Chapter 760 Leave
After coming to Wushan Realm, which is the world of Lingzhong, not only did Wang Chen lose all his cultivation, but even the heaven-defying plug-in of the Immortal Cultivation Panel was sealed, changing from the original luxurious high-end version to the shrunken beggar version.

Although skill experience points can still be earned, the most important system of Heavenly Skills and Human Virtue is gone.

As a result, there is now an extra blood value.

And this blood point is undoubtedly obtained by killing people, more precisely, beheading warriors.

After returning home, Wang Chen judged through analysis and comparison that the number of points should be directly proportional to the realm of the victim.

The first-level skin refiner has 1 point of vitality, and the second-level flesh refiner has 10 points.

Among the group of thieves he beheaded was a Tier [-] Bone Refining Realm, so he got the only [-] points of Qi and Blood.

This is very straightforward.

The question is, what is the use of this qi and blood value?
Wang Chen tried to add a little bit to his kung fu, but nothing happened.

But when his attention fell on the skill bar, he immediately saw a "+" sign appear silently behind him.

now it's right!

【Qi and blood-1】

[Skill: Bone refining, tendon burning and blood burning method (grandmaster): 13/500]

[Vigor and blood: 131]

Wang Chen quickly figured out the exchange ratio between qi and blood and experience points - 1:1.

In other words, 1 point of qi and blood can add 1 point of skill experience.

It doesn't matter how much you add.

Such a result made Wang Chen a little disappointed. You must know that the previous Heavenly Skills and Human Virtue could add attributes and skills, and the experience value of skills was the lowest cost-effective.

But something is better than nothing.

Wang Chen thought for a while, and spent all his blood points on the only skill he had mastered.

[Skill: Bone refining, tendon burning and blood burning method (grandmaster): 144/500]

It can be regarded as saving a lot of time and the consumption required for cultivation.

Speaking of skills, there is another thing that makes Wang Chen a little depressed.

Without the aura of heaven and earth, it is impossible to practice spells, but the Vajra Fist, Heavenly Dragon Vajra Palm, and martial arts learned from ordinary people, no matter how many times they practice, cannot be displayed in the skill bar.

Fortunately, the "Tianlong King Kong Zhengfa", which is the main practice method, does not have the same treatment, otherwise Wang Chen's cultivation base would never have progressed so quickly, and he broke through the fourth-order blood-refining realm in just one month.

According to Shi Laowu, the blood-refining level can be ranked among the mainstream warriors in Chibi City.

Originally, according to the plan, the village chief would take Wang Chen to Chibi three days later.

The sudden appearance of the thief immediately disrupted the plan.

Because Shi Laowu couldn't guarantee that the escaped bandit would not bring someone back for revenge, out of safety considerations, as the only bone refiner in Xiaoshi Village, he had to stay behind for a while.

In order not to delay Wang Chen's future, Shi Laowu decided to let his brothers from the same family go with Wang Chen.

Three days later, it was time to go.

Shi Laowu's family brother is named Shi Yan, and the name sounds very tough, but in fact this is a rare shrewd person in Xiaoshi Village. He has been to many cities as a traveling merchant, and he is well-informed.

In Wushan Realm, there are also businessmen who travel from north to south.

But a traveling merchant does not need to risk great danger across the fog-shrouded wilderness.

They walk the way of the patriarchs.

And the so-called Holy Ancestor's Way is densely covered underground passages in the Wushan Realm!

A long time ago, the Wushan Realm was a world full of ferocious beasts, and the living environment of the human race was extremely harsh, almost on the verge of genocide.

But at the most critical time, a strong man stood up and led the human race against the beast.

In order to survive, this strong man organized people to dig tunnels underground day and night, on the one hand to resist the attacks of fierce beasts, and on the other hand to connect people living in different areas together.

Let's watch and help each other to fight against the beast!
Later, this strong man was revered as the "Holy Ancestor", and the tunnel excavated by him was called "Holy Ancestor Walking the Way".

For thousands of years, Shengzu Xingdao has gone through countless expansions and expansions, connecting thousands of villages and cities, allowing people to communicate and trade with each other, and firmly occupying a place in the Wushan world.

The Holy Ancestor Walking Path is also the only way for Xiaoshi Village to go to Chibi City!

The entrance to the sidewalk is at the village chief's house.

When Wang Chen left, two to three hundred people from the 400-odd people of Xiaoshi Village came.

Send him off!

It wasn't just because Wang Chen killed the bandits who attacked the village. In the past three days, he went out into the wilderness several times and brought back thousands of catties of prey.

All Tier [-] ferocious beasts!

This is Wang Chen's last gift to Xiaoshi Village, and it can be regarded as the end of his karma with this village.

The quality of the meat of these beasts is very good. If used properly, it can greatly enhance the strength of Xiaoshicun, because the beasts have the most vitality and blood, which is a tonic for warriors.

Everyone was extremely grateful for Wang Chen's generosity, and when they learned that he was going to Chibi City, they all came to see him off.

After bidding farewell to Shi Laowu and others, Wang Chen followed Shi Yan into the tunnel leading to the Holy Ancestor's Way.

With a torch, I walked a long way in the tunnel where I couldn't see my fingers. The front suddenly became clear, and even the surrounding space became brighter.

A passage similar to a mine tunnel suddenly appeared in front of Wang Chen.

"This is the holy ancestor walking the way!"

Shi Yan, who led the way, dropped the burning torch in his hand and sighed, "I haven't been here for three years."

The reason why Shi Yan, who was originally a traveling merchant, stopped doing business was because he was attacked by thieves three years ago, not only lost all his goods, but almost lost his life.

It took a long time to recuperate in Xiaoshi Village before slowly recovering.

If it wasn't for Shi Laowu's assignment this time, he wouldn't even want to enter the Holy Patriarch's way again!
It is not absolutely safe for Shengzu to walk on the road. In fact, the underground is also full of various dangers.

Such as wandering thieves, land beasts, dark floods, landslides...

No one can tell clearly how big and long the current Holy Ancestral Path is, and how many fork branches are connected.

For thousands of years, the human race has continuously excavated and expanded, coupled with the existence of underground caves and dark rivers, it has created an incomparably magnificent underground labyrinth. People who are not familiar with the situation will 100% lose their way.

Although the Holy Ancestor walks in a deep underground, it is not completely dark.

The light source comes from the mushrooms, large and small, growing on the cave wall.

The caps of these mushrooms are speckled with white and have a faint glow.

The light of a single mushroom is insignificant, but thousands of them spread out, and the condensed light is enough to illuminate the long path of the holy ancestors, so that people will not walk in the dark.

Shi Yan noticed that Wang Chen was observing these mushrooms, and said with a smile, "This is Ming mushroom. It grows everywhere underground, but it's a pity that it's poisonous and cannot be eaten."

Wang Chen nodded.

"Let's go."

Shi Yan continued: "We still have a long way to go!"
The first one is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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