Chapter 775 Yao Lao

Wang Chen's shock at this moment cannot be described in words.

Although he knew that many monks and demon clans from the Haotian Realm had entered the Wushan Realm, but according to the Qingqiu Fox Clan, these pioneers were basically killed in it, and the only one who survived did not last long.

As a result, a suspected survivor appeared in front of him!
Could it be a disciple or descendant of a certain great monk?
But how could the other party guess his origin!
Also, was it just a coincidence that the two met?
Thousands of thoughts flashed through Wang Chen's mind, and he froze for a moment.

"Thousand Star Immortal City..."

I saw the old man in common clothes showing nostalgia: "I went there once many years ago, is Huamanlou still there?"


Wang Chen was speechless.

Huamanlou is one of the most famous venues in Qianxing Immortal City. It is said that the Ji girls there are all charming and possess special skills, belonging to the top-level ecstasy cave.

Wang Chen has never been to Huamanlou, but he has heard of it.

The problem is that this senior monk who doesn't know how old asked about Huamanlou's situation as soon as he opened his mouth, which made Wang Chen really dumbfounded, and he didn't know how to answer.

"Is it gone?"

The old man in civilian clothes was very disappointed: "It's a pity."


Wang Chen quickly asked: "Senior, how long have you been in this world?"

The old man pinched his fingers and thought for a while, then replied: "It's almost 3000 years."

3000 years!
Wang Chen was almost choked to death by his own saliva - how is this possible! ?
Although the Wushan Realm is not a completely psychic place, it is not much different from ordinary people. Coupled with the restrictions of the world's rules, even if the Nascent Soul Realm cannot survive for a long time, let alone live for 3000 years!
You must know that the monks in this world, the supernatural and Taoist powerhouses, only have a lifespan of two to three hundred years.

"You don't believe it, do you?"

The old man in plain clothes sighed: "I was tricked into falling into this world. I would have perished a long time ago, but I happened to be carrying a reincarnation treasure with me at that time."

"Counting up to this life, it's already No. 12 reincarnations!"

Wang Chen was surprised: "So powerful?"

The old man in civilian clothes smiled wryly: "What's so amazing."

This treasure of his can only be used once in Haotian Realm, that is to say, let him reincarnate once.

However, in the Wushan Realm, the commoner man has reincarnated for a full twelve lives!
Being able to live for such a long time sounds like he has made a lot of money, but in fact, this reincarnation is more like imprisonment with no hope for him.

For more than 2000 years, the old man in civilian clothes tried every means to return to the Haotian Realm, and also tried hard to find the source of the world in the Wushan Realm, but all ended in failure.

"Over the years, I have been looking for like-minded people."

The old man in civilian clothes said: "I will spread out all the magic weapons I brought, hoping that newcomers will come down and get them."

The core of these magic weapons is imprinted with a bit of the commoner man's spiritual consciousness. Once it is activated, he can sense it even thousands of miles away, and then follow it.

Regrettably, over 2000 years have passed, none of the magic weapons he intentionally diffused has been activated.

until the last few days.

"The Promise Mirror is yours!"

Wang Chen's heart was clear, and many questions were answered in an instant.

The old man in common clothes smiled slightly: "That's right, in fact the real patriarch of the Promise Sect is me."

He sensed that the Promise Mirror was activated by someone, and immediately rushed all the way to Chibi City, and sneaked into Wang Chen's residence.

Then he found Wang Chen through the Promise Realm!
In fact, Wang Chen's ability to locate through the Infinity Realm is precisely the method set up by the old man in advance!

Wang Chen, who fully understood it, secretly called it a fluke. Fortunately, the other party didn't have any malicious intentions, otherwise he wouldn't know how he died!
He asked respectfully: "Dare to ask senior's name?"

"Frustrated people, don't mention their names."

The old man in civilian clothes waved his hand and said, "Just call me Yao Lao."

Wang Chen saluted: "Junior Wang Chen, I have met Yao Lao!"

The other party is the Nascent Soul True Immortal, and has stayed in the Wushan Realm for nearly 3000 years, so he deserves any gift from him!
"No need to be polite."

Yao Lao obviously didn't care about the difference in status between the two parties, and he even called them casually: "I'm also a fallen person in the fairy world, and I want to ask you for help!"


"How did you get down?" he asked.

Of course Wang Chen didn't hide anything, and told the Nascent Soul True Immortal about his experience in detail.

Yao Lao was stunned after hearing this: "You mean that Jieling has always been in the hands of the Qingqiu Fox Clan?"

Wang Chen nodded: "As far as I know, yes."

"I see!"

Yao Lao came to a sudden: "No wonder none of my magic weapons have been activated for so many years."

When he was plotted to fall into the Wushan Realm, the Wenjie Bell was not in the hands of the Fox Clan, and after the Fox Clan obtained this treasure, it was impossible for the Clan monks to go in and explore it.

And even if the Yaozu got the magic weapon he scattered, there was no way to activate it.

This caused Yao Lao's plan to fail completely.

Until the variable Wang Chen appeared!
The former Nascent Soul Immortal looked at Wang Chen with extremely complicated eyes: "Time is also fate, the Dao is fifty, the sky is fourty-nine, people are one of them, and fate dictates it!"

He clapped his hands and fell to the ground, a relieved smile on his wrinkled old face.


Amidst the loud laughter, Yao Lao's beard and hair changed from snow white to jet black, and the skin on his face became smooth and delicate. In an instant, he looked dozens of years younger, and his whole body was full of vigor and vitality.

However, returning to youth is only a flash in the pan, and the next moment this Nascent Soul Immortal will grow old and rotten.

He stared at Wang Chen, and uttered the truth: "Three thousand years of big dreams, today's reincarnation!"

As soon as the words fell, Yao Lao's whole body turned into dots of light, floating in the air soundlessly.

Under Wang Chen's gaze, these white spots quickly condensed into a pearl the size of a longan, which fell lightly into his hands.

Wang Chen felt as if he had just had a dream, very unreal.

While he was in a daze, a voice suddenly sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Boy Wang, bring this reincarnation pearl back to Haotian Realm, I'm giving you a cave!"

Wang Chen immediately understood that Yao Lao sat down on the spot, entrusting a little of his true spirit to the Samsara Orb, and pinning his hope of returning to the Haotian Realm on himself.

And this Nascent Soul Immortal is so impatient, I am afraid that the situation he is facing has reached the point of no delay.

Wang Chen guessed right.

After twelve lifetimes of reincarnation, Yao Lao's reincarnation bead has exhausted its strength, and it is impossible to help him continue to reincarnate.

If this Nascent Soul True Immortal didn't take advantage of the time when he still had mana to entrust his true spirit, he might be completely lost in a while, and there would be no possibility of a comeback.

Wang Chen is his last hope!

(End of this chapter)

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