Chapter 776

The dense bushes shook violently, and a clouded leopard suddenly jumped out.

This clouded leopard is nearly two feet long, with strong limbs and a slender figure. The hair on its whole body is densely covered with gray-black spots similar to cloud patterns. It can perfectly hide itself in the misty mountain forest.

This sixth-order ferocious beast is also a top assassin and killer, but almost none of the targets it locks can escape.

In the deep mountains and dense forests, if a martial artist below his innate ability encountered a clouded leopard, he would be considered lucky if he could save his life.

Today, however, this powerful predator is like a frightened little rabbit, fleeing in panic and desperately.

There was also a dangling feathered arrow stuck in its buttocks, and the bright red blood continuously sprayed out from the part of the arrow.

Sprayed on the green grass and green vines, it looks particularly shocking.

The next moment, a sharp arrow pierced through the air and instantly caught up with the clouded leopard a hundred steps away, hitting its right hind leg!

The sharp triangular arrow was not blocked by the tough leopard skin, and suddenly pierced through it, and the inner power ruthlessly tore open the flesh and blood of this sixth-order ferocious beast.


The clouded leopard screamed involuntarily in pain, and suddenly lost its balance and fell to the ground.

It rolled several times before getting up again, struggling to turn around to face the enemy like maggots attached to bones, the eyes of a pair of scarlet leopards were full of pain and despair.

This sixth-order ferocious beast knew very well that it couldn't run away.

The dignity of the top predator made it give up the idea of ​​continuing to escape, and was ready to fight to the death with the opponent!
Only three breaths later, Wang Chen, holding a longbow, swept out of the woods.

Looking at the clouded leopard waiting in full force, he smiled and said, "Why don't you run away?"

The clouded leopard stared at Wang Chen, and let out an angry growl from its throat. It bent down and assumed an attacking posture.

As a sixth-order ferocious beast, it has considerable wisdom. Although it can't understand human speech, it can also see Wang Chen's contempt.

The clouded leopard's right hind leg twitched involuntarily, and the severe pain made it almost lose its mind. All it could think about was to bite Wang Chen's throat, and then tear this hateful enemy to pieces.

It thought so, and immediately put it into action.

This sixth-order ferocious beast jumped up suddenly, approached Wang Chen in an instant, and then swung its leopard claws towards the latter's throat!

The clouded leopard is endowed with speed and agility. Its running speed in the mountains and forests is almost unmatched by several fierce beasts, and it is usually sneaky and sneaky.

When forced to do so, the clouded leopard's frontal assault ability is also very powerful.

Its limbs are extremely advantageous, the leopard claws stretch out and bend like hooks, which can tear apart a thousand-wrought iron armor three fingers thick, and even the innately strong dare not take a bite of it easily.

The moire leopard was cornered, and the power it erupted in its desperate counterattack was undoubtedly terrifying!

But its assault speed was inevitably slowed down due to the injury to its hind legs.

And this effect is undoubtedly fatal!
The leopard paw waved empty.

At the critical moment, Wang Chen teleported three steps like a ghost, narrowly avoiding the cloud leopard's counterattack.

At the same time, he threw away the longbow held in his left hand, drew out the saber hanging from his waist with his right hand, and slashed towards the clouded leopard's neck!

This knife is simple and unpretentious, but it has condensed [-]% of Wang Chen's strength, and the condensed true energy of the dantian is poured into the blade, revealing its sharpness silently.

The clouded leopard brushed past him.

When it fell to the ground, the leopard's head and body suddenly separated, and hot blood gushed out from the cut.

The strong smell of blood immediately diffused.

Wang Chen took a long breath, looked at the long knife in his hand and shook his head.

There was a gap the size of a fingernail on the blade of this weapon, and the body of the blade was covered with cracks, obviously it was about to be scrapped.

It has been a month since Wang Chen went hunting in Beishan.

In the past month, he has been hunting every three days, searching for high-level ferocious beasts that live in the deep mountains.

After beheading, take it back to the temporary residence, peel the skin, cramp the tendons, separate the flesh and knock out the marrow, and eat its essence to strengthen your body and inner energy!
The more beasts Wang Chen killed, the higher his cultivation level would be.

Up to now, even the sixth-level clouded leopard can't stop Wang Chen's strike, and has also been reduced to food.

It's just that his weapon can't withstand frequent high-intensity use, and it has fulfilled its mission.

Wang Chen carried the clouded leopard, which weighed more than a thousand catties, back to a cave fifty miles away.

This small cave is his ninth temporary residence.

High-level ferocious beasts all have their own territories, ranging in size from tens of miles to hundreds of miles. Under normal circumstances, they will not break into the territory of other ferocious beasts, lest a life-and-death war break out.

But Wang Chen didn't need to abide by such rules. After he hunted down a high-level beast, he immediately shifted his position.

Search for new prey.

In the cave, Wang Chen peeled off the clouded leopard's skin.

The fur of this sixth-order ferocious beast is very valuable, and it can be sold for a sky-high price in Chibi City. Since Wang Chen only shot its hindquarters and hind legs, removing the head can also peel off a good leopard Skin.

So there is no waste.

The next step is of course deboning.

Originally, Wang Chen didn't have much experience in this area, but now he is a skilled veteran.

The leopard meat, full of vigor and blood, was strung together with dry vine branches and placed on a blazing bonfire.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chen stripped and extracted a complete spine.

This spine is the essence of the clouded leopard. The blood marrow contained in it has extremely strong medicinal effects. It can not only replenish qi and blood, but also be refined into martial arts true qi.

Wang Chen clearly sensed the existence of the aura of heaven and earth.

Just within the spine of this leopard!
The essence of high-level ferocious beasts all contain the aura of heaven and earth, and it is nothing more than a matter of weight.

After the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth was extracted by him with a secret method, it was all injected into the Samsara Orb.

Because only in this way can the true spirit of Lao Yao in Zhuzhong be kept alive, and he can take on the important task of being a grandfather with him!

In the past month, Mr. Yao has been of great help to Wang Chen.

This Nascent Soul Immortal has reincarnated twelve times in this world. After nearly 3000 years, his experience and experience in all aspects have been extremely rich. He always answers Wang Chen's questions. It can be called the ChatGPT of the immortal version!

Relying on Yao Lao's guidance, Wang Chen was able to hunt high-level beasts continuously.

At the same time, he made rapid progress in his acquired cultivation base!

After "feeding" the reincarnation beads, Wang Chen began to enjoy today's big meal.

Pieces of roasted leopard meat were swallowed into his stomach, and the blood marrow in the spine was sucked clean by him. The Promise Mysterious Kung Fu circulated in the body by itself, condensing out an incomparably pure true energy.

Until it fills up his entire dantian!

At this moment, Wang Chen already felt the opportunity to break through.

The day after tomorrow Jin Xiantian's opportunity has arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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