look directly at him.

Wang Chen turned around and nodded at Shi Laowu: "I'm fine."

Shi Laowu was speechless.

After killing so many people, Wang Chen didn't even have a drop of blood on his body.

With this "evil god", all Shi Laowu can do is to deal with the aftermath.

Because the thieves came very suddenly and attacked the farmers who were plowing in the field first, two villagers who resisted fell under the butcher's knife.

Several people were also injured.

But this is already considered very lucky, if Wang Chen and Shi Laowu hadn't arrived in time, the loss would have been much greater.

"This thief is my enemy."

Shi Laowu said to Wang Chen with a gloomy face, "I didn't expect him to bring people here."

The corpses of the thieves killed by Wang Chen were all gathered together, their weapons and leather armor were stripped off, and the headless corpse of that thug looked extremely shocking.

The head of Xiaoshi Village said sincerely: "Ergou, this time is really thanks to you!"

As the greatest hero in resisting the thieves, Shi Laowu handed over all the trophies to Wang Chen to choose.

But these thieves didn't have many good things on them. Wang Chen only picked out a good-quality simple knife, a set of bows and arrows, and a hundred or so bone coins.

The bone coin is about the size of a copper coin, polished to a smooth jade luster, with blood lines looming on the surface.

According to what Shi Laowu said, these bone coins were ground from the skulls of third-tier beasts and circulated in the city.

Although all of them are low-grade, if they are used in Chibi City, it is no problem to maintain basic food and clothing for a year or two.

It is quite valuable.

Wang Chen is not very interested in bone coins, and he is not worried about the problem of food and clothing when he went to Chibi City.

What really caught Wang Chen's attention right now was the "Qi and Blood Value" that suddenly appeared on the Immortal Cultivation Panel.

(End of this chapter)

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